Sunday 22 May 2016

YGO Locals "Report" - Par for the Course

Since I had to work this past weekend I had to take a pass on coming down to Tramps and trying to bounce back from my Regionals performance.  So instead I'm going to have a little fun here and write up a totally legit (fake) report that'll somehow wind up being pretty close to legit considering how hilarious(ly awful) locals can be.  Ahem;

After what happened last weekend I decided that this time around I'd play a deck that I felt 100% comfortable with even though I have no idea how its Kozmo matchup is in the form of Blue-Eyes.  Due to my amazing powers of amazing I got a hold of a playset of Alternative White Dragon and when I asked Nord if I could play them he was all "like fuck you are" but then I gave him his set and he was like "ayy lmao" and that was that and by that I mean he played the deck too.

Round 1 - vs Fire King Kozmo (2-1)

Of course I'm up against Magnus.  Wouldn't be a locals without us paired up round 1.  Game 1 I open with a Spirit Dragon play backed up by Emptiness which he can't clear so I steal the win while in Game 2 I open pretty poorly and can't clear his Dark Planet + Kaiser Collosseum setup so I lose.  Game 3 I can't even call a game as he opened with all of his field spells + Terraforming and it all goes downhill from there.

Round 2 - vs Magician Pendulum (2-0)

I need to come up with a nick name for this guy since calling him Ryan would be confusing since the Ryans I usually talk about on the blog are either good at the game (which this guy is not) or don't play anymore (which I wish was the case here).  Anyway Game 1 I open with Spirit Dragon which pretty much shuts his deck down if he can't clear it which sadly this guy does as he opens with Raigeki and a Pendulum Summon play, but nothing threatening while I've got Wingblast + Ancient Stone + Silver's Cry to crack his board followed up by Alternative White Dragon and Gospel of Revival in order to make Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon to take his Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, Rank it up into Darkmatter Dragon and cripple him.  Game 2 he makes me go first and I open with a hand that lets me make Spirit Dragon AND Silver Dragon with Wingblast set so he pretty much can't play the game. I think I made him cry.

Round 3 - vs A pile of shit.dek (2-0)

So somehow Phillip managed to stall out Woodhouse long enough to raw draw Exodia 2 games in a row and that's why we ended up playing at this point of the day.  WELL OKAY THEN.  Game 1 I slowroll a win off Azure-Eyes bringing back Dragon Spirit to clear his grind cards and being able to make Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon because his deck is bad and usually gives me the time to do convoluted things.  Game 2 he goes first and sets a monster with a backrow and passes while I opened Melody + Trade In + Gospel so I cleared his monster, brought back Blue-Eyes and made Darkmatter Dragon before playing Lullaby of Obedience to summon his Winged Dragon of Ra - Phoenix Mode out of his deck (he misread the card and thought I got to choose what happens and for the lulz I choose not to argue) and beat him with it.

Top 4 - vs Raidraptors (2-0)

Ultimate Falcon gets summoned in Game 1 but I beat it over with Darkmatter Dragon and flip Emptiness when he tries to make a comeback while in Game 2 I chain Ghost Reaper to his Double Force and banish all his Ultimate Falcons to completely blow the game out.  So this is what it's like to Hungrybox people.

Finals - vs Blue-Eyes (2-1)

Figures the first tournament where legit Blue-Eyes are played Nord and I have to play the mirror in finals.  Sadly this match was straight up bullshit as in Game 1 we both bricked terribly.  I opened with all 3 of my Blue-Eyes and Ancient Stones while he opened with all of his draw spells.  I eventually topdeck an Alternative White Dragon and start playing the beats game with it and Spirit Dragon before he finally starts to see some monsters.  Unfortunately the game is too far gone and I start seeing my revival spells to clear his board and win.  Game 2 I make a Spirit Dragon backed by Emptiness but it gets offed by a Kaiju and he promptly goes off and kills me.  Game 3 I open draw spells + monsters and Soul Charge so I wind up making a board of Azure + Silver before normal summoning Ko'aki Meiru Drago and setting Wing Blast before passing.  He draws Maxx "C" a turn too late and scoops since I have 2 Gospel of Revivals in grave so he has no way of clearing my board and winning.

So I end up finishing the day with only 2 whole losses which is a nice step up from Regionals while Nord and I talked Blue-Eyes theory which included potentially maining Kaiju since most of them are Trade-In targets.  In addition to that Woodhouse started asking people for Koa'ki Meiru Dragos since we both played the card and because Aliens won an regionals last weekend Evan ordered the deck.  After all that we went to Robins to play Nord's "special" cube where all archetypes work with each other and it was just as much of a gong show as you could imagine.

-Shrekked everyone
-Got to play Blue-Eyes!
-Beating Phillip with his own card
-Sacking the utter shit out of Bad Ryan.
-Ghost Reapering a Towers clone.  God it feels so good telling them "no, we ARE going to play actual Yu-Gi-Oh!  Get that shit out of here."
-Seeing Kody get shit on by Crystal Beasts

-Sacking the utter shit out of Good Ryan

So whatcha think?  Pretty accurate if I do say.

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