Saturday 21 January 2017

CFV Locals Report - The Long Grind

Today's turnout was actually decent considering the last couple months.  A handful of 'Stoon people came down so we probably could have held a tournament but ultimately didn't, instead the Stoon guys just played games against our much more experienced playerbase.  One of them happened to be an Ahsha player and she actually understood the nuances of Bloom so it was really refreshing to discuss Neo Nectar theory with someone for a change.  Unfortunately they forgot to bring trade binders with them so I couldn't help her touch up the deck by trading my spare Glorious Ahsha or Jingle Flowers but it's something to keep in the back of my mind for next time.

Anyway one of them wanted to play a game against someone and I volunteered;

Vanquisher vs Gear Chronicle (2-0)

This one wasn't a fleshed out Gear deck so I didn't have to worry about the Cancer Combos which made defending against his plays alot easier.  He left things out on the board for me to kill every turn which helped me set up 2 large Voltage turns and a Conquest that got in there.  Second game he makes me start and I land a couple Chatura hits and see my draws, so I'm able to keep advantage while doing Narukami things and kill him with a Conquest.

After I had another game against a different person

Vanquisher vs Nightrose (1-0)

We both try to anti meta a bit as I stay on G1 for a turn, then I re-rode to 2 to avoid Seabreeze with the 2 being Martial Arts Dragon to get a retire/bind off and lastly he let my first stride Voltage hit and I just so happen to hit his Grenache and lone Negrolazy which slowed him down ALOT.  From there its a grind as while he is able to keep his front row clear due to hollow, he kept leaving Negrobones out in the backrow which were easy pickings for my G2s to retire which in turn set up Chain Bolts who set up Bulwark Dragon who set up Conquest/Voltage.  Surprising level of synergy we've got going here.  Anyway I'm able to survive his pushes and push back with  my own strides, put him to 5 damage and finally VMAX him.

Cancerjet vs Nightrose (1-0)

So I misride into my ONE non Chronojet VG, but Warp Drive + Ur Watar and History Maker allowed me to dig out of what was an awkward start and I manage to get the Gear engine rolling on my following Phoenix, Nextage and Warp Drive turns and overwhelm him with my attack strings.  He never properly sets up his board to deal with mine whereas I do and it's never really close.  I only went to 5 damage so I could Heal Block and have CB.

After that, Jordan arrived and we decided to relay fight!  My team mates were our resident non Bad End Spike player and the guy I just played.  We agreed to have the Spike player lead with Dudley, I would follow up with Vanquisher as playing Cancer Gears in this format is kind of BM and our last player would be Nightrose because Granblue is REALLY good in the format.

Dudley/Vanquisher/Nightrose vs Ahsha/Messiah/Gear Chronicle (Win)

Dudley had a decent start, but the Ahsha player kept flipping triggers at the worst timing, so ultimately he got defeated.  I start with 9 cards and not only do I not see Vanquisher among them, but 6 of them are triggers.  I make due by going into Voltage and using Rock Climb to set up a bind zone and get the kill and end up having to deal with Link Joker.  Fortunately this isn't Chaos so I just have to outlast some of the locks and thanks to Dudley Jessica's defensive skill, I have a 13k Vanguard which made it easier to guard his shit.  I Voltage again and build up some more binds and we go back and forth before I start threatening him with 2 straight VMAX pushes that don't go through, but whittle down his resources before I kill him with a Conquest.  I don't last long against Gears, opting to give our third player a hand to work with and he doesn't see Nightrose, but he still has enough cards to close the game out in a few turns.

Dudley/Vanquisher/Nightrose vs Great Nature/Musketeer/Diablo

I'm so glad I didn't have to lead as the amount of resist units in Great Nature now is ridiculous.  Instead the opponent goes on and on about the cards he'll draw, this and that but then he got Spike Brother'd before he could Breakride Legion.   RIP.

Musketeer player comes in and makes a suboptimal Legion play, Dudley fights back to pick away at the hand and is finally defeated in the face of a swoll Blizza.  This time I get to see a G3 and Mighty Bolt so I search a Vanquisher after striding Voltage and just chip away at his board before going to face with Conquest or something.  I know I end up facing the Diablo player soon after and he goes into a SBD and eats enough of his board away while not checking a trigger in 4 checks that I get off the easiest VMAX of the day and ping him.  Then I opt to die with a 9 card hand so our Nightrose player can combo.  Unfortunately we ran out of time and Tramps had to close before we could finish, so it ended up never panning out but I can assume that we would have won on the following Gouache turn.

So that was that.

-Got to get some more play testing in with Vanquisher outside of CFA because fuuuuuuuuuuck that place.
-Found another Neo Nectar player who knows about the Sunwheel deck!
-It was absurdly awesome how Dudley Jessica carried Spike Brothers and Narukami on her back.
-Every time you win off of VMAX's ping effect it's a Pro.

-That feeling when someone double perfect guards to avoid VMAX.
-Not seeing Vanquisher in my opening hand of 9 in both relays.

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