Thursday 19 December 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard - OCG Tournament Results (Dec. 14-15/2019)

And with this the format is over.  Now we wait and see what Standard Man does.

2nd Kagoshima VGCS - VMC Qualifier (43 People): 
1st) Tachikaze

Clan Distribution: 
Tachikaze- 7 
Murakumo - 6 
4 GP, Narukami, GN, SP - 4 
DP - 3 
PM, GB, Nubatama, RP - 2 
AqF, GC, DI - 1


2nd HongKong VGCS (unknown player count): 
1st) Aqua Force 
2nd) Shadow Paladin 
3rd) Narukami 
4th) Gold Paladin (Agravain)




Credit to the TeamAbsolution/Proof Discords for images/results

All in all no major changes happened with EB10's release other than allowing Gold Paladin to escape the shackles of Ezel and be a less gimmicky deck.  The other two clans in the set?  Meh.  GN is okay but why play it over the 5 better Accel decks (and Shadows) and the less said about NN the better.  It'll probably take a bit to see what BT does what with it being the holiday season and whatnot.

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