Okay so it's been a while since I last posted something on here. My bad. I kinda forgot my password and therefore never logged in to post up anything this format. Thankfully anyone who follows this blog is subscribed to my Youtube Channel so you guys haven't missed out on too much. I will recap however;
-In September I won 1st Place at the first ever Regionals to be held in Saskatchewan and I did so with Dragunity.
-I got another first place at Locals with Dragunity
-I finished in the top 4 or won almost every Locals since. Decks used were Chaos Dragon, Dark World and Frog Monarch.
Thus we're all now recapped. Onto the actual post in which I got first place with Macro Rabbit. Anyone watching my channel knows I'm very fond of this deck at the moment and honestly if I had been able to go to YCS Seattle it would have been my deck of choice at the event. My other choice was Junk Doppel but I felt I didn't have enough experience with the deck to get the most out of the hands drawn, so I let megamonkey666 run it since he needed a deck for the tournament. He got Top 8 with it and dropped Quasar a few times and from what I saw it performed decent. Onto the actual report;
Round 1 - vs Noble Rabbit (0-2)
Game 1 - He wins the dieroll and opens strong compared to my slow start. He quickly makes Heroic Champion Gandiva which kills this deck unless I can clear it (which I don't because god forbid I draw Prison/Force/Evac Device) so I try to wall up on Reaper who gets Mind Control'd and I lose shortly after.
Game 2 - You know what I hate? Heavy Storm on the first turn. I summon a Sabersaurus with Safe Zone and Solemn Warning but NOPE, WE CAN'T HAVE THAT. He then proceeds to Bottomless/Torrential/Warning/Solemn all of my plays while I use my backrow to ward him off. Ultimately I don't get to do much thanks to that fucking Heavy Storm. That literally won him the match. Oh and he has the Forbidden Lance to counter my Forbidden Lance. Must be nice to draw EVERYTHING on a frequent basis. Same thing happened to megamonkey when he dueled the guy. Got shut down by his outs and Sack Luster Soldier.
Fucking limited cards that should be banned (well not Heavy).
Round 2 - Bye
I was given the bye for some odd reason, so I looked at some decks and watched megamonkey face the Noble Rabbit deck. Then the two had a one of duel between Fabled and Quickdraw to see who could Quasar first. That one I recorded.
Round 3 - vs ReRe (2-0)
The Match - Why do I open amazing backrow against scrubs? Terrible player that deserves to be mocked while I play Dark World; Card Destruction + 4 Dark World Monsters. Legitimately good opponent while I'm using Dark World; DEALINGS DEALINGS DRAGGED DOWN DRAGGED DOWN CARD DESTRUCTION.
Yeah he saw my Regional Deckbox and it kinda intimidated him. Then I proceeded to Rabbit/Tour Guide him. Also talked hockey and baseball a bit with the guys next to us. I'm having GREAT difficulty accepting that the Toronto Blue Jays are going to be a legit team this year.
Top 8 - vs Magnus, Monster Mash Agents (2-1)
Game 1; Going up against the best player in the city? Well then I'd better open poorly as usual!
Actually I don't. I lose the dieroll (as usual) but he leaves a Shine Ball on the field which the Jurrac Guaiba in my hand is like OM NOM NOM and I make Laggia + backrow with one of them being a Macro Cosmos that I sit to his Tragoedia + 4 cards in hand. I eventually make Papiloperative to clear it and win.
Game 2; Similar start with Laggia, Macro and teched Safe Zone that I sit on for a while but ultimate lose out when he forces a negate and Heavy Storms my ass over a couple of turns. Then Sack Luster Soldier appeared and it was over. These first two games were 30 minutes, btw.
Game 3; Time was called and I managed to get 1700 damage in to his 1400.
Top 4 - vs Noble Rabbit (2-0)
Game 1; Once again he opens absurdly well with Mind Control, Bottomless and clutch Typhoons but this time he makes a brutal misplay in leaving an MX Saber Invoker on the field that I run over with Guaiba and proceed to make a Laggia off of while setting backrow. He asks if Laggia can negate Honest which sets off a warning bell in my head about what he may do. Sure enough he summons a Noble Knight which I immediately flip up Macro Cosmos to and proceed to just shut him down. Turns out he drew into Solemns and other power cards despite my extremely thorough cuts to his deck before the game started. MUST BE NICE.
Game 2; He opens with a Noble Knight Gawayn that I suicide Sabersaurus into and comes at me with some other monster I don't recall. I do end up Reborning Sabersaurus and summoing a Dino to make Laggia that I slap a Safe Zone on later and ride to victory alongside Kabazauls and Acid Golem. Surprisingly he didn't open godly.
Finals - Lancer Monarchs (2-0)
My opponent already said if I won my last round he'd scoop it up since his deck kinda loses to mine. :/
-Spirit Reaper knocking Archlord Kristyas and Gorz out of the hand like a champ.
-Jurrac Guaiba picking up the slack for everyone.
-Safe Zone to stronk.
-Picked up a Secret BLS for my Gold + 5 bucks. Got an Ultra rare Dark Grepher for 5 bucks.
-My initial Junk Doppel deck tested well. Quasar was made!
-Starlight Road is awful. Why the hell did I move Solemn to the Side deck for this?
-Barely saw Tour Guide and Rabbit. Most if not all of my Laggia/Dolkka summons came off of Guaiba and my vanillas.