Wednesday 23 December 2020

The Future of Narukami in Zero - Brawlers Part 2

 We're back!  I hope you guys enjoyed the first part of this series as now I'm going to go over the next part of the Brawler Deck and what I'm expecting of them in Zero with the Grade 2s.  Hope you've got your crafting materials ready!

My initial thought on this guy was that he'd be really strong since he'll often be a 12k attacker that can get to 18k or 21k if you're on BBKD/BBKB but then I remembered that this is Zero and you have to run Grade 3s other than the 8 that you want and Knuckle Buster won't be in the same set as Knuckle Dragon since Zero set releases are based on the OCG rather than the shenanigans that the TCG pulled.  Therefore this card initially won't be a staple 4 of since the 1-2 you'll need you can fetch via Legion Mechanic and his power gain is reliant on being on a Big Bang VG.  Once Knuckle Buster comes out I think this'll change since you'll be able to consistently power Slash Dragon up.  He'll still be a RR though.

By the time we get this the issues I mentioned with Slash Dragon should be resolved.  That said Buster is Slash Dragon but with an extra 2k with his power gains being locked behind needing a Big Bang Vanguard.  Paper Brawler decks ended up running 4 Slash Busters and 1-2 Slash Dragons and I can see that happening here.  What's interesting is will he be a RR in Zero?  He was actually a rare in OCG paper format and when BT-16 released here they rarity bumped him to RR.

This won't be played.  There are literally 3 other Grade 2s in the subclan that can swing for 12k or more.

I honestly don't remember if any of the other 10k intercept units are in Zero with reworked skills or not.  Either way pass.

[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, if you have a vanguard with "Brawler" in its card name, Soul Charge (1), choose a card from your damage zone, and turn it face up.

Huh.  Brawler got their own Zuitan as a promo?  Well this is interesting.  We all know how good on hit CCers are in Zero format and I think you can definitely make a case for Plasma Claw Dragon in the deck since your power play G3s use CB.  I can already tell that the G2 space in this deck will be cramped.

There really isn't much for me to say here.  CB1 to pop an intercept in Zero format is fantastic given that right now Narukami plays cards that CB2 to achieve the same result.  The only downside of Skyhowl is that he doesn't work on VG like Scythe/Saucer but that's a minor issue when you've got so much more to gain from using him.  You enable your power gainers like Tonfa Brawler, you let your board wipers hit more cards and later on when Conquest Dragon is available you can pop one of two intercepts so that he can kill the other one and buff your front row.  My question is will he be a RR or R?  Skybeat was a TD boss and RR but they also made Vowing Sword a RRR...

Wildfist is a tough one.  Unlike the other G2s he can only get to 12k but he'll always be at that 12k.  He's also gonna be competing for space with your other (and better) Legion Mate G2s but for the first wave of support Brawlers will get you may end up needing him.  It'll come down to how they handle the skill of the Legion he's associated with since it wants to drive check itself or Wildfist and that needs to be buffed.

Ah yes, the "when you Legion perform X" clones.  I think most of them saw little play since by nature you only Legion'd once a game and they were only good on the turn you perform Legion and were dead draws otherwise.  This deck definitely has better cards to run.

Oh right.  I forgot there was a G2 Brawler in Moonlit Dragonfang.  He's probably not coming just because of the Resist effect he has (it's Hexproof) and the can of worms that would open at this point in the game.  By the time we'd get this the deck will have long passed needing him.

I actually wonder how much value 10k vanillas will have in the game.  Legion Format was where we saw the start of Grade 2 gaming (though nowhere near to the extent as in Stride) and having a 10k base while trying to win the game of chicken definitely helps.  Keep this one in the back of your mind if G2 gaming becomes common.

Lisei is the G2 version of Arc and as such will be good for the same reasons.  He's arguably the most consistent power gainer of the deck since he buffs of retires of any form and between this and the Slash bros you'll never be short of G2s that can hit for 12k+.

Huh this actually isn't that bad considering how useful On-hits are in Zero.  Stick an Arc behind him and it's not too crazy to think that he'd hit through a defensive after your VG swing.

Remember when I said there were multiple alternatives to Lightning Rush?  This would be another.  Kohkin also has the benefit of being a 12k attacker on VG if you're able to clear the front with an intercept snipe and can hit for 19k with a 7k booster which is great in early game.  He's also not Brawler locked like his G1 counterpart and therefore can be played in other Narukami variants, like Vermillion.

I mean...he's basically a Desert Gunner but on crack as long as you're in Legion.  Early builds of the deck will definitely want to make use of this since they'll be focused on going face with crits and later builds can use this to disable the front row while nuking the back row.  A potential 1-2 of for sure.

That's it for this post.  I was initially going to cover the Grade 3s as well but then I realized I'll be going into more detail with those and don't want to make this post longer than it already is.  Therefore I'll wait until later to talk about the heavy hitters of the deck.  Until next time.

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