Friday 30 June 2017

5 Things I'm expecting for Narukami in Set 12

Kinda tempted to make this a video as well if I decide to not do a "How I would support" like I did when Set 9 was announced.  Anyway;

It's not a secret that I was not happy with how Set 9 handled Narus.  Despite their position as one of the headliner clans of the set with a large number of cards to their name the fact of the matter is Bushiroad botched the clan support big time.  We got an impressive Generation Rare in VMAX who on paper is bonkers but the support for the Vanquisher deck was extremely lacking and Eradicators got more support nobody wanted, this time with the "strongest" version of the deck in Descendant getting a Stride and support that also sucked dick which I had made a video warning people about.  As a result the Eradicator deck was a failure and Vanquisher got the raw end of the stick.

No seriously of all the cards released under the Narukami banner in Set 9 the amount of units actually played now are; VMAX, Bulwark Dragon, Martial Arts Dragon, Trainee Monk Dragon and Dragon Dancer Fatine.  The latter two don't even see play half the time as I swear to god 8k Vanillas are sometimes more effective than they are.

And people thought Genesis has it rough in the upcoming set.  Sure they get 20 cards and only a few are useful...but Amaruda is insane, Ishtar is the first stride the clan NEEDED and the new Revelation units don't suck!  They even have a good PG and synergize with the older support.  You know that thing that Thunderstrike was never able to do.

So with Bushiroad claiming that they will give Thunderstrike a significant buff (not holding my breath here) and make it easier to bind I'm going to list off the things I think we can all see coming a mile away and give my thoughts on what they should do.  Why?  Because I'm a wrestling youtube channel that thinks it's more of a bigger deal than it actually is (no seriously I'm starting to dislike whatculturewwe).

1.) A Generic G-Unit that G/Persona Flips, Retire + Binds and isn't GB2.
This is what I feel like will be what makes or breaks the deck as Narukami is one of the clans in the game that has no legitimate first stride options outside of Brawlers.  Right now our options are; Zorras who is an on hit from fucking Set 2, Vanquisher Voltage who is bonkers in the late game but as a first Zorras and finally Voltechzapper Dragon who requires you to be at Thunderstrike 3 to do anything so he's basically limited to the Vanquisher Deck because as it is Kaiser, Erads and Brawlers can barely hit Thunderstrike 3 on a good day.  Needless to say we've been overdue for a makeover in that regard for over a year and a half now and I feel like Bushiroad will deliver on this regard based on previous sets.  In Set 9 we got Split Pegasus, Dragdriver Luard and Altiel, Set 10 gave us Gaia Dynast, Heavenly Law Gurguit, Selfina and Luminous Hope Dragon and the upcoming Set 11 will be releasing Ziegenburg, Magentenbu, Mujinlord and Ishtar so I think whatever we get will follow in the same vein.  It'll do something that lets you immediately go up in advantage over the opponent as a first stride and have a strong Generation Break 3 effect that'll make it an alternative finisher.  Bonus points if it can flip anything as being able to flip up Voltages could be a thing.
-Theoretical Skill: CB1/Persona Flip/Your opponent retires and binds RGs equal to the number of face up [This unit] in your G-Zone and this unit gets GB3 Thunderstrike 3: All your units get +1000 power for each card in both players' bind zones.

2.) A new Dragonic Vanquisher
This one is also confirmed and I'm at a loss as to what it's going to do outside of one thing: his on stride skill needs to be able to retire anything and not just the front row.  It's too easy for many decks out there to end their turns with an empty front row thus OG Vanquisher can't use his Stride Break which is usually what kick starts Chain-Bolt Dragoon which in turn is the heart and soul of the deck.  This guy also needs to have an ability that allows you to punish decks like Nightrose who end their turn with no board at all.  Narukami is supposedly the counter deck to Granblue but it lacks many of the tools needed to do that.  I think an ability that forces the opponent to bind from drop would be fine.  Maybe even take it a tad further and allow it to be a quick effect that allows me to choose what gets bound on either turn for a Soul Blast at Generation Break 2 and Thunderstrike 2+.  I'll be watching what they do with this guy closely as the OG Vanquisher right now has a niche of being able to gain power off retires which is now relevant thanks to 2 of our G-Guardians being able to retire.
-Theoretical Skill: VG: GB2/TS2/1-Turn/SB1: During either player's turn you may choose a unit in your opponent's drop zone, and bind that unit face up.  On Stride CB1: Opponent binds a card from their drop zone face up, then retires a unit they control and binds that unit face up.

3.) Good main deck units
Our G-Zone aside from lacking a good first stride is actually solid.  We have finisher's up the ass including 3 that support Rear Guards (Conquest, Voltage, Closer) but the problem with that is that we don't HAVE rearguards to use them with.  Narukami's Rear Guard quality has been extremely hit or miss with the majority of the deck being made up of cards from Set 2 and Set 5 and the occasional Set 9.  Martial Arts Dragon is NOT a good card, but it's ran because there is literally no good alternative for Vanquisher.  This needs to change.  Make these new cards able to bind regardless of the opponent's board presence and give them a bonus skill at Thunderstrike 1-2 and I promise you things will improve.  At the very least make it so that we have something as good or better than Chatura, a common that's been more impressive than all of the RRs and RRRs Narus have gotten in over a year.  Also PLEASE give us a counter charge engine.  Vanquisher is super heavy on counter blasts and we need more ways to unflip outside of Anastasia and Vianne.  Blademaster and Nightrose have two very good examples that allow them to maintain their tempos without running out of CB for their upcoming turns (most of the time).
-Theoretical Skill: On call opponent binds a card from their drop zone face up, then Thunderstrike 1-2: When your Vanquisher VG attacks, countercharge 1 for every 3 cards in your opponent's bind zone.

4.) A better Perfect Guard
This one's also a no brainer as every clan has gotten another PG in a main/character booster and they've been mostly good.  Eras is insane, but I wouldn't mind a PG that helps the deck towards its win con in the same vein of the Neo Nectar and Genesis PG.
-Theoretical Skill: Normal Perfect Guard skill.  Thunderstrike 2: If another one of [This unit] Is in your drop zone this unit gets: At the end of the battle this unit was placed on G, your opponent chooses one of his RGs at rest and retire + binds it.

5.) A new G-Guard
This has also been a thing with sets.  Every clan has gotten a third core booster G-Guardian and they've mostly been about gaining ALOT of shield.  Usually +10-15k.  Since Bulwark Dragon is our +10k shield I think we'll get something that allows us to hit even higher numbers.  Ideally this guy should not be restricted to Thunderstrike AND should be able to bind.
-Theoretical skill: On G: Your opponent binds a card from their drop zone face up.  This unit gets Shield +5000 for each card in both players' bind zones.

There you have it.  Now let's see how these predictions pan out.

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