Sunday, 6 January 2013

Locals Adventure - Fun with Glads!

First post of the year and its going to be an interesting one as I ended up getting an entire weekend off (and therefore be unable to go to the Cosmo Blazer Sneeks...not much of a loss there) with a Pegasus League Challenge being on Sunday.  Won't go into much for details but needless to say I spent ALOT of time making a deck for this and as the result I found myself not having anything to play for Saturday so I quickly threw together a Rabbit Gladiator Beast deck that turned out surprisingly similar to the one that got fixed up on TCG Player's main page.  I also prepared a side deck to deal with the most played decks in my meta; Dark World, Inzektors, Chaos/Lightsworn Variants, Mermail and Wind-Ups.  Mostly for Dark World and Inzektors though.  Absolutely hate playing against those decks.

Round 1 - GBs vs Atlantean Structure Deck (2-0)

The Match; New kid at our Locals who was basically just picking up the game.  Yeah...this wasn't even close.  I felt sorry for him given that I pulled off Rabbit/Tiger combos and pretty much annihilated him.  I did make it a point to tell him he was correct in holding off flipping a Mirror Force against one monster (except against Glads because Bestiari is a thing) and trying to score the +1 or more.

Round 2 - vs Dark World (2-1)

Game 1 - He opened poorly and couldn't get his ball rolling while Retiari tore his grave up.

Game 2 - Solemned my Shadow-Mirror and went completely off as Dark Worlds tend to do, however...

Game 3 - The fact that I sided in 12 cards makes itself known and between Shadow Mirror and Dimensional Fissure I'm having none of his shenanigans.

Round 3 - vs Lancer Obelisk (2-0)

Game 1 - Retiari'd his Treeborn Frog and that was basically it.  Glad's have always had a phenominal matchup against Frogs and he knew this so he promptly scooped it up.

Round 4 - 2-0

Did this happen?  I forget.  I think we had a small turnout anyway.

Top 4 vs Dark World (2-0)

Game 1 - Same as before.  I blow up and remove shit while he can't get things going.

Game 2 - Sided in 14 cards this time and they kinda stonewalled him.

Final - vs Chaos Dragon (1-2)

Game 1 - Heavy Storm, Dark Hole, Chaos Monsters.  What are the chances!?

Game 2 - Turn 1 Dimensional Fissure completely stonewalled him.

Game 3 - And then he promptly had every single out to what I could do.  Zenmaioh to nuke my backrow because god forbid I get a Bottomless, Chariot or Warning to stop those things, then the Veiler on my Rabbit and then I topdeck a Chariot with nothing else on the field.  I actually got up and walked away from the table because I was that ticked off and needed to cool my head.

-Summon GB + Set 4 is still VERY daunting for people to get around, even if two of those cards are bluff spells like RoTA and Proving Ground.
-Roflstomping Dark World two rounds in a row.  I honestly thought I'd lose to the deck like Heroes do but Retiari and Gyzarus were like lolnope.
-Getting a 2nd Super Rare Tefnuit
-Test Tiger + Rescue Rabbit = YU-GI-OHZ!

-Getting sacked hardcore.  Fuck turn 1 Heavy Storm.  It should NOT happen as often as it fucking does.

-Bestiari to 2 next banlist please.  Unless they actually plan on making GB support that doesn't suck (lol Lanista) it won't break the deck.  Hell I'm not sure if Glads would be fast enough to keep up with Mermail or Wind-Up even if they got another Bestiari.

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