Monday, 12 December 2016

YGO Locals Report - "EVERYTHING IS SH*T!"

He's right you know.  Hell I don't see much of a reason to really write anything here because everything really does feel like shit.  I don't like formats like the one we're in where matches can be literally decided by the diceroll because every deck's goal is to not let you play.  There's no pretense of a long grind and if there is it's not a long, daring game of trying to outwit the other player.  No instead it's because both players drew shit and are trying to play out of those hands.  In some cases it doesn't even matter who the players involved are as by simply going first, you can very well win the entire match!  I suppose the fact that I went to a tournament for the last time this year and was able to stay for the entire duration of it is worth mentioning seeing as Matt loves to bring up my never being present at locals yet has showed up even less than I have and the one time he does show up...he leaves almost immediately after.

Anyway I decided to play ABC as I was yet to use the deck in actual tournament play and I liked Blair Hunters approach to the deck.  Empowerment raises the ceiling and drawing your "Garnets" isn't the worst as they have actual viable Pendulum effects that let A and B beat over Vanity's Fiend in the Darklord matchup.  It was either that or Yang Zing and I didn't have that deck randomized nor felt like shuffling it so I went with this, but made sure to add a pair of Dark Hole to clear boards and push in.

Round 1 - vs Brilliant ABC (2-1)

I won the dieroll therefore I won the match.

Round 2 - vs Kaiju (2-1)

Kaiju decks suck.

Round 3 - vs Buji-I mean Paleozoic (0-2)

Helmet's too strong.

Top 4 - vs Woodhouse featuring Darklords (2-0)

H seck I outpel, i r teh gurst  EDITOR'S NOTE: Woodhouse's Spellchecker is still currently Forbidden on the current banlist.

Finals - vs I keep wanting to call it Bujin (0-2)

Some days you are able to overcome a helmet deck.  This was not that day for me.

And that was it.  Yay.

...what, you were expecting memes?  Me ripping into people?  More complaining about YGO?  I'm not Skull.  I'm not going to endlessly whine and complain about the meta being too this or that because I've known for a long time the way things have been going.  I've fielded my complaints and the people who've been willing to hear them out have heard them out.  Today if anything reaffirmed my position and I really don't have anymore to say about that.  As for the next time I participate in a YGO Locals?  Who knows?  I want NO part of Zodiac Beast format and no amount of Fluffals or Eidolon Beasts are going to change that.

Well okay it IS starting to get annoying seeing people with all the funds in the world at their fingertips literally buy every deck out there in any game, be mediocre at playing ALL OF THEM and because one of those decks is actually a Minerva deck with a Minerva he is very likely going to top the next Regionals solely on the back of it.  On the other hand it would be hilarious as hell if he scrubbed out despite having a Minerva as it would prove that you cannot simply buy a deck and expect it to get you a guaranteed Regional Top.  Right Qliphort players?