Saturday 24 June 2017

Cardfight!! Vanguard Locals Report - "RAIGEKI!"

Imagine a game where Fiend Comedian isn't a shit card.

Let's try to get back into the habit of doing these things shall we?  Even if all I'm doing is reporting on what are basically playtesting sessions as our locals usually just has 6 people present, it's still something I can write about as we all have about 3-4 decks of varying clans that we're competent with so provided I can find an opponent I can usually get a decent idea of how any particular deck of mine fares against them.  That and people (and by that I mean Norden) have told me they like reading these posts because of my times snappy remarks and my writing style that can be best described as visual.  I either entertain you or leave you informed.  Let's do this;

So today I came with Narukami Vanquisher as it's the only deck I have at this time with a full set of the new Heal Triggers, G-Guardians and Generation Break 8 unit as I haven't been bothered to order the cards needed for my other decks and I wanted to see how my revised build with 8ks and 10ks would fare anyway.  Sweep Command Dragon performed decently so how would the "less gimmicky" deck fare?  Well;

Game 1 - vs Gurguit (Win)

Not much happens in the early game as I know I don't get a Martial Arts off so it's up to my stride turns to bring the hurt.  My first stride ends up being a Voltechzapper over Voltage which was a misplay in hindsight.  I REALLY wanted to get a resist unit off the board but going for the flip would have been better in the long run.  As it is I kept his CB down to a low amount so his stride options were limited as with only 1 CB to work with Golds can't be TOO crazy and when he was able to mass call his RNG was sour.  I know I resolve one or two Impede Dragons as I am able to live long enough to hit GB8 and proceed to #Nukethedrop for 17 and push his shit in with my suddenly 50k lines to his 4 damage.  He's able to survive but can't stride wheras I have enough cards in hand to stop his desperation push and follow up with Vanquisher Voltage for the win.

Game 2 - vs Gaia (Lose)

Despite a hefty mulligan I end up missing my Grade 2 ride for 2 turns and have to G-Assist in order to not die because of my Grade 3 heavy hand (and 2 Heals), I get first stride but my drive checks reveal nothing so I'm fighting an uphill battle against a deck that can multi attack while my opponent hits Draw triggers like a god.  I'm able to keep in it by using Impede Dragon to disrupt his Gluttony Dogma turn so he doesn't get the restand and an additional one to fuck up his Gaia Dynast but unfortunately because of having to ditch 1s and 2s for multiple strides I end up with of a lack of pushing power despite getting to GB8 and fail to close it out while he responds with his own GB8 and kills me.

Game 3 - vs Gaia (Win)

No misride this time!  We take those!  Anyway I forget how the early portion of this game goes other than I don't have a G-Guard play so I have to get to GB8 the slow way.  I know I got first stride because I went into Voltage and double Chatura with none of them hitting followed by another Voltage and a Conquest.  I hit a Heal eventually and do have an Impede Dragon play and the chance to drop Closer Dragon but my hand is nothing but triggers and he was at 4 damage so I opted for Vanquisher VMAX to put him at 5 via my Thunderstrike 5, survive his GB8 turn as his own field was pretty weak (enough that I only needed a PG and a 15k to stop both) and respond with Closer Dragon for the win.

Game 4 - vs Nightrose (Win)

Hoo boy.  I knew my work was cut out for me as while in theory Closer Dragon should single handedly win this matchup getting to him is another issue entirely due to Nightrose's ability to multi attack at respectable power.  Both of us play the Grade 2 game but I eventually win that as he rides to 3 and I topdeck mine for turn and it ends up being Great Composure Dragon (the 12k) which is arguably the better ride for this matchup.  I go into Voltage but I'm pretty sure it doesn't hit (however I do force a bind through my starter so his Skeleton Cannoneer can't get the retire + draw) while he goes into Gouache but doesn't have King Serpent so he isn't able to go too overboard with his comboes.  Furthermore I also have an Impede Dragon play so I'm able to get a crucial 2nd bind to make my Thunderstrike 2 units live and make it through the turn while I got into another Voltage.  I believe this one also doesn't hit and he also didn't let one of my RGs hit so I passed the turn, keeping him at 1 open CB which for Nightrose is REALLY limiting as the deck needs 2-4 in order to pull off its best combos.  He debates on what stride play to make as by this point I'm at GB7 and will #Nukethedrop if I survive.  I do as I've got just enough cards in hand to survive all 4-5 of his attacks and have a means to stride for a delicious Closer Dragon and manage to bind a total of 24 cards off his GB8 and I go to town.  He's able to stop 2 of my attacks but I flip a Stand and that's all she wrote.

Game 5 - vs Nightrose (Win)

He makes me start which is fine as I open with an 8k ride and he gets greedy and calls his starter to the front in hopes of hitting a trigger and putting me to 2.  He doesn't and worse so I don't draw the Martial Arts Dragon to punish him for that, so instead I ride my 10k and swing at his Grenache to get it in the drop zone in case I draw a Chatura as my hand is such that I can Gradestall for a couple turns to get first stride.  He rides to 2 and contemplates calling an attacker but doesn't and swings which I let through and I stay on 2 for a turn and swing which he takes.  By this point he either has to reride to 2 to keep the game of chicken up or ride to 3 and give me first stride and he opts to ride Nighrose, call Nightstorm to the side and swings with both which I take one while blocking the other.  Now I could ride Vanquisher and Stride but I instead reride Martial Arts Dragon to kill Nightstorm and bind it thinking he's only playing one of it (he doesn't) and swing for a hit while he responds with a swing of his own which I PG.  I stay on 2 for another turn as he's at 1 damage and I have a Chatura in hand which I call down and proceed to swing unboosted at his VG so he doesn't take a damage and it leaves him with in an unfavourable scenario; let Chatura hit or don't Seabreeze.  Either outcome is favourable to me as while getting Seabreeze'd may suck, it'll cost him 2 counterblasts and he'll have none face up so I don't have to worry about being combo'd AND I'll have bound his unflip engine which will make it even more difficult to play and I don't hit then no Seabreeze.  He lets it hit and I bind his starter and his Seabreeze play is just as underwhelming as I expected and I stride into Voltage and we're off to the races.  It hits so I bind a King Serpent and 2 other cards as I had Chain Bolt Dragoon in play (and it was there the entire game) to REALLY put him in a bind as I've taken away his unflip engine and his Soul Charge engine which makes his Gouache turns weaker while also limiting his counterblast options and by this point I've established full control over the game as he's gone through all 8 crits so I'm able to defend against his push turns...mostly.  My following Voltage and VMAX turns pushed him to the brink (he 6th damage healed out of my VMAX) and he went into a Gouache with 3 cards left in deck, but was able to cycle one of his stands back in with another one in there while I only had enough cards in hand to block 2 attacks but not a third off a stand trigger flip (and with 3 checks and a 4 card deck he WAS going to hit one of them) so I had no choice to take the Vanguard attack and bank on getting a 6th damage heal...which I do!  I live his push and he concedes he 2 cards left in deck so even if I can't kill him with VMAX or Closer Dragon, he loses to deckout on the following turn.

And that was it as after the match it was time to leave and so I did.  Whew.  The Nightrose matchup is just as hard as I imagined it to be.  The deck can play around mine so very well and it's able to multi-attack me to hell if I don't have Impede Dragon to trigger Vanquisher's Generation Break 2.  Holy shit that skill has become more and more relevant as the format continues to be geared towards small to medium sized poke decks.  It just happens to be now that I have a reliable way of triggering it that I can legit use it as a counter to said decks.  Having a 19k Vanquisher on the opponent's turn is no joke.  It's just a shame that many of my other options are so limited.  I've gone on full tangents over how badly Bushiroad handled Narukami in Divine Dragon Caper so I won't go into that here.  I'll just end this with I hope they know what they're doing with Dragon Emperor's Awakening.  What I want out of the set is the subject of a video or post.  Haven't decided either.

-Nuked 4 out of 5 drop zones.
-Managed to break my previous Thunderstrike record of 17 with a massive 26.
-Through Closer Dragon I was able to make 102k+ Columns.  Where were you when Narukami was able to hit Neo Nectar numbers?
-Managed to somehow eke the win against Nightrose, Kagero/Narukami's worst enemy not once but twice.

-Misriding to Grade 2 and nearly misriding to Grade 1 and 2.  I'm running a 6 Grade 3 count so that I can fit in more Grade 1s and 2s and I'm still somehow not able to see either or when I need to!?
-I may have won against Nightrose, but I had to Grade Stall to do it.  I know it's a legit strategy and if this were tournament play it's expected but still it's kind of scummy.  Unfortunately I need first stride that badly.

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