Saturday 19 August 2017

G-BT12 Narukami Spoilers - Week 6

Not much I can say on this one.  We're literally coming down to the wire and it's just a handful of Rares plus one RR left.  Hopefully these will be spoiled next week.  Until then let's just take a look at the one card I get to talk about today;

Mystic Wisdom Creator, Brahma
Grade 4 / G Unit – G Guardian / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Noble
Shield 15000+
[G Guardian]
AUTO: [Choose 2 cards with different Grades from your Drop Zone, Bind them face-up] When this Unit is placed on (GC), you can pay the cost. If you apy it, during that battle, this Unit gains Shiled+10000.

Honestly there isn't much for me to say here.  Brahma is an easy to achieve 25k shield that only requires you to have a drop zone of your own as setup.  Oh no.  Not that.

But seriously something like this was needed as Bulwark Dragon is really difficult to make live outside of Thunderstrike decks and Brahma gives Eradicators, Brawlers, Vermillion and (I can't believe I'm saying this) Dungaree a legit G-Guard to work with.  That last deck is worth pointing out as Dungaree works off of having its own cards bound and this opens the door for eventual support.  I mean Bushiroad isn't above supporting meme decks in the game and Dungaree getting support would be no less out of place than Maiden Of.

Now obviously Brahma is something you need to be mindful of using in the Mirror Match as he immediately puts your opponent up by 2 Thunderstrikes (though honestly you'll just want to flip this guy up with Impede Dragon in the Mirror anyway) but I have to point out that he also helps you get more value out of Conquering Supreme Dragon, Closer Dragon as that card buffs your units by 2k for each card in your opponent's bind zone and yours as well.  An extra two binds means your units get an extra 4k which can sometimes be enough to make magic numbers and we definitely take those.

Run this at 1 in Vanquisher and at 2-3 in everything else.

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