Saturday 3 October 2020

V-BT12 Narukami Spoilers - Week 2

They figured that last week's Erad common was so nice that why not spoil two more?

Dragon Dancer, Vianne

Neat.  Vianne's a Draw now instead of a Front.  I'd expect anyone who doesn't have foil Old Dragon Mage to be playing this.

Thunder Cannon Eradicator, Carson
CONT V/R During your turn, if there's a Oban in the same column as this unit, +3000.
AUTO V/R At the end of a battle it was boosted by Oban COST: CB1 If you do, bind all rear-guards in this unit's column and draw 2 cards.

Lightning Gun Eradicator, Oban
CONT RC If this unit is in the same column as Carson, +3000.
AUTO RC When placed, if this unit is in the same column as Carson, CC1.

Not bad.  NK commons have been pretty solid for the most part and these are par for the course.  It would have been nice if Carson could search Oban as otherwise you're relying on drawing Combo Piece A and Combo Piece B to make your plays but expecting that out of commons is asking for too much.  Anyway when you have the two you end up with a 23k line that can Countercharge, nuke an entire column ala Route Flare Dragon, draw you two and trigger the G1 Erad featured last week.  You're either going even or +2 which again is not bad.

And that's it for this week.  Next Friday we'll be getting EDD and his friends spoiled alongside any other spoils that come up (NK is due for a two spoiler week outside of streams) so stay tuned to see how hyped or more likely how disappointed I'll be.

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