Wow, it's been a long time since one of these have come up, eh? Well my computer crapped out last month and as the result I haven't been able to contribute much to the community. During this downtime I did go to locals though and I topped each time with Chaos Dragon, Heroes and Tour Guide Hieratics so I was anxious to keep my streak going.
That being said sit back and read my report on how I did with traditional Hieratics;
Pre Tournament; I arrive at the shop and quickly purchase some sleeves for my in the works Gadget deck and some Pokemon cards (pulled holo Empoleon from Dark Explorers) while noticing new Cardfight!! Vanguard packs were in. A pity I can only spend so much on cards. I would come back one more time to pick up my copy of the Zexal manga as well. After this I do some test duels with Offering Gadgets using proxies from Return of the Duelist. Save for the one game where Sabers opened up Boggart Knight -> Fullhelm -> 2x Faultroll and sacked my hand I was able to apply alot of control. Geargiganto X is amazing and I see it getting the rarity bump. I also trade for a Krebons, Supervise, secret D Fissure, Last Turn and 2 Eclipse Wyverns before starting the tournament.
Round 1 - vs Twilight (2-1)
Game 1: I OTK him on turn 2. I don't think he knew what hit him.
Game 2: Misplays cost me the game here as I sprang Macro Cosmos too early and it got picked off by Lyla and he proceeded to do Celestia plays and drop JD, DAD and BLS.
Game 3: I make another misplay and he's able to make a field of DAD, JD, Lumina and Wulf to my near none life points. Then I drop Atum and spam Nebthet to pick off his boss monsters, make 2 Gaia Dragons, 1 Strike Bounzer and a REDMD at full stats for the OTK.
Round 2 - vs Gravekeepers (2-0)
Game 1: He plays Necrovally, sets a Spy and backrow then passes. I MST the valley and go off dropping Atum, Zenmaioh and Bounzer for game.
Game 2: I open with no Esets or Tefnuits for many turns and I lose against a gigantic Gravekeeper's Visionary.
Game 3: End Phase Royal Decree completely shut off his backrow which allowed me to go apeshit.
Round 3 - vs Six Samurai (2-0)
Game 1: He makes the the fast Shi En with the crappy field spell and a backrow to my hand of Eset, Nebthet, MST and I think REDMD. I smoke him pretty good.
Game 2: I Maxx "C" him and he continues with his plays. I rack up so much card advantage that I blow him out of the water.
Round 4 - vs Ninjas (2-0)
Game 1: This was clearly his first time seeing Hieratics in action and in this game he opens Blade Armor Ninja and sets off my Gorz. I'm able to sit behind it while making Strike Bounzer and I sit on them with Veiler in hand. Nebthet picks off his Utopia and that's pretty much it.
Game 2: He opens with Swords of Revealing Light and Dimensional Fissure which I lol at. These Dragons aren't screwed over by Macro! I swiftly and brutally OTK him Fissure be damned.
Top 4 - vs Inzektors (2-0)
Game 1: He opens Armageddon Knight and passes. I OTK him from there.
Game 2: He opens with a Dragonfly, Mantis and sword to my Dark Hole and Macro Cosmos. I eventually go off ending with a field of Bounzer and Tiras as I was fearing the Dark Hole flush. He had the Dark Hole flush. I get a little salty but I'm able to keep control of the game state but ugh.
Finals - vs Chaos Dragons (1-2)
Game 1: I've said it before; this matchup can go either way depending on the hand. I open with 2 Vanillas and 2 REDMD which is by far the worst hand I've had all day. Eventually I made a large push and got hit by the Dark Hole he opened with and he proceeds to drop BLS and has 2 Veilers to keep me out of the game.
Game 2: Forced to play the waiting game as I try to draw into a Tefnuit. He gets Future Fusion off though and I have the Reborn needed to swipe his REDMD. I eventually go off and get Koa'ki Meiru Drago onto the field and protect it to win, despite his Maxx "C"
Game 3: He opens with Thunder King to my hand of Convocations and I'm forced to Dark Hole it and I hit an Eclipse Wyvern as well. He drops another and I Soul Taker it. I go off making a field of 2 Gaia Dragons, REDMD and KKMD and I'm in position to win on the next turn. Solar Recharge + Dark Hole and it's over just like that. I topdeck My Body as a Shield after and he drops BLS. I'm very salty.
-Hieratics despite not having Gustaph can do some real damage. The speed in which I can drop monsters and OTK is insane
-Cardcar D. Yes its expensive and a Veiler target but its GOOD. You get to where you want to be 2 turns faster which is the point and so what if he gets Veiler'd? That is one less answer your opponent has to Atum.
-Nebthet is alot better in pure builds that I thought. I almost want to run Curse of Dragon to use alongside it. Having that out to Ryko, BLS and so on while getting a vanilla onto the field is good. It just sucks balls to have it without Eset or Tefnuit.
-Dark Hole
-Inability to show restraint. I find it very easy to just try and do Atum plays regardless of the situation when I shouldn't.
-2x Prohibition. Fearing Dark Hole? Now you won't have to. Also can be used to shut off Veiler and Gorz during your OTK pushes.
And that's pretty much it. I got 2nd place due to Dark Hole but I pulled Super Rare Masked Dragon, which got rid of the salt. Until next time!