-Aqua Force with the new Trial Deck is incredibly underwhelming at the moment. Thavas and Magnum Assault are amazing but without Kelpie Rider, Nicky you're SO slow at going off compared to the rest of the decks. I want to say going straight up Malestrom Reverse is the better way but I was not drawing optimally with that deck either. I'll see how Tetra Drive/Thavas and Tetra Burst/Zaharias works now.
-Musketeers with Sylvia are far better than what I had before. The turn 2 rush the deck has is right up there with Aqua Force if you hit anything remotely decent off your top calls. Cecillia was passable.
-Royal Paladin vs Kagero was stupid on Saturday as I either crit sacked to win or Megamonkey 6th Damage Heal'd and killed me with the Cross. Game 2 he pulled off 3 of them! Thing Saver and Saint Blow are dumb.
Now onto the Yu-Gi-Oh! portion of the day. Initially I was not sure if I wanted to play and even considered just sleeping it off but ultimately the notion of this being potentially the best locals we'd have for a long while made me participate. I was torn between using Nekroz or building Heroes but in the end blue cards won as I didn't have the time to construct a Masked Hero deck out of thin air and the 2nd place list from YCS Bogota had really solid theory behind it so I went with it substituting Vanity's Emptiness for a 3rd Valkyrus, a decision I would come to second guess alot.
Round 1 - vs Satellarknights (2-0)
He didn't have his Seraphs yet and his build was not good at all so I steamrolled him with Denko and well timed MSTs.
Round 2 - vs Yosenju (2-1)
Not much I can say on this one as I had Denko Game 1, overextended Game 2 and got killed by Raigeki after taking some heavy damage Game 2 and Game 3 I had 2 Decrees for his traps and MST for his scale in order to keep Secret Move off.
Round 3 - vs Nekroz (2-1)
I opened really strongly going first with a potential Djinn lock game 1 (without protection mind you...) but opted to pass it up in favour of what I thought was a play that would have put me in a position to go off in following turns but misplayed with my search effects instead. The result made me say "fuck it" and scoop Game 1 before my turn ended and we sided out our Djinns. Nord's hand was pretty bad Game 2 as he had no Valks to stop either of my pushes and in Game 3 I had Maxx "C" and Veiler for his Valk + Unicore play which allowed me to Trish and win.
Round 4 - vs Something (2-0)
I think there was a round 4 and if there was I won it as I didn't lose a match in swiss. I can't remember for the life of me if this happened.
Top 8 - vs Burning Abyss (2-1)
Game 1 I got beat to death by a Mathman because bricking + being a retard can lose you games. Then I resolved Trish and Brio lots in the other games.
Top 4 - vs Infernoid (2-0)
I won't dive too much into this one as the match itself was iffy as he chained Void Seer to my Trish and we had it ruled that Trish would not banish what was on field but would hit the hand and yard in this instance which allowed me to out his board and Djinn Lock Game 1 while in Game 2 he was able to fuck with my Graveyard with his guys for a bit, I Trished him again and won. After the match he told me that he looked up rulings on Wiki and it said that in the situation we had earlier with Trish and Void Seer that Trish would have fizzled. That's unfortunate but these things happen and I opt to leave after he starts asking to play more games as part of me suspected that if we did and he won any he'd claim that he'd have won the match or something. From what Ryan tells me this particular player is NOT above pulling that kind of shit so it was a good call on my part.
Finals - vs Nekroz (1-2)
Game 1 I lost again due to a critical misplay that ultimately started a huge spiral that I really should have just scooped on. Game 2 I Veiler'd a Valk and Trish'd and Game 3 went back and forth until I had a brainfart and left a Daigusto Emeral on board which at the time seemed like a smart play, except he hadn't played Cycle yet and there was a Trish in grave. You can guess how that went.
One dejected loss later we head over to Robins and more games are played and I watch Woodhouse use the OTT Deck that I had literally sold him hours ago against Damon's Bluish Flames and what do I see? All of the 8k attackers cut and Luck Birds being thrown into a deck that runs no soul.
-Traded off my Shaddoll cards for Hero cards.
-Sold off OTTs. Profit!
-Built a kick ass Dragon deck in draft. Everybody was fucking doing it wrong