Thursday, 29 August 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard - OCG Tournament Results (Aug 17-25/2019)

We're back!  There was only one Tournament last week and unless it's the last one of a format my general rule of thumb is to not make a post for only one event.  Two or more is my minimum.  With that let's get into it;

Mitroco VGCS - VMC Qualifier (Unknown player count but close to 64):
1st) Narukami
2nd) DP
Top 4) PM
Top 4) DI





1st Touch VGCS - VMC Qualifier (46 People):
1st) SP
2nd) Murakumo 
3rd) DI
4th) BT
Top 8) SP/SP/SP/DP

Clan Distribution: 
Shadow Paladin, Murakumo - 10
Narukami, Dimension Police - 4
Bermuda Triangle, Kagero, Pale Moon - 3
Link Joker, Dark Irregulars, Gold Paladin - 2
Royal Paladin, Oracle Think Tank, Aqua Force - 1



Credit to the TeamAbsolution/Living Proof Discords for images/results

Narukami finally got a win!  Shadows did too I guess.  Sadly no Premium results which means we've yet to see if Dark Irregulars post Set 6 have been the near Tier 0 powerhouse that some people I know have been saying pre-banlist.  On paper the deck beats everything but OTT and BT which both got murdered on the list so it should now run roughshod on the format but we'll have to wait and see.  As for how Standard will pan out post list it will probably be roughly the same.  BT was already starting to slip in numbers and the hit it got is actually not as strong as you'd think.  It's more of a slap to the wrist.  Imagine if Salamangreat Gazelle and Circle both went to 2 and nothing else in the deck got touched.  I think BT will have that level of speed/consistency.

Monday, 12 August 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard - OCG Tournament Results (Aug 10-11/2019)

We live in a world where Narukami has more tops than Shadow Paladin in Standard.

Business Trip! Grand Prix Akiba TCGShop193 (84 participants):
1st place) NN
2nd place) SP



Niigata Grand Prix 2019 Qualifier (26 People):
1st) PM (Silver Thorn)
2nd) GB
3rd) Narukami 
4th) Narukami


Kumamoto VGCS - VMC Qualifier (60 Players):
1st) RP 
2nd) Murakumo 
3rd) BT 
4th) Narukami 

Clan Distribution:
Shadows - 10
Bermuda - 10
Royals - 8
PM - 6
LJ, Murakumo - 5
Narukami - 4
D Police - 3
Kagero, AqF - 2
OTT, Nubatama, GB, NG - 1






Hong Kong VGCS (55 Players): 
1st) BT 
2nd) BT 
3rd) Narukami 
4th) SP 

Clan Distribution: 
SP - 11
PM - 7 
BT - 6 
DP, LJ, Narukami - 5 
RP - 4 
GP - 3 
OTT, Kagero, NG - 2 
DI, GB - 1





Malaysian GiFT VGCS 05 (Standard 2 Deck Format - 75 Players): 
1st) BT/DI
2nd) PM/DP
3rd) SP/BT
4th) Narukami/DI

Clan Distribution (150 Decks): 
BT - 18
Narukami - 15
KG - 14
RP, SP, Murakumo - 12
PM - 11
OTT - 8
GP, DP - 6
NG, DI - 5
LJ, GC, GN - 4
AF, AQF - 3
Others - 4





HachiLab VGCS (56 Participants):
1st) BT
2nd) PM
3rd) DP
4th) NG

Clan Distribution:
SP - 14
DI - 7 
BT, PM - 6
RP, Narukami - 4
Murakumo, NG, LJ - 3
Kagero - 2
OTT, GP, DP, GB - 1





2nd Blade VGCS (Standard- 34 Teams):
1st) PM/Nubatama/BT
2nd) PM/BT/SP
3rd) OTT/BT/Murakumo
4th) OTT/RP/SP

Clan distribution:
SP, DP - 13 
PM - 12
BT - 11
RP, Murakumo - 9
OTT, LJ - 7
DI - 5
GB, Kagero, Narukami - 3 
GP, Nubatama, AqF - 2
NG - 1




The Murakumo player asked to keep his list hidden.


Credit to the TeamAbsolution/LivingProof discords for images/results

Week 1 of Set 6 format is over and I'm surprised at what I'm seeing.  Shadow Paladin isn't performing nearly as well as we expected and may arguably be the Narukami of this format.  Related to that Narukami and Pale Moon are doing better than I expected and DI/Murakumo are what I figured they'd be.  BT is still sadly going strong and now more than ever I'm convinced they aren't ever getting kicked out of Tier 1.  Melody is such a dumb mechanic.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard - OCG Tournament Results (Aug 3-4/2019)

We live in a world where Nubatama is able to get a top in Standard Singles before Narukami can.

3rd Asagi VGCS (45 People/Premium):
1st) GP
2nd) BT
3rd) GN
4th) GP
Top 8) GP
Top 8) NN
Top 8) OTT 
Top 8) DP

Clan Distribution: 
GP, BT - 5
SP, Kagero - 4
OTT, Nubatama, LJ, GN - 3
RP, DP, DI, PM, MC - 2
Tachikaze, Narukami, NG, AqF, NN - 1





Top 8

1st CardBox Takahata VGCS - VMC Qualifier (unknown participants but close to 64/Standard):
1st) Messiah
2nd) Nubatama



7th Tochigi VGCS (27 Teams):
1st) LJ/NG (Heroes)/OTT
2nd) DP/BT/OTT
3rd) BT/DP/KG
4th) RP/BT/AqF

Clan Distribution (81 Clans):
Bermuda Triangle - 15
Dimension Police - 12
Narukami - 11
Royal Paladin - 8
Link Joker, Oracle Think Tank - 7
Nova Grappler - 5
Granblue, Aqua Dorce - 4
Gold Paladin - 3
Spike Brothers, Kagero - 2
Nubatama - 1





193 VGCS Dazai Branch (21 Teams):
1st) DP/NG/RP
2nd) NG/OTT/RP
3rd) OTT/BT/GP
4th) GP/DP/BT

Clan Distribution:
Bermuda Triangle - 13
Royal Paladin - 10
Narukami, Dimension Police, Link Joker - 6
Nova Grappler - 5
Oracle Think Tank - 4
Gold Paladin, Nubatama - 3
Kagero, Granblue, Aqua Force- 2
Shadow Paladin - 1





Credit to the TeamAbsolution/Proof Discords for images/results.

Thus Set 5 format has come to an end.  What did we learn from this?  Narukami was sadly way overhyped and despite it having a strong start it ultimately fell off the map and is now sitting at the kids table.  And that was in teams!  In singles the deck flopped.  Turns out being only good against Bermuda doesn't amount to shit when you lose to everything else that's meta.  Gold Paladins have seen success with the edition of Platina Ezel, Royals have made some appearances and OTT took a while but has made the quiet but compelling argument of being the best deck out of the set with the Tsukuyomi build all but completely ousting the previous Imperial/CEO deck.  Nubatama did it's usual thing of being irrelevant in Standard and stupid in Premium.  On that note Premium OTT got even better with this set and Golds are still one of the top dogs in the format alongside the previously mentioned OTT deck and Neo Nectar.

With that said now it's onto Set 6 and with it we will see the much hyped Revenger deck make its debut in Standard alongside the not so hyped but don't you dare sleep on it Dark Irregulars deck and the two other clans I'm choosing to sleep on instead.