Thursday 23 March 2017

I'm not dead!

Just making this short post to inform everyone on the status of the blog as it's been almost 2 months since my last post.  Suffice to say I've been occupied.  Most of Feb and a good chunk of March was spent moving myself and two family members on my weekends off meaning I had very little if any time to actually sit down and play card games.  Thus I found myself becoming more inclined to tackle my video game backlog and Dragonball Xenoverse 2 commanded much of that time.

17 years later, Shellvia at long last achieves her dream of being the Tifa + Goku character I wrote her as.

I'm not going to go in depth on the game but suffice to say I had a blast playing it.  Being able to take my own characters from my 9th Grade English project and fit them into the Dragonball Universe is amazing and if you consider "clearing" the game beating all of the Story Missions, Parallel Missions, Expert Missions, Instructor Missions and Academy Missions as one character, then this game takes a LONG time to beat due to variance.  While you'd think this game is a Budokai Tenkaichi that you play as an OC, it's actually more of a Western RPG with a Tenkaichi battle system used for combat with horrendous AI as allies and borderline obnoxious enemy CPU.

It also ties into my mood in regards to card games as of late as playing Xenoverse 2 the way I did was enjoyable as I didn't have to metagame super try hard to handle things.  I was able to do it at my own pace, in my own way and found enjoyment for it.  I honestly don't think I can say the same for Yu-Gi-Oh! right now as our locals environment is the kind that doesn't really allow for that kind of playstyle.  You've got the good players playing the best decks, the people who think they're as good as them by metagaming to beat them and then the terrible people that think playing Synchrons in 2017 is still cool.  I hold nothing against these people as they can't help it if any of these decks are cancer or cards like Dimensional Barrier are toxic to the game but I don't see myself enjoying games against any of this with any deck that's not Tier 1 and with no intentions of going to Nationals I honestly can't justify dropping the funds on a 300 dollar deck that's just going to die after the next banlist/Link format.

Now before anyone gives me shit about making that point even though I'm probably going to be dropping about 300+ to update my Vanguard decks bear in mind that given the nature of that game those investments are going to hold for 1-2 years.  That game almost never completely guts a deck 6 months after it's release like Konami will do with say, PePe or OCG Zoo.

But yeah basically at this point I'm more or less going to be a spectator for Yu-Gi-Oh! as Nord has things under wraps from the player side.  Maybe Stove will give him a few runs for his money and that'll be entertaining to see.  TL:DR don't expect Tournament Reports for Yu-Gi-Oh! until Link Format comes around.

In regards to Vanguard it's an interesting case as I own the 2 best decks in the game and they're surprisingly inexpensive to update (even with Waifu tax involved, my Granblue deck should only cost 150 to update when the new set drops which considering I'm talking about 6 RRRs, 2 GRs and 6 RRs for a Tier 1 deck is QUITE the steal compared to the near 250 I'm going to need to shell out for Neo Nectar), however if I had to choose one over the other I'd have to go with Nightrose Granblue due to how complicated the deck is to play in comparison to Time Leap.  I'd happily sell the deck but due to it's now ridiculous price tag of 500-700 (to put it in perspective I essentially put 200 dollars into the deck, 100 in actual cash and another 100 to get a 4th Nextage while the rest of it was obtained via trades) there's no way in hell I'd be able to move it in a local area filled to the brim with poor people.
Thing is I don't actually NEED to play them either as our environment is the type where I can honestly get away with playing just about any deck I own and usually getting the win or an enjoyable match out of it so generally my Vanguard locals are a fun time.

Pokemon is something I'm going to try to get back into.  I'm building an Umbreon GX deck though by the sounds of it I'm better off building a Waterbox deck because Water is getting a Dark Patch clone and THAT doesn't sound OP OP.

Lastly now that we know what YGO 6 is about and Link Format, I'm going to have to revise my entire fan card compendium in order to line up with it.  I've already reworked my Thunder support to be Link Summon focused so keep an eye out for that.

Until next time.

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