Saturday 7 January 2017

CFV Locals Report - Except Not Really

Kinda digging for straws here as there really hasn't been much of a locals scene for the last while.  We have the playerbase for it, but conflicting schedules has made it harder to actually organize any weekly tournaments which in turn makes it difficult for me to get legit games in outside of CFA which is notoriously iffy for testing.  I did play about 3 matches worth of games though which equates to the number of rounds of a YGO Locals so fuck it let's roll with this.  I REALLY wanted to test out my ideas for Dragonic Vanquisher and EDD in an actual gameplay setting and that's what I did;

Round 1 - Descendant/Sweep vs Galahad/Altmile

Yeah it's against a bad deck among bad decks but my deck here is a glass cannon among glass cannons so short of mirage decks, the matchup doesn't matter here as it's more of can my deck do its thing?  If it does then the chances of winning go up exponentially.  If not then I'm playing a worse Vanquisher Deck.

Anyway in both games I get the start which allows me to put some early pressure with Chatura and come my Stride Turn I have multiple chances of trigger First Thunder Dracokid's skill (Zorras and Voltage Horn).  In Game 1 I whiff the first Sweep Command attempt but hit it on the following turn while in the other I resolve both superior Rides and put him to 5 damage going into a Zillion Turn.

Round 2 - Descendant/Sweep vs Nubatama

We both G-Assist and he gets really lucky with hand snipes, taking away my G-Guardian that legitimately would have given me a chance to survive his turn so I die despite somewhat fighting back having gotten a Sweep Command ride off.  I'm impressed that the success rate of performing the combo seems to be at the 50% range by the time I get to my Stride turn but still salt over having to deal with Nubas.  Fuck that deck.

Round 3 - Luard vs Fenrir

I decided to borrow Derrick's deck as with a $800+ price tag I am in NO WAY attempting to build that.  Christ even my Gear Chronicle Deck doesn't match up to that.

Anyway I make plays and win off advantage and aggression.  I'm sure I played the deck differently than others as my playstyle for Vanguard tends to be less on the now and more of the turn after when it comes to decks that need to manage their resources (ie Granblue).

Round 4 - Vanquisher vs Nightrose (2-0)

And then Allen asked to play a match.  Hoo boy.  The Granblue matchup for Narus is iffy at best due to them being able to make their board go away.  We're slightly better equipped to deal with it than Kagero due to having better G-Units but them not having things to kill can be a problem.  That being said he makes some odd moves, chiefly not playing out the matchup vs Narukami proper and as the result I punish him by killing and binding his Negrolazy, Cannoneer, Negrobone and Gauche in the first game followed by a Vanquisher Voltage push that he didn't have enough to guard following Voltage landing a hit.  Game 2 I get a Chatura hit in and he again calls out a board but leaves a few things for me to kill so I'm able to get to Thunderstrike 5 quickly, but end up having to use up my hand trying to survive his G4 Nightrose push and am topdecking.  I don't top a stride, but force him to use up some hand lest he deal with a 3 crit Vanquisher while checking double Heals so I'm able to survive his second push, top nothing relevant and win via flipping a draw trigger to his 3 card hand.

So close games basically.  The Granblue matchup based on observation is I'd say a toss up.  If they get rolling and you have a weak hand you'll probably die.  On the other hand if you can get some key binds (Negrolazy, Gauche) it slows down their ability to be aggressive.

And that was it as I left pretty much immediately due to getting hungry.

-Finally got some IRL games in with Narus
-EDD/Sweep performed okayish.  It's by no means able to compete with the meta but against decks of its class (Raging Form) it's actually really good.
-Pulled a Mond Blau from my packs.
-Picked up some AqF Adelaides.  Thavas is going to be a long term project like Viktor and Blue Wave

-Getting sacked by Nubatama
-Failing on the rest of my pack pulls

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