Monday, 13 April 2015

YGO Locals Report - The Hunger Games

And a Vanguard report sort of as I played more games of that this weekend than Yugs.  In fact I can summarize the entirety of ALL of my Vanguard matches this weekend as follows;

-Do I have Silent Tom?
-Can I make a 16k Silent Tom column?
-Is my opponent at 4 or more damage?
-Can I crit him for the win?

Yeah Oracle Think Tank is not what I call a thought intensive deck.  You do need to keep track of what you stack on the bottom of the deck through your filter skills but otherwise it's just maintain a sizable hand and win through advantage.  Compared to Dragons and Paladins the deck is very boring to play and I'm running it solely as something to use that doesn't suck until better options become available.

Now that all the CVG is out of the way onto Yugs!  On this day I decided to play Nekroz under the assumption that Ryan would not be present therefore I wouldn't have to worry about the Mirror.  Turns out Ryan was in fact present having superman'd his way back from Winnipeg before the tournament could start so my decklist went from being really good to really bad whereas he had a list for the mirror with Solemn Scoldings which had become the hot tech this weekend.  Here's what I ran;

Had I known that Nord would be playing there'd be Mind Crushes and Shared Rides and shit in the deck.  Instead I opted to tech it out to deal with Burning Abyss, Yosenju, Shaddolls, Tellarknights and rogue with the double Trishula and my sideboard.  How'd it go?  Well;

Round 1 - vs Burning Abyss (2-0)

I have no idea if it's either an outdated build or way of thinking, but Matt's Burning Abyss needs work.  I steamrolled him pretty hard with answers for days G1 and floodgates G2.  Between Vanity's Emptiness and Band Played on he couldn't play any Yugs.

Round 2 - vs Satellarknight (1-1)

This was stupid.  He had negations for days as Game 1 I was hit by; 3 Stellarnova Alpha, 1 Solemn Warning, 1 Breakthrough Skill while he was able to loop Call of the Haunteds with Triverr while I struggled to get my engine going with a hand containing double Book of Eclipse.  Pretty damn sad you have to book Triverr just so it can't knock a Brio out of your hand.  I was able to cycle up Brio once or twice but I eventually ran out of ways to search and fizzled out.  Game 2 I utterly destroy him with Trishula and beat him down to 600 in Time where I Cowboy him for the draw.

Round 3 - vs Masked Heroes (2-0)

Nice guy who is a part of a group of Smash Bros players that have been coming recently.  He only started playing though so his build was not optimal at all and he bricked both games.  He was able to drop Darklaw on me, but I had outs for it both time around and Djinn locked him afterwards.  Then I talked Hero theory with him.

Top 8 - vs Constellars (2-0)

Apparently half of Regina can't handle Pleiades and that's really, really sad.  Well I didn't give him the chance to make it as he let me go first and I Djinn locked him.  He scooped the match saying he was really hungry and wanted to eat.

Honestly I can't blame him on that as I was starting to get pretty damn hungry.

Top 4 - vs Shaddolls (0-2)

I'm forced to go first and have to settle for Kaleidoscope into Unicore and try to protect it with Book of Moon and Eclipse.  Between those two he shouldn't be able to out it with anything other than a Construct + a Normal summon.

Turns out he had Dark Armed Dragon and subsequently went off with a series of plays to make him live to which I immediately had to BoM lest I lose EVERYTHING.  Unicore dies to Construct and I take a hit from something else and he Mask Change IIs into Darklaw to hit me for a bunch and sets Falco.  Come my turn I Eclipse his board and set up a Trishula play by Cycling up Brio

And this is where things go downhill.

You see I summoned Brio with the intent of bouncing Construct away when it flipped up, however upon summoning it it I came to the conclusion that if it was flipped face up it would no longer be counted as summoned from the Extra Deck.  Incredibly flawed logic as now that I've had time to think a monster does not forget if it was summoned from the Extra Deck if it was flipped down by Book of Eclipse then flipped up at the end of the turn.  Book of Moon I'm still not sure on as that actually Flip Summons the monster.

In any case in my mind I made the wrong play and should have brought up Unicore as I wouldn't be able to answer that Construct immediately and it would proceed to terrorize me the duration of the game, despite using 2 Trishes it kept coming back.  Worse yet I completely blanked that I could have summoned Valk and fetched Gungnir to make it safe from Construct's effect and I punted the game because of it.  The entire thing took damn near half an hour and upon realizing I'd have to win Games 2 and 3 against Shaddolls AND play a potential mirror match which is another hour I gave him the win.

Thus I ended the day in 3rd place which was...alright.  I'm disappointed that I once again cost myself dearly with a misplay though I really did not want to play out the whole tournament anyway.  I played it out solely to Djinn lock Woodhouse and drop, lelz.

I ended up watching the finals where Ryan played vs Dolls and he won G1 easily enough, even using Lance with Djinn to beat over a Winda.  He got locked out of G2 Thunder King + Vanity's and Game 3 his hand was aids vs Thunder King set many.  It was pretty bad as he had to Lance T-King to keep a Shurit from dying, then using Gungnir on the next turn, but then he ribbed Book and started going, putting the opponent in a bad spot with Trish + Unicore (I think).  However the opponent dropped BLS and Construct and went to attack the Trish and turn the game around when;

"Damage step.  Forbidden Lance on BLS."

This in addition to having Decree AND Denko Sekka in the wings pretty much sealed it.  We all went back to Robins, talked and there were games before calling it a day.

-Bounced back a bit from my Regionals with a respectable opponent
-Made a killing in pulls

-dhrfh srgh srhgf *yanks foot out of mouth* Dem brutal misplays.

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