Sunday, 16 December 2012

Locals Adventure - Double the Fun!

Its been a bit since I posted on here eh?  Don't worry there wasn't much missed.  I've only played one Locals since the Macro Rabbit win and I ended up scrubbing out with Merlanteans in top cut because Inzektors are a bullshit deck and I didn't have a proper side for handling them.  Well it turns out I had a chance to avenge this as I would face Inzektors again this weekened at not one but TWO locals!

Saturday; I once again decided to use Mermail Atlanteans with the intention of trying out two copies of Call of the Haunted in the main board to see just how useful it was.  I also decided to try out Billy Brake's idea of a conversion side deck that would render several of my opponents own side strategies dead.

Round 1 - Grandsoil Scraps (2-0*)

Game 1; I was up against the judge which is an automatic match win here, but we decided to play it out.  I open pretty wierd with a hand of Atlanteans and not a single Mermail or Abyss-Sphere for many, many turns.  I do derp a bit and I get pretty close to beating him but he's just able to fend off my attacks and drop Grandsoils and Scrap Dragons that ultimately smash through my monsters.

Game 2; I open very nicely, but walk right into a Torrential Tribute that wipes my 2 Megalo board and while I put up a hell of a fight, I just can't get out of this.

So while I officially win, I technically lose.

Round 2 - Wind-Ups (1-1)

I apologize for not remembering all of this match.  I know I got a Moulinglace drop one game and he got off Tour Guide + Shark combos the other.  Then time was called upon game 2 finishing.

Round 3 - Inzektors (2-1)

Game 1 - I OTK him.

Game 2 - He's able to get around my cards and pulls of the Gigamantis/Sword/Dragonfly combos that I just so love.

Game 3 - I almost OTK him but misplay leaving him with 2200 LP and he proceeds to go off doing combos again making a field of Leviathan, Giga Brilliant and Zenmaines that nearly kills me.  However since I don't die I'm able to make a Mist Wurm, bounce his monsters back and attack for game.

Round 4 - Wind-Ups (2-0)

Again this match is a blur.  I think I got the OTK one game while the second my Skill Drain + a bajillion backrows was able to grind out a win.

Round 5 or Finals - Megamonkey666 w Agents (2-1)

K waiting a day or two before I write this isn't working as I don't even remember all the rounds!  Anyway I dickbutt him one game, he dickbutts me the other and I think its more back and forth the third one, but I sack into some power cards and win.

I pulled an Inzektor Centipede from my Astral Pack and got a Tefnuit for it.  Bitchin.

Sunday; Same deck except I dropped the CotH as they were win mores (only once did the card help and that was using it in response to Heavy Storm with a Linde in grave) and moved my Mirror Forces to the main.  I also went the extra mile with the side throwing in Thunder Kings and Shadow Mirrors to deal with Scumbag Steve decks.

Round 1- Prophecy (2-0)

Game 1 - He opens pretty badly and as the result can't do a whole lot to stop me from overwhelming him in a few turns.

Game 2 - Manages to drop the Priestess but I'm able to compulse it back and do my thing afterwards.

Round 2 - Ninja Chaos Dragons (2-1)

Game 1 - I'm able to play around with his Super Transformations and eventually game him.

Game 2 - Unfortunately I'm unable to get around the Super Transformations and I'm not quite seeing my means of handling them.  Then he drops Sack Luster Soldier and I lose.

Game 3 - And then with time looming I drop 10000+ worth of attack on the board.

Round 3 - Dino Rabbit (2-0)

Game 1 - He opens with Kabazuls set 4 of which one is a Book of Moon he uses on my Heavy Infantry.  So I set Mirror Force + a facedown that he attacks into, flipping up Solemn Judgment to stop.  Then on my turn I flip up my Heavy Storm and totally roflstomp him.

Game 2 - He opens with Prohibition calling Deep Sea Diva and make a Laggia while I have no monsters, Skill Drain, Prison and something else.  I Prison + Drain his Laggia and rip a Thunder King off the top deck and ride that mofo to victory despite his Fiendish Chains, Pot of Avarice, Heavy Storm and Neko Mane Kings while I'm building up a hand of Soul Takers, Diva and such.

Round 4 - Magnus w Agents (2-1)

Game 1 - I derp pretty good here and get off the usual bells and whistles the deck does.  We laugh a bit how intimidating a Genex Undine is against an Earth and so on.

Game 2 - He gets the turn 1 Gachi and some other things that make it really difficult for me to get through his field.  Then he drops Sack Luster Soldier and I lose.

Game 3 - I Skill Drain after he attacks with Venus and drop a Beast King Barbaros afterwards while having an Evac Device to save it from Creature Swap.  Genex Controller attacks over a Shine Ball like a BAWS while I get a Thunder King at some point.  Mirror Force also gets in there.

Top 4 - Megamonkey666 with Merlanteans (2-1)

I'm sorry man, I know you wanted me to go on and on about this one but I'm having a really hard time remembering the full match outside of the fact that there was SO MUCH DERP IT WAS AMAZING.  Oh my goodness.  There were Megalos, Moulinglaces, Divas, Marksmen and so much more.  I made Gungnir at one point while he got Trag and Gorz off another.  I got an Abyss Dweller, Zenmaines and Gachi in the last round as we went into time while Mirror Forces, Wind Blasts and so much more were played.  This was something I really wish I could have gotten recorded if anything as it was one of the most fun games I've had in a long time.  People bitch about Mirror Matches being awful but I really find them to be fun and a test of the player's skill with the deck.  The Hero Mirror matches I've had with Megamonkey were also fun as hell.

Finals - Inzektors (2-0)

Game 1 - So we only had half an hour to do this since the store was closing soon.  He doesn't open particularly well and I just beat him to death with Marksman plays and a Zenmaines.

Game 2 - Sided in 15 cards and I opened with 4 of them :D.  I'm able to set up Skill Drain + Shadow Mirror + Thunder King Rai-Oh and continually pick at his field with one for ones and getting a Monster Reborn off that takes his Dragonfly which I use with Marksman to make Leviathan Dragon.  Then I Soul Taker his monster and win.  Pulled crap from my Turbo Packs.

-Undine too stronk
-Loving the conversion side deck.  People just did not expect me to slam down the Beast King Barbaros with a Skill Drain up while packing Compulse, Mirror Force, Fiendish Chain, D Prison AND Torrential Tribute.
-Hearing that an Exodia player bitch about how retarded decks like Mermail Atlanteans are.  He got promptly told off by Megamonkey for five minutes about how fucking dumb self touch decks like his are.  A pity I wasn't able to see it.

-Opening Genex Controller.  I can see why people would run 3.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Locals Adventure - I'm Not Dead Yet!

Okay so it's been a while since I last posted something on here.  My bad.  I kinda forgot my password and therefore never logged in to post up anything this format.  Thankfully anyone who follows this blog is subscribed to my Youtube Channel so you guys haven't missed out on too much.  I will recap however;

-In September I won 1st Place at the first ever Regionals to be held in Saskatchewan and I did so with Dragunity.
-I got another first place at Locals with Dragunity
-I finished in the top 4 or won almost every Locals since.  Decks used were Chaos Dragon, Dark World and Frog Monarch.

Thus we're all now recapped.  Onto the actual post in which I got first place with Macro Rabbit.  Anyone watching my channel knows I'm very fond of this deck at the moment and honestly if I had been able to go to YCS Seattle it would have been my deck of choice at the event.  My other choice was Junk Doppel but I felt I didn't have enough experience with the deck to get the most out of the hands drawn, so I let megamonkey666 run it since he needed a deck for the tournament.  He got Top 8 with it and dropped Quasar a few times and from what I saw it performed decent.  Onto the actual report;

Round 1 - vs Noble Rabbit (0-2)

Game 1 - He wins the dieroll and opens strong compared to my slow start.  He quickly makes Heroic Champion Gandiva which kills this deck unless I can clear it (which I don't because god forbid I draw Prison/Force/Evac Device) so I try to wall up on Reaper who gets Mind Control'd and I lose shortly after.

Game 2 - You know what I hate?  Heavy Storm on the first turn.  I summon a Sabersaurus with Safe Zone and Solemn Warning but NOPE, WE CAN'T HAVE THAT.  He then proceeds to Bottomless/Torrential/Warning/Solemn all of my plays while I use my backrow to ward him off.  Ultimately I don't get to do much thanks to that fucking Heavy Storm.  That literally won him the match.  Oh and he has the Forbidden Lance to counter my Forbidden Lance.  Must be nice to draw EVERYTHING on a frequent basis.  Same thing happened to megamonkey when he dueled the guy.  Got shut down by his outs and Sack Luster Soldier.

Fucking limited cards that should be banned (well not Heavy).

Round 2 - Bye

I was given the bye for some odd reason, so I looked at some decks and watched megamonkey face the Noble Rabbit deck.  Then the two had a one of duel between Fabled and Quickdraw to see who could Quasar first.  That one I recorded.

Round 3 - vs ReRe (2-0)

The Match - Why do I open amazing backrow against scrubs?  Terrible player that deserves to be mocked while I play Dark World; Card Destruction + 4 Dark World Monsters.  Legitimately good opponent while I'm using Dark World; DEALINGS DEALINGS DRAGGED DOWN DRAGGED DOWN CARD DESTRUCTION.

Yeah he saw my Regional Deckbox and it kinda intimidated him.  Then I proceeded to Rabbit/Tour Guide him.  Also talked hockey and baseball a bit with the guys next to us.  I'm having GREAT difficulty accepting that the Toronto Blue Jays are going to be a legit team this year.

Top 8 - vs Magnus, Monster Mash Agents (2-1)

Game 1; Going up against the best player in the city?  Well then I'd better open poorly as usual!

Actually I don't.  I lose the dieroll (as usual) but he leaves a Shine Ball on the field which the Jurrac Guaiba in my hand is like OM NOM NOM and I make Laggia + backrow with one of them being a Macro Cosmos that I sit to his Tragoedia + 4 cards in hand.  I eventually make Papiloperative to clear it and win.

Game 2; Similar start with Laggia, Macro and teched Safe Zone that I sit on for a while but ultimate lose out when he forces a negate and Heavy Storms my ass over a couple of turns.  Then Sack Luster Soldier appeared and it was over.  These first two games were 30 minutes, btw.

Game 3; Time was called and I managed to get 1700 damage in to his 1400.

Top 4 - vs Noble Rabbit (2-0)

Game 1; Once again he opens absurdly well with Mind Control, Bottomless and clutch Typhoons but this time he makes a brutal misplay in leaving an MX Saber Invoker on the field that I run over with Guaiba and proceed to make a Laggia off of while setting backrow.  He asks if Laggia can negate Honest which sets off a warning bell in my head about what he may do.  Sure enough he summons a Noble Knight which I immediately flip up Macro Cosmos to and proceed to just shut him down.  Turns out he drew into Solemns and other power cards despite my extremely thorough cuts to his deck before the game started.  MUST BE NICE.

Game 2; He opens with a Noble Knight Gawayn that I suicide Sabersaurus into and comes at me with some other monster I don't recall.  I do end up Reborning Sabersaurus and summoing a Dino to make Laggia that I slap a Safe Zone on later and ride to victory alongside Kabazauls and Acid Golem.  Surprisingly he didn't open godly.

Finals - Lancer Monarchs (2-0)

My opponent already said if I won my last round he'd scoop it up since his deck kinda loses to mine. :/

-Spirit Reaper knocking Archlord Kristyas and Gorz out of the hand like a champ.
-Jurrac Guaiba picking up the slack for everyone.
-Safe Zone to stronk.
-Picked up a Secret BLS for my Gold + 5 bucks.  Got an Ultra rare Dark Grepher for 5 bucks.
-My initial Junk Doppel deck tested well.  Quasar was made!

-Starlight Road is awful.  Why the hell did I move Solemn to the Side deck for this?
-Barely saw Tour Guide and Rabbit.  Most if not all of my Laggia/Dolkka summons came off of Guaiba and my vanillas.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Locals Adventure - Red-Eyes Rampage!

Well its that time again. Another weekend has come and gone along with another Locals report featuring yours truely doing the narrating. I have to say this one was pretty fun, mostly due to my bringing not one but TWO fun decks to test. One of them was Gem-Knights which are explosive as hell now that Obsidian has finally been released. The other which was what I used to get first place again was Red-Eyes Hieratics. You know, the one I did a video on last week? Let's do this;

Round 1 - vs Six Samurai (2-0)
Game 1: He opens with a monster and backrow that I'm able to bait out while setting up my hand for an OTK. I end with a field of Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger and a Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon at 3600 attack. He has NO outs to it.
Game 2: Pretty much the same as before. Six Samurai can't get over Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon at all without Hand.

Round 2 - vs Chaos Blackwings (1-2)
Game 1: He sets a Blizzard and backrow before passing turn to my hand of REDMD, MST and 3 Hieratics. I OTK him quickly.
Game 2: I get a Tefnuit off of Cardcar D and have a glorious hand of REDMD, Nebthet, Su Dragon's Mirror and Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. He however has Bottomless Trap Hole for my Tefnuit and I lose. Between repeated attacks from Blackwing Armor Master and my drawing MST, Lance and Inferno Fire Blast I have nothing.
Game 3: I don't see any Convocation, Tefnuit or Eset and I'm staring down an Armor Master and Shura. I scoop after drawing more dead cards.

Round 3 - vs Six Samurai (2-0)
Game 1: He gets a pretty boss field of Shien, Shadow Shien, Kageki and Kizan but I'm able to make Strike Bounzer, REDMD and Gaia Dragon while having a Dragon's Mirror in hand in case he has Dark Hole. He does. I kill him anyway.
Game 2: He opens with very little and I make another Strike Bounzer + Thunder Charger field.

Round 4 - vs Lightraysworn (2-1)
Game 1: My WTF level goes well past 9000 when I see him drop Necrovalley then play Thunder King. I'm able to slug through it bit by bit, but he has Dark Hole + drops Lightray Diablos
Game 2: My side deck does its work as between A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon and Smashing Ground I'm able to go off with a monstrous OTK.
Game 3: We slow play a bit as I work to make a Tiras that he's forced to crash a Lightray Daedalus into before I eventually take it.

Top 4 - vs Wind-Derp (2-1)
Game 1: He opens with Swords of Revealing Light which stonewalls me just long enough for him to get the pieces needed to Wind-Up loop my hand and drop an Adreus. I scoop it up in disgust.
Game 2: And then I proceed to horribly, brutally overkill him with the largest field I've done all day; 2 Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger, Photon Strike Bounzer and REDMD. Fucking take THAT.
Game 3: We both open terrible and I'm forced to discard stuff in the end phase. He takes my Meteor Dragon with Monster Reborn, then I reborn my Darkness Metal Dragon and it becomes a series of REDMD reviving Meteor Dragon, I attack twice then Meteor Dragon gets kiled by Cyber Dragon. I play Smashing Ground and finish him off.

Finals - vs Dark World (2-0)
Game 1: He opens with a Zenmaines that I eventually bait into attacking me directly, allowing e to take full advantage of my hand with 2 Inferno Fire Blast, Red-Eyes B. Dragon and the cards needed to pull off a HUGE otk ending with a field of Darkness Metal Dragon, Gaia Charger x2 and Meteor B. Dragon.
Game 2: He doesn't draw a single Discard outlet other than Dark Smog, which I MST. I take it with Nebthet attacks and get first place with Red-Eyes Hieratic Dragons.

-The deck when it doesn't give you bad hands performed well. Gloriously well.
-Winning with Red-Eyes B. Dragon and Darkness Dragon. x A million Style Points
-Getting some testing in with Gem-Knights. They performed decent. Opening with vanillas sucks bollochs, though.

-Drawing crap when things went bad. Standard Hieratics have a little more recovery ability. Plus it can run Gorz.

-Picked up a copy of Versago the Destroyer so now I can try running this deck with Tour Guide From the Underworld in it. Making Dragon's Mirror live faster is always good.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Locals Adventure - Pokemon, Vanguard and Yu-Gi-Oh! my!

Oh my another one of these so soon?  Indeed!  Its time for another locals report and I'm pleased to say this weekend as a whole went well.  Games were had, trades done and packs purchased that ultimately helped out alot of my deck projects down the road.  I'll break this down into two days;


I arrive at the shop area and pick up some KMC Sleeves and buy a box of Cardfight!! Vanguard for about 91 dollars and 10 packs of Dark Explorers which happens to have a Darkrai EX in.  I trade that off along with a Raikou EX in order to get 2 Tornadous EX (1 Full Art, 1 Regular) before I settle down and whip out my newly rebuilt Feraligatr Prime Turbo deck and have about 7 games with the best player in the shop.

All of them end in pretty much the same manner; Feraligatr Prime on the bench with either Kyogre EX or Kyurem in the active getting cheap prizes through sniping damage.  I admit that these were basically casual decks I was up against as nobody plays anything remotely meta except for one person and he wasn't present.  Still I'm pleased to see how the deck performed as it was fairly consistent and getting to where it wanted to be save for one game and all I have to do in order to make it playable next format is just wait on Black and White 7's Blastoise to be released and pick up another Kyogre EX, 2 Pokemon Cather and 2 Mewtwo EX to make the deck really competitive.  That or I just go straight up Blastoise/Keldeo EX beat.  Either one works.

After all of that I pack up my stuff and leave for the other card shop where Cardfight!! Vanguard is being played.  I open my box and get mostly triple rare Angel Feather and Gold Paladin cards which I trade off for a nearly perfect Narukami deck.  That's about 200 dollars worth of cards for barely half of it in value.  Hell yes I'm accepting that!

So after this I put my deck together and sleeve it then start playing my first couple games of Vanguard.  This shit is pretty fun to play.  I really want to get more games of this in as its just straight out entertaining to play once you get the hang of it.  Would I give up Yu-Gi-Oh! for it though?  Not likely.  Not with Abyss Rising still to come here.  With one of my first decks I EVER made in High School being a Water beatdown I simply MUST build Mermail/Atlanteans!


The day starts off all stormy with rain so I wear a jacket to locals.  Big mistake as after the rain the humidity shot up like crazy.  Anyway I yak it up with friends and get a quick Vanguard game in with my upgraded Narukami deck and win before the Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament starts.  We have a fairly good turnout with about 8 really good players competing (myself included) so I'm expecting some tough games in an attempt to get another top.  My deck of choice?  Hieratics.  Fuck yo sacky ass Cookie Cutter Chaos Dragon decks!  I'm playing a REAL Dragon Deck!

Round 1 - vs Inzektors (2-0)

Game 1; He gets my Cardcar D with Solemn Warning which I'm quite fine with.  2000 Less HP and a Warning out of the way?  Awesome.  On my next turn I OTK him with Gaia Dragon, REDMD and Strike Bounzer.

Game 2; This one is a bit fuzzy but I do remember opening with REDMD and using that to play around his Veiler.  I still OTK him though.

Round 2 - vs Gravekeepers (2-0)

Game 1: He opens with a Necrovalley, backrow and a set monster to my hand of REDMD, MST, Su and a Tefnuit.  I ask him if he runs Veilers in his deck and he tells me no.  I completely go off and kill him.

Game 2: Hits me pretty hard with a Royal Tribute (taking Gorz, REDMD, Tefnuit and Su) after I Veiler his GK Chief leaving me with a Duality and MST in hand to his eventual field of The End of Anubis and GK Chief.  So I'm basically sitting at 1300 to his 8000.  From my Duality I had picked up a Su earlier and I just happened to top a Convocation while holding a Nebthet in hand.  I MST his backrow and proceed to turn the entire thing around and get him for game.  Whoo boy!

Round 3 - vs Dark World (2-1)

Game 1: He opens with Tour Guide which I negate, then hits me pretty good with Dragged Downs and such.  However luck is on my side as he Mind Crushes Nebthet and not my Tefnuit which I have two of in my hand and proceed to pull off a crazy series of Rank 6s and win.

Game 2: He pulls off THREE Prohibition calling my Atum, Shadow Mirror and Dark Hole to which I'm like :/.  I do however get to drop Tragoedia with Gates on the field and it ends up being too big for him to kill so I just sit on that and hit multiple Cardcars to eventually build up a hand that would let me win on my next turn.  He's able to make Adreus to clear my Trag though and hits me for OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND!

Game 3: I forget how I opened but I know he called Atum with Prohibition again and proceeds to wreck my hand.  I eventually start seeing my sided cards and they ultimately turn the game around as Gemini Imps blocked a key Mind Crush and I just nutted on him.

Top 8 - vs Dark World (2-0)

Game 1: Same guy as last round so I know what to do and not do.  He opens up okay I guess as I hold onto my cards and bait out a Zenmaines in attack with just Gates and a backrow down and OTK him on the following turn.

Game 2: I get off and sit on a Shadow Imprisoning Mirror that I honestly should have chained to a Tour Guide effect and not his Beiige.  As the result he drops Acid Golem that I can't clear for the life of me (he blew up my Nebthet summon off of Atum) and I'm forced to just stall it out.  He leaves my Atum and REDMD be and I draw into MST, clear my Mirror and win.

Top 4 - vs Dark World (2-0)

Game 1: THREE IN A ROW!  WHAT THE HELL!?  He opens up with three Dragged Downs and picks off my hand bit by bit.  I have the advantage of him not knowing how my deck operates at all however so he leaves my Tefnuit and Su be.  I'm able to Heavy Storm his backrow and I do shenanigans.  Pretty sure I end up taking his Grapha with Inzektor Exa-Beetle.  All I know is I win in brutal fashion.

Game 2: He opens Card D and is able to Drag Down my Gorz and Trag and I'm sadfacing.  I do get Gemini Imps off on his Mind Crush though, MST his Skill Drain and beat face for an OTK.

Dark World is a bad matchup for Hieratic, by the way.  Their ability to wreck the hand Game 1 can lead to quick losses since as a combo deck Hieratics rely on having certain monsters in hand.  I'm seriously hoping that Dragged Down to the Grave gets Limited in the next banlist.  That card is just too good.

Finals - vs Naturia Stun (2-0)

Game 1: Really?  Yeah I know it's a surprise to see Bambooshoot lock after all of this time but I'm not bothered by it.  Veiler removes the Spell/Trap lock effect and it doesn't return.  I Cardcar into a Gorz and he sets a monster with 3 backrow.  I have a hand able to OTK but not enough backrow hate save for Su and Heavy Storm.  I Storm knowing he likely has a Road set (which he does) and drop Gorz on his Stardust attack and force out a Prison and Safe Zone before heading into my turn with no monsters to his Stardust, Zone, 2 Backrow and I have an OTK hand.  I completely smoke him with Atum, REDMD and Exa-Beetle for his Starlight Road for the win.

Game 2: He opens up with 3 backrow and no monsters but gets a Fossil Dyna off of Duality, so I'm forced to put up with for a couple turns while I Cardcar into Royal Decree and rip Dark Hole off the top, flip up Decree (shutting off his Mirror Force, Torrential and Safe Zone) and go to town.  Sadly I don't OTK (700 short!) but he's unable to do anything against my field and sets a Fossil Dyna that I attack with Gaia Dragon. I win through trample before I lose my field.

-Cardcar D.  Anyone who was smart did nothing to this and I +1'd each time because of it.
-Inzektor Exa-Beetle.  Getting around Zenmaines was really integral to beating Dark World
-My side deck; this is how you handle decks that will roflstomp you in game 1 like Dark World.  Between 2 Shadow Mirror, 2 Gemini Imps, 2 Smashing Ground, 1 Dark Hole and 2 Royal Decree I was well prepared for them.
-Gorz and Trag were amazing.  Either they hit the field and disrupted or made opponents wary of attacking.

-Misplaying.  On about 4 occasions I summoned the wrong Dragons with REDMD and Atum leading to mismatched level fields.  Gotta work on that.
-Maxx "C" which I main decked thinking I'd see Wind-Ups, Inzektor-Ups and other BLARGH decks.  Didn't see a single one.
-Shouldn't have sided out Birdman in those Dark World matchups over Smashing Ground.

-Maxx "C".  I admit I mained this fearing Wind-Ups.  This could have been another Trag, Eset or Veiler but I can't deny that its basically a free turn against Chaos Dragon and Dark World, which may be that one turn you need to go off and OTK.
-Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer.  I sided this for Dark World, Chaos Dragon and Inzektors over D.D. Crow/Macro Cosmos/Dimensional Fissure.  I like how he basically shuts down Chaos Dragon and Dark World while removing tons of crap from the graveyard.  Problem is he's 1800 and requires your normal summon.

And that's all!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Locals Adventure - THAT F*CKING DARK HOLE!

Wow, it's been a long time since one of these have come up, eh? Well my computer crapped out last month and as the result I haven't been able to contribute much to the community. During this downtime I did go to locals though and I topped each time with Chaos Dragon, Heroes and Tour Guide Hieratics so I was anxious to keep my streak going. That being said sit back and read my report on how I did with traditional Hieratics;

Pre Tournament; I arrive at the shop and quickly purchase some sleeves for my in the works Gadget deck and some Pokemon cards (pulled holo Empoleon from Dark Explorers) while noticing new Cardfight!! Vanguard packs were in. A pity I can only spend so much on cards. I would come back one more time to pick up my copy of the Zexal manga as well. After this I do some test duels with Offering Gadgets using proxies from Return of the Duelist. Save for the one game where Sabers opened up Boggart Knight -> Fullhelm -> 2x Faultroll and sacked my hand I was able to apply alot of control. Geargiganto X is amazing and I see it getting the rarity bump. I also trade for a Krebons, Supervise, secret D Fissure, Last Turn and 2 Eclipse Wyverns before starting the tournament.

Round 1 - vs Twilight (2-1)

Game 1: I OTK him on turn 2. I don't think he knew what hit him.

Game 2: Misplays cost me the game here as I sprang Macro Cosmos too early and it got picked off by Lyla and he proceeded to do Celestia plays and drop JD, DAD and BLS.

Game 3: I make another misplay and he's able to make a field of DAD, JD, Lumina and Wulf to my near none life points. Then I drop Atum and spam Nebthet to pick off his boss monsters, make 2 Gaia Dragons, 1 Strike Bounzer and a REDMD at full stats for the OTK.

Round 2 - vs Gravekeepers (2-0)

Game 1: He plays Necrovally, sets a Spy and backrow then passes. I MST the valley and go off dropping Atum, Zenmaioh and Bounzer for game.

Game 2: I open with no Esets or Tefnuits for many turns and I lose against a gigantic Gravekeeper's Visionary.

Game 3: End Phase Royal Decree completely shut off his backrow which allowed me to go apeshit.

Round 3 - vs Six Samurai (2-0)

Game 1: He makes the the fast Shi En with the crappy field spell and a backrow to my hand of Eset, Nebthet, MST and I think REDMD. I smoke him pretty good.

Game 2: I Maxx "C" him and he continues with his plays. I rack up so much card advantage that I blow him out of the water.

Round 4 - vs Ninjas (2-0)

Game 1: This was clearly his first time seeing Hieratics in action and in this game he opens Blade Armor Ninja and sets off my Gorz. I'm able to sit behind it while making Strike Bounzer and I sit on them with Veiler in hand. Nebthet picks off his Utopia and that's pretty much it.

Game 2: He opens with Swords of Revealing Light and Dimensional Fissure which I lol at. These Dragons aren't screwed over by Macro! I swiftly and brutally OTK him Fissure be damned.

Top 4 - vs Inzektors (2-0)

Game 1: He opens Armageddon Knight and passes. I OTK him from there.

Game 2: He opens with a Dragonfly, Mantis and sword to my Dark Hole and Macro Cosmos. I eventually go off ending with a field of Bounzer and Tiras as I was fearing the Dark Hole flush. He had the Dark Hole flush. I get a little salty but I'm able to keep control of the game state but ugh.

Finals - vs Chaos Dragons (1-2)

Game 1: I've said it before; this matchup can go either way depending on the hand. I open with 2 Vanillas and 2 REDMD which is by far the worst hand I've had all day. Eventually I made a large push and got hit by the Dark Hole he opened with and he proceeds to drop BLS and has 2 Veilers to keep me out of the game.

Game 2: Forced to play the waiting game as I try to draw into a Tefnuit. He gets Future Fusion off though and I have the Reborn needed to swipe his REDMD. I eventually go off and get Koa'ki Meiru Drago onto the field and protect it to win, despite his Maxx "C"

Game 3: He opens with Thunder King to my hand of Convocations and I'm forced to Dark Hole it and I hit an Eclipse Wyvern as well. He drops another and I Soul Taker it. I go off making a field of 2 Gaia Dragons, REDMD and KKMD and I'm in position to win on the next turn. Solar Recharge + Dark Hole and it's over just like that. I topdeck My Body as a Shield after and he drops BLS. I'm very salty.

-Hieratics despite not having Gustaph can do some real damage. The speed in which I can drop monsters and OTK is insane
-Cardcar D. Yes its expensive and a Veiler target but its GOOD. You get to where you want to be 2 turns faster which is the point and so what if he gets Veiler'd? That is one less answer your opponent has to Atum.
-Nebthet is alot better in pure builds that I thought. I almost want to run Curse of Dragon to use alongside it. Having that out to Ryko, BLS and so on while getting a vanilla onto the field is good. It just sucks balls to have it without Eset or Tefnuit.

-Dark Hole
-Inability to show restraint. I find it very easy to just try and do Atum plays regardless of the situation when I shouldn't.

-2x Prohibition. Fearing Dark Hole? Now you won't have to. Also can be used to shut off Veiler and Gorz during your OTK pushes.

And that's pretty much it. I got 2nd place due to Dark Hole but I pulled Super Rare Masked Dragon, which got rid of the salt. Until next time!

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Locals Adventure - 1st Place With Chaos Dragons

My, my. I've got alot on my plate this week following the shenanigans that happened this weekend. Both YCS Dallas and Toulouse had Chaos Dragons make big splashes with a 2nd Place finish and 1st place respectively. The impact of this will be profound as at long last Konami has gotten their secret wish in that Dragons actually topped and won YCS level events (despite Disaster Dragon making several Top 16 appearances in Europe last year) and we can all expect and increase in Chaos Dragon play at the Local, Regional and Dueling Network level for the next while. My immediate recommendations? If you're not siding Macro you'd better have Light-Imprisoning Mirrors ready as shutting down the Lightsworn engine and Lightpulsar Dragon is key to winning the matchup. Just be weary of MST and Royal Decree stopping those cards.

That said perhaps it was a sign of something being in the air as this weekend for locals I decided to run the deck as well with the intent of dismantling it afterwards. I've spent alot of time (and videos) with the deck on DN for the last while and I really wanted to see how it would perform against competent people while also not putting up with bullshit randomizers.

Pre Tournament - I get some games in with my Budget Dark World deck against Infernity. Save for one game where I drew Broww then nothing but spells and traps I smashed the hell out of the deck through sheer speed and power. I can only imagine what'll happen once I get TGUs.

ROUND 1 - vs Zombie World (2-0)

Game 1: He let me go first. I opened with Future Fusion. Honk honk!

Game 2: Nothing special here. He was clearly a newer player as I had to explain to him what can and can't trigger Torrential Tribute and stuff like that. Couldn't get through Lightpulsar looping.

ROUND 2 - vs Wind-Ups (2-0)

Game 1: Veiler'd his Magician and Pulsar/REDMD took it from there. He wasn't able to get much going.

Game 2: Oh god he gets the loop off and I don't have my 3 Veiler, 2 Maxx "C" and 2 D.D. Crow to stop it! He hits all but one of my cards in hand and that turned out to be a Gorz that helped me fight my way back. He wasn't able to mount much of an offense afterwards as Lightpulsar Dragon held down the fort and I was eventually able to normal summon Maxx "C" and poke for the win.

ROUND 3 - vs Gravekeepers (2-1)

Game 1: Upon having Trooper attack into a Spy I realized I was in a world of trouble. My worst matchup by far and my hand is full of graveyard reliant cards! He's able to establish some beaters backed by 2 Necrovalley (I MST'd one) and I scoop it up.

Game 2: 9 Cards were sided in for this and I saw a few of them. Unfortunately he got Royal Tribute off so I lost a couple guys. But through destruction effects and Future Fusion I'm able to turn it around.

Game 3: Managed to get Heavy Storm, Dark Hole and a flurry of Chaos Monsters off for a huge win. Not surprisingly he drew Starlight Road afterwards.

TOP 8 - vs Zombies (2-0)

Game 1: A bit of a haze other than I'm staring down an Ill Bud that just keeps going and going. But she's unable to get around Lightpulsar Dragon + REDMD and I eventually win.

Game 2: I get Future Fusion off but it would be a while yet before I had a hand of monsters able to capitalize on it. Eventually I drop boss monsters and win.

TOP 4 - vs Infernity (2-0)

Game 1: Same deck I faced with Budget World so I knew that if I could overwhelm him with a couple big dragons he'd be force to make subpar plays, which he does a few times. Lightpulsar was just too difficult to play around.

Game 2: He uses Card Destruction which sets up my graveyard for my Chaos Monsters. Sorc and Pulsar do their jobs.

FINALS - vs Koa'ki Meiru (2-1)

Game 1: Set Ryko and pass turn. He Dark Holes that and summons KKM Urknight and it goes downhill from there. Didn't help the rest of my hand was Pulsar Dragon, Sorc and REDMD. Really needed that mill to go off.

Game 2: This one was foggy but I remember getting Future Fusion off and taking it from there.

Game 3: I open Future Fusion and drop BLS to clear his monsters. Pulsar Dragon follows this but he's able to make it a close game with Enemy Controlling BLS and coming at me (the second time though I rammed LPD into Soldier and got REDMD) before I drop Five-Headed Dragon and win locals for the 1st time ever at this location.

After this I get some Pokemon Emerging Powers Boosters and pull 3 Thunderus in a row.

-Lightsworn Engine put in tons of work. To the point that Future Fusion was a dead card at times because of how many dragons I milled.
-Lightpulsar Dragon managed to win over some respect from me.
-Random Debris Dragon enabled game turning Black Rose Dragon plays.

-Not paying closer attention to the number of Dragons I had in play/graveyard/banished as on 3 occasions I used Future Fusion and all I had left were 5 Dragons including Eclipse Wyvern.
-REDMD at 3 was too much. Taking this down.
-Side deck card of Kinetic Soldier was a complete fail. I expected to face Six Samurai and turns out none were present.

Wouldn't you know though that at this tournament which I played a Chaos style deck almost /everyone/ was playing a Light/Dark heavy deck. I probably would have ran Disaster Dragon had I known this for Drago Trolling. Oh well. Perhaps next time.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Locals Adventure - 3rd 3rd Place in a Row

Been a long time since I've done one of these, eh? Unfortunately my work schedule made it outright difficult to compete during March (never) and this month isn't looking too good either. I'm gonna have to make it a point to book off the preview of the next Pokemon Set and Galactic Overlord pretty soon.

Enough of that however! Today I have a report of how I fared at Locals this fine afternoon. I must admit I was pretty stoked to be competing for the first time since Regionals in an environment where I'd be facing actual people as opposed to those fucktards on Dueling Network. No 60 card decks here! Deciding what to run though was a huge problem as I really just wanted to play something fun following the Regionals and my choices were either Skill Hero Beat ala what topped Long Beach or Chaos Dragons. Ultimately I decided to go with the Hero deck just so I could see how much work Evocator Chevalier would put in over Crusader of Endymion.

ROUND 1 - vs Chaos Dragons (2-0)

Game 1: This was a bit of a blur but I remember Alius, Spark and Miracle Fusion just being too much to handle. I was able to keep him from getting Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Lightpulsar Dragon onto the field which was a big help.

Game 2: More of the same. My backrow and beaters got in there.

ROUND 2 - vs Dark World (2-0)

Game 1: Oh geez, my worst matchup and it was against a Turbo build. I prison some of his monsters and Gemini Spark the other stuff. Miracle Fusion finishes it up.

Game 2: He's able to set a face pace but then his deck fails him and he's unable to draw into his needed combos. During this I just keep swinging for 1900 damage while my sided cards maintain my momentum.

ROUND 3 - vs Infernity (2-1)

Game 1: Turn 1 Thunder King + backrow = gg

Game 2: Didn't side and it cost me as he was able to just aggro the hell out of me with a flurry of big beaters to my hand of Stratos, Alius and Barbaros (with no Skill Drain).

Game 3: I sided here and it won me the game. Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror + Dark Bribe to keep it safe locked his deck down completely. Forced out a Warning with Barbaros + Skill Drain then Miracle Fusion'd for the win.

ROUND 4 - vs Legendary Six Samurai (2-0)

Game 1: He makes the fast Shi En and tries to come at me but D Prison + Skill Drain stops it and turns his deck into a bunch of weak beaters that I just trounce.

Game 2: Surprisingly he didn't side at all which is odd because he sides D.Fissure + D.D. Survivor into EVERYTHING, including Lightsworn. No complaints here as he overextends into a 4 monster field and I Torrential Tribute to take the game around.

ROUND 5 - vs Chaos Dragons (1-2)

Game 1: I smack him around pretty badly. Skill Drain stopped his Lightsworns and it slowed up his deck enough for me to beat him down.

Game 2: I made some bad choices in siding and I'm sure that's what cost me this match. Had a hand of Gemini Spark and Hero Blast but couldn't get to a Hero for the life of me.

Game 3: He opened the nuts. Not much I can do against Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon + Chaos Sorc + 2 Call of the Haunted to my open field and having just used a Solemn Warning to stop the Darkness Metal. Both Super Poly I sided in were dead in my hand. Never going to side it in against Chaos Dragons again until Escuriado gets out here.

So I finish 4-1 with Drain Heroes, using Chevalier a bit (RoTA target + Nova Master food) and losing due to some bad luck and poor side decking decisions. If I had known Chaos Dragons, Dark World, Zombies and such would have been at Locals I would have just used Disaster Dragon (which people were expecting me to use) as Koa'ki Meiru Drago would have just shat all over half the players. There WAS a Disaster Dragon deck in play though as one of my friends had a friend come down to meet up with me and get some ideas for his deck since he likes Dragons and I'm the guy to go to with help on that. He finished 2-3 but that's to be expected for someone picking up Disaster for the first time while not having a completed deck.

After all of that I bought some packs getting very nice pulls (Ultra Prison, Super Crow from Ra Yellow and Laggia from Photon Shockwave), new sleeves and some much needed additions to my Psyren and Rurouni Kenshin Manga collections.

-Going 4-1 and getting another top 4 finish with Heroes. They're easily my 2nd best deck for competitive play.
-Pulling Evolzar Laggia, Super D.D. Crow, Ultra Dimensional Prison and Ultra Kyurem among my booster packs.
-Grabbing ultra Macro Cosmos and Hydrogeddons via trades. Now I can build Dino Heroes for legit AND I have a blinging side deck!
-Helping a fellow Dragon enthusiast getting a start into play.

-My deck getting garbage hands at terrible times. I was able to play out of the first one but the second time around, yeesh.
-Half of my Player's Choice sleeves becoming marked up from shuffling. These things clump together badly and their backs bend and mark up way too easily. The Dragon Shield ones I bought in desperation (had to re sleeve my entire deck in the 9 minutes I had before the top 4 started!) didn't do much better. From now on Ultra Pro sleeves for everything.

And that's pretty much it. I won't get another opportunity to compete for another 2 weeks so unfortunately its back to Dueling Network for the next while. Chaos Dragons, Heroes and Budget Dark World will see testing at some point and perhaps Glads as well.

Until the next time folks and remember; If its not Blue it ain't True!

Friday, 9 March 2012

Winnipeg Regional Report (03/03/2012) - 1st Place with Disaster Dragon

Greetings everyone and welcome to the Blue Corner! Today's Blog Post is a bit of something special as I have something fare more juicy than a report of how I did at locals. Instead I'm going to be telling you guys how I did at the Regionals earlier this month in Winnipeg! This is something I know alot of people have been wanting to know about as I've been basically mum on the matter outside of TCGPlayer's forum.

Well to make a long story short I went through 7 rounds of Swiss X-0 with a draw and finished in 1st Place. After THAT I won my Top 8 match and finished the tournament basically undefeated as there were no more rounds after that. Gotta admit it's pretty nice to bounce back so strongly in my second ever regionals after scrubbing out so badly the first time around and being rewarded a Mat, Binder and Nats invite for my hard work. In regards to what deck I ran it shouldn't even be a question!

I ran Disaster Dragon of course! Now let's get this show underway;

Pre-Tournament - I came to Winnipeg with an Anti-Meta Disaster Dragon build in mind (totally a netdeck of DragonDuelistGirl's build because anyone who plays T-King, Veiler and Maxx "C" in Disaster is clearly copying her. Despite you know Kim Just Jenson playing the deck at Worlds and Omar Ramirez getting Top 16 at YCS Ecuador with it long before DDG posted up her build. It still amuses me that a Wind-Up player made that accusation) but through testing I just did not draw consistently decent hands. To me a good hand consists of T-King/KKMD + 1-2 pieces of protection. I hate opening Drago/T-King and not having backrow to keep them safe and I rarely drew my hand traps. Inzektors and Heroes decimated my deck in testing and I spent the next couple hours trying out different ratios and I came to the conclusion that the deck just does not work for me. This isn't surprising as some variants just run better in the hands of different people. That all said I scrapped the Anti-Meta version, rebuilt my post ORCS deck then lastly modified it to support 2 Light and Darkness Dragon as I figured he would be a real bitch for people to deal with like Laggia. Armed with LaDD Control and my Feraligatr Prime Pokemon TCG card I'm set for the next day.

The Tournament - We arrive at the place its being held and I trade for a third Super Rare Masked Dragon which sees immediate use (yay playset of matching rarity. I absolutely loath having a trio of cards and 2 of them are one rarity and the other isn't). I also bought some singles, sleeves and got some awesome pulls (Wind-Up Shark) as usual from booster packs while scoping out the area to see what decks were being played (I spotted the Triforce, Samurai, GBs, T.G.s, GKs, Blackwings, Scraps, Stun, Chaos Dragons, Dark Worlds and Agents) before signing up. Most of the judges from fall are back again and I remember them being very efficient so I'm feeling pretty confident any ruling issues will be dealt with quickly. They tell everyone that Acid Golem isn't legal for play yet since the Shonen Jump isn't on shelves yet while answering questions while waiting for the computers to be fixed (like Shi En vs Inzektor Hornet). After the delay pairings are done and we begin. ADVENTURE TIME!

Round 1 - Vs Asceticism Six Samurai (1-1)
This guy seemed a bit new to the game or ignorant in how his cards worked as on a couple occasions I had to tell him what he could and could not do (such as trying to negate Solemn Warning with Shi En). Anyway Masked Dragon put in serious work here getting Exploder Dragon out to kill his Synchros or Divine Dragon Apocralyph to tune with the Delta Flyer I had in my hand to make Dark End Dragon which got rid of his Grandmaster and set Kagemusha while steamrolling my way to victory. Unfortunately in game 2 he opens Gateway plus united and I draw no means of stopping his pluses. Darkness Metal Dragon is able to hold the field but he's able to topdeck enough samurai to put Shi En to 3000 three times and kill my field (in hindsight I should have let Shi En negate Future Fusion then Compulsed the bugger away) before time is called. Both of us are in the middle of side decking when the Judge comes over and declares the match a draw. I feel disappointed and relieved at the same time as I probably would have won the last duel given the way things were going but I was also thankful to not be heading into round 2 with a loss.

Round 2 - vs Dark World (2-0)
Terrible build imo. You should never be running Goldd and Silva in a Dark World Deck, especially 2 of each! Koa'ki Meiru Drago thrashed him good before he was able to kill it with Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World and then summon a bunch of monsters at once. By this point I've got Totem in grave with LaDD in hand so I drop it and kill a monster before he sacks off his three monsters and summons...the Wicked Eraser?

I've got 3 cards on field so he's able to beat over LaDD and I summon back Koa'ki Meiru Drago, beat over Eraser and I take it from there. Game 2 I negate a Grapha bomb with Shadow Mirror, steal it with Monster Reborn and summon REDMD for an easy game. After this match I encounter the Yugitubers behind MastersofYugioh and do a deck profile for them before quickly re-shuffling my deck. This came back to bite me hard. Why you ask? Because in game one of my next round...

Round 3 - vs A Hero Lives Glads (2-1)
I open with LaDD and no other monsters! He sets one and passes to which I Sarc out Future Fusion and pass turn. After this he does Test Tiger plays and I end up staring down a Heraklinos and have NO out to him. I scoop it up and bring in over half my side deck which gets me the next two victories as I stop his tags and he's got no answer to Red-Eyes Wyvern and Koa'ki Meiru Drago's attack stats. Notable moments include booking a Gyzarus that tried to nuke my backrow and beating over it with Wyvern while hitting Solemn Warning with MST and using Judgment to stop his War Chariot. The guy takes the loss pretty hard (because I beat him with Dragons without using Future Fusion? I actually sided it and Gold Sarc out expecting D Fissure...) and demands that I top the tournament since I beat him. Hoo boy.

Round 4 - vs Dark World (2-1)
Unlike the first guy this was a legit Dark World deck with most of the bells and whistles (I think he didn't have Tour Guide) meaning how well I'd do here would be dependent on what kind of hands we had and if he could get his deck rolling within the first couple turns. In game one he did just that and I can't actually recall how things went. I just remember staring down Grapha and Dark Highlander. I bounce back in game two by MSTing his face down card which allows me to play Future Fusion without fear and ultimately play the "protect the Drago" game that I used to pull off last format. He's unable to kill it and I win. Game 3 I get a turn 1 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror (two of them!) and things quickly become one sided as Darkness Metal Dragon just keeps swinging for 2800 damage over and over again.

Round 5 - vs Inzektors (2-1)
It had to happen. The deck is the most popular of the Triforce in Winnipeg yet ironically I was up against a fellow Sask. player. Anyway I open up with a spell/trap hand and no means of stopping his +4s. I do get LaDD out but he manages to burn it down to 1500 attack, beat over it with Centipede and kills what I revive for the win. Game two we go back and forth with our monster removal and negation but I'm able to get Future Fusion off and protect my monsters with Chain and Veiler. Game 3 I get Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror off and it completely shuts him down getting me a hard fought win over my worst matchup. I later learned he had no Decrees in his side deck as he couldn't get any before the tourney. I'm still pleased I won.

Round 6 - vs Chaos Dragons (2-0)
Oh wow. The dueling gods must have liked me this day or something as this was basically a free win. Chaos Dragons lose SO hard to Disaster Dragon and it was no different here as he overextends in game one with E. Wyvern into REDMD followed up by Darkflare Dragon and Vice Dragon after I Sarc out Future Fusion, set Masked Dragon, Book of Moon and I think Call of the Haunted. All I remember is getting Exploder Dragon to kill his REDMD and Book->Attacking over Darkflare with Red-Eyes Wyvern then overpowering him with Future Fusion + Darkness Metal + Koa'ki Meiru Drago. Game 2 I got Koa'ki Meiru Drago out and not surprisingly it slaughtered him earning me a completely one sided victory and my fastest match of the whole day (I beat him with 20 minutes left in the round). After this the GB player checks up on me and informs that I'd likely be going up against the only other undefeated player in the tournament who was running T.G. Drain.


Round 7 - vs T.G. Drain (2-0)
I'm pretty excited at this point that I'm playing at the top table but upon staring down Photon Sabre Tiger plus backrow this is replaced by dread. I slowly make my way through his minefield of spells and traps (dealing with Skill Drain in the process) while eventually being able to summon a Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon which he just can't get over. Game 2 we both draw nothing but spells and traps (among those being Heavy Storm and Dark Hole!) before I eventually hit a Wyvern and try to make my way through his backrow (and reborn his King Tiger Wanghu) and force out his Solemn Judgment as I try to MST his Skill Drain. I bait out the Starlight Road with my Dark Hole and negate it with Warning before summoning a KKMD and chop his life points to under a thousand before it dies because I have no other monsters in my hand. After this I end up using Chain, Book and Compulse to keep him from killing me with T.G. Warwolf, topdeck Red-Eyes Wyvern, Storm his backrow and go for game.

After this I breathe a HUGE sigh of relief after overcoming an extremely difficult battle and earning myself a guaranteed spot in the top 8 by finishing first after all of this insanity. My friends come to give me congrats (and the GB player) and I just kinda sit there enjoying the moment before deciding to continue by accepting the Nats invite and competing for the trade binder you get by winning your top 8 match. There would be no more duels after this so I basically had to win one more match and I'd essentially win the entire tournament. You bet it was time to get my game on!

Top 8 - vs Inzektors (2-1)
Same guy I faced a couple rounds back and not surprisingly things went the same here. I lose game 1 and my side deck puts in work for the other two. Game 3 is much closer though as both of us just throw all kinds of monster hate at each other while I force out his Solemn brigade with Normal, Special and Call of the Haunted summons before I draw a Darkness Metal Dragon with Totem in grave and push for game and the tournament.

Not gonna lie it feels pretty good getting a 1st Place Top 4 finish with a deck that I really enjoy using as opposed to something "that wins" like Rabbit and being the ONLY Disaster Dragon player among 80 people. Now for the Props and Slops portion of this report;

-Masked Dragon engine was extremely helpful in getting what I needed to handle threats. In the Inzektor matchups where he's terrible I sided him out for more effect negation.
-Koa'ki Meiru Drago still wins games and does so with his awesome trollface.
-Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon is far and away the most underrated Boss monster in the game. People keep forgetting he's an easily summoned 2800 beatstick and only BLS can take the guy out in straight up battle. He was my best monster and then some this day.
-Gold Sarcophagus was extremely helpful in getting to those needed cards.
-3x Call Of The Haunted worked out very nicely in getting to in yarded REDMDs, Drago, Masked and Delta Flyer (especially so in the T.G. Matchup where 2 Call Of The Haunted and Mind Control allowed me to perform 2 Synchro Summons in one turn).
-Siding in the 3 Effect Veiler alongside 3 Fiendish Chain in the main gave me alot of Monster Negation. There is no such thing as too much effect negation.
-Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror was a complete boss. Single handedly decimated Dark World and Inzektors.
-Many shiny cards were accquired.
-Feraligatr card powers are not limited to godly box openings. He also gets Regional wins!

-Despite running Light and Darkness Control I barely summoned LaDD. For the life of me I couldn't draw him at an opportune time and when I got to Future Fusion the game states required me to dump things other than DDA + LaDD. I also never got the loop off.
-2 LaDD is way too much now. I also sided him and Totem out in almost every matchup due to fear of D.D. Crow or Macro. Still he's just like Evolzar Laggia in that he has the "n00b effect" where if you summon him against someone whose never encountered it before he will force out all kinds of bad plays just so they can kill it. I'm going to cut 1 of him and a Totem for other cards.
-Made some sub optimal plays in hindsight.
-Drawing no monsters when I really needed something to keep me from taking those 1800-1900 swings.

And that's literally everything I've got to say. Thanks to everyone who wished me luck while I was preparing for this over Dueling Network and I hope you enjoyed my report. As for the deck I used at this event I'm not going to be posting a list up here instead that will be a Youtube video that I will upload in the next couple of days so keep your eyes peeled for that. Until then remember folks; If it's Blue then you know its True!


God that was terrible.