I admit that the end of my rant I basically came off as a self righteous prick with my "I'll lead the way, feel free to catch up" remark but hey, I'll play the role of the heel if it means I get my point across.
To my surprise however there was no fallout at Locals over that so I'm going to assume that what I said was the truth, even if some people cannot accept it. Onto the tournament!
Round 1 - Regalia vs Monarch Liberators (1-0)
Before the tournament it was 99% agreed upon by everyone present that G-Assist is an amazing idea and should be legal ASAP. This game proved why as my opponent Gradelocked the entire game and while he did hit crits a few times, it only meant that I'd be able to Limit Break that much faster.
Round 2 - Regalia vs Daiyusha Reverse (1-0)
I honestly can't remember the order of my Round 2 and 3 games, but I'm certain I played Dickbutt Police first. I rush him extremely early with 7ks that he can't guard and I believe he's gradelocked for this one so the game doesn't last long. We play a second game for fun while waiting for the round and I outgrinded him with my restands and Ordain Owl's ability to give me big numbers. 38k VG Minerva and 38K Rearguard Minerva is a thing.
Round 3 - Regalia vs Revengers (1-0)
I don't remember much of this one because it was really, really quick for a Vanguard game. I'm thinking his hand was ass as he wasn't able to guard both of Minerva's attacks and my RG attacks.
Round 4 - Regalia vs Rebirth (0-1)
This one went right down to the bloody wire as I don't see Minerva for a long ass time and when this deck doesn't have her in play it becomes extremely underwhelming. I hold out for a while though and even make it through the Break Ride turn but in the end I deck out and lose.
Round 5 - Bye
I played Final Fantasy VI Advance, yeah!
I ended up finishing 4 - 1 tied for 2nd place with the Kagero player and we all pulled ass from our packs because Vanguard prize support is awful. I did however trade off my SP Trans-Core for a Glow-Up Bulb, Ulti Drill Warrior, Downerd Magician, 2 Foucault's, a Meliae and Lonefire Blossom (Gigavise yo!) which is AOK.
Then drama happened over the right to post spoilers in the Facebook group because I find it really fucking stupid that I have to avoid Facebook for several days if I'm unable to see a new episode of Vanguard because god forbid I have a job that keeps me from watching it. Turns out I'm not alone with this and people agreed with me and now it is so. Don't like it?
I know I rustled at least one person's jimmies with this report but well I DID say I was going to be blunt on this one.