Ah yes, my once a month Vanguard Locals report. I'm kind of getting more excited to play, but I think that comes from being nearly done building some new decks and therefore being able to play something other than Narukami, the best clan ever fuck you Kagero and Link Joker I don't care if your decks are disgustingly overpowered LIGHTNING DRAGONS ARE THE BEST.
So anyway I bought a little over a box of Champions of Cosmos and pulled a Galaxy, Monde, 2 Jupiter and 3 Blau Perfect Guards and an SP Asura Kaiser and pretty much have Blaus done outside of some online purchases that I'll get around to doing next week after the Edmonton Legionals are done with. Soon CUSTOM ROBOT BATTLE will be a thing. Until then I'll continue to tweak Eradicators until I'm able to come up with a build that I am satisfied with Pre-Ignition/Tempest Bolt. Right now I opted to build the deck around Gauntlet Buster and Cho-Ou's retire skills with multiple Shuki and Hakusho to rush with beaters that'll be at +3000/6000 attack.
Round 1 - vs Bad Joker (W)
The guy had just bought the deck and it was only a core. No Chaos Breaker or the like so I picked him apart with Gauntlet + beaters.
Round 2 - vs Ezel Paladins (W)
I retire his starter which kills his Superior Ride combo and set him up for a kill shot with Descendant.
Round 3 - vs Link Joker (L)
Bad matchup combined with a poor start and a misplay pretty much sealed it. Once he resolved a few Chaos Breaker limit breaks I was unable to close up the gap in advantage and it became a rout.
Round 4 - vs Dimension Police (W)
That same Vowing Reverse that cost me the last round won me this one. The reason I run the singleton Vowing is for the situations where my opponent is able to overrun me very quickly and I need to even things out and take back control. Buster can clear stuff too, but Vowing lets me wipe more and after resolving 3 Limit Breaks to minimize his field and getting a little lucky against a Daikaiser Break Ride (he didn't punt my Perfect Guard) I was able to stave off his attacks and take over.
Round 5 - vs Oracle Think Tank (W)
Its the Magus build which I know almost jack about. I notice it runs similarly to Sylvans but that's about all I can say at the moment. He doesn't start amazingly well and with Gauntlet's limit break and a crit trigger I'm able to kill him at 2 damage.
Round 6 - vs Aqua Force (W)
This one I sacked a little as he was at 3 damage and I got 2 Critical Triggers off my twin drive which kills him. I then get the all too frequently said "I was going to win on my next turn..." stuff that honestly annoys me.
Okay so what if "you were gonna win on your next turn"? I don't fucking care. For all you know I could have not lost on that turn. Heal Triggers, adequate guarding? I was only at 2 damage and even with 5 attacks several triggers would need to be hit in order to win that, and I could just as easily hit my own Heal Triggers.
Round 7 - vs MLB (W)
This one was stupid. So I hit 2 Heal Triggers in a row, then he hits two heal triggers in a row. Then when Majesty is attacking me he opts not to YOLO the drive check and puts his 2 crits on Rearguard that puts me to five damage. Then I proceed to kill his entire field with 2 Gauntlet pops and 2 Cho-Ous and swing with a 5 Critical Guantlet Buster Dragon that proceeds to hit 2 Triggers over his massive guard and kill him in dramatic fashion. I also had a 30k Cho-Ou line. Deeeeeerp.
I end up tying for 1st Place with my only loss being to Lock.dek.
-Topped again
-Pulled godly from Champion of the Cosmos!
-Picked up my last Cho-Ou, now the deck is done!
-The terrible play vs Link Joker. Enabling a Chaos Breaker Soul Blast when I didn't need to was dumb.
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