Sunday 6 November 2016

YGO Locals Report - Red-Eyed Disappointment

Oh boy, a Yu-Gi-Oh! Locals report!  Haven't seen one of these in a while.

Honestly I've been to a few of these in the last couple months despite what Matt would imply.  I just haven't bothered to post any of them as each tourney I've gone to has been;

Round 1 - get sacked by Derrick via Vanity's Emptiness Game 1 and lose game 2 because I brick.

Round 2 - whatever I play bricks horribly and I lose to some retard OR I'm paired against Nord and he's not playing a legit deck (compared to what he normally would use) and it ends up being the one match I open the literal nuts and win.

Round 3 - I get paired up with one of our literally handicapped players and I don't draw aids (ie hands in which I could probably give Ryan and Stove a good fight) and scrape them.

Repeat ad nauseam and you'll have a summary of the last couple months of YGO for me.  Tis what I get for not playing Blue-Eyes when I should or tossing aside what skill I've got and piloting ABC.  It's unfortunate as I want to play more combo style decks but I swear to whatever gods there are that they do not want me to play them given the hands I keep seeing when I pilot them compared to the hands Nord draws when he picks up the same deck and does test play.  Really deck?

Anyway this time I'll actually do a report as there hasn't been a Vanguard tournament for a while so until Set 9 comes out I really don't have much to talk about.  That and I also tried to give Red-Eyes a go which the last time I did I ended up ragequitting Tramps after getting 2-0'd by someone I had no business losing to.  I based the build on the Viral list that topped a Japanese tournament that was anti-ABC and since our locals is supposedly "always ABC" according to some people around here when in fact it's only 1 or two people at most playing the deck but no I'm gonna overside for the deck anyway I figured I might be able to steal a match or two.

Round 1 - v Raidraptors (2-0)

This deck is fucking terrible.  Don't let any pleb tell you otherwise.  All those cards you keep searching?




Your phantom advantage is meaningless if all you ever do is wall up with weenie monsters while trying to resolve shave force or get to Ultimate Falcon.  You don't need Ultimate Falcon to win and are gonna show that by summoning something else?  Fantastic!  Your other Xyz monsters are easy to deal with and god help you if someone stops your normal summon since this deck needs to field shit in order to get moving.

Seriously people keep calling this a new Blackwing deck?  Lol.  Blackwings even in their power creeped and archaic state are FAR better than this trash.  They actually make offensive plays from the onset and have REAL extra deck threats.  Sort of.

Or you could play an actual combo/control deck like what Raidraptors want to be and pilot Metalfoes rather than sucking the dick of the obligatory edgelord of every anime like all these RR players do.

But seriously this deck is bad and the only time I've lost to it is when my opponent has opened with Vanity's Emptiness or multiple summon negates.  So basically to generic backrow and not the deck itself.  Raidraptors provided you don't brick and they don't open with a bajillion Solemns should be an easy win and that was the case here.  I summoned Meteor Comet Black Dragon, beat face and made sure that he could never summon Ultimate Falcon and that was that in both games.

Round 2 - vs ABC (0-2)

It's Woodhouse.  I basically have to open god to have a chance against him.  I open the complete opposite of that and lose Game 1 while Game 2 I open with a brick hand while he opens playable.  My Chaos Hunter gets Strike'd and I open with too many Winter Cherries so I literally cannot do anything in the face of R4 beats.

Round 3 - vs ABC (0-2)

This one was just unfortunate.  I open with Chaos Hunter and drop it...only to find out he's playing the Galaxy Soldier build so my plan literally goes up in smoke and I have no plays after he drops Infinity + Buster.  Game 2 I have to literally pass with nothing and he opens Hangar + Soldier with a hand to make it live, plays into my Maxx "C" and despite giving me +5-6 draws and allowing me to resolve multiple Allures I cannot draw into a hand that outs ABC Buster and Infinity and so I'm done and not in a good mood afterwards.  Not as angry as the last time I played this deck but still miffed enough that I didn't want to sit around and wait for the rest of the tournament to play out with a sour taste in my mouth so I ultimately decided to leave.  Not long after getting home I ended up napping for a few hours.  I'm sure I disappointed some people by not sticking around for our usual Robins/BK shenanigans but honestly I was probably going to be grouchy the entire day given the circumstances.  I mean hell even after the nap I'm still pretty salt with with this tournament report.

-I finished Red-Eyes, Subterrors and even picked up Terrortops and Denglongs for Yang Zing and future deck projects
-I got to flash the cash with my somewhat blinged out Red-Eyes deck.
-I savaged Kody.  That's always a prop

-When my deck didn't want me to win, it pretty much slapped me in the face with a giant fuck you.  4 Red-Eyes, a Return of the Dragon Lords AND Eradicator?  I mean I may as well just bend over and let Bubba do his thing.
-Holy shit Allen is irritating as fuck when he's in the peanut gallery during your match.  Pretty much the entire time I played Cobb he was beating off to ABC which makes it REALLY frustrating to play out a losing match.

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