Friday 25 August 2017

G-BT12 Narukami Spoilers - Week 7 (Finale)

This is it!  The last post of this series as the set is now out in Japan and we've got full spoilers to work with.  Let's not waste any time on this as I've got a set review to wrap up!

Eradicator, Sharp Impact Dragon 
[ACT](R):{Put this into your Soul} CC1. 

It's a trigger that can Countercharge.  That kind of utility is always nice to have.  If this doesn't see play now it will in the future.

Storm Eraser Shiva
[ACT](R):{Put this unit into your Soul} Choose 1 of your units, during this turn
it gets POWER+3000.

And here we have a new Malevolent Djinn except this guy has an Eradicator name which will be relevant sometimes.  Pretty much replaces Djinn.

Summon Lightning Dancing Princess, Anastasia
CONT: Sentinel
AUTO: [Choose 1 card from your hand, Discard it] When this card is placed on (GC) from the hand, you can pay the cost. If you pay it, choose 1 of your Units being attacked, during that battle, it cannot be hit.
AUTO Thunderstrike 4: When this card is retired from (GC), you can draw 1 card.

And the last card of importance I'm going to talk about (Erads got a new Vanilla Heal and Draw but nothing replaces Seibo and Carbuncle in my eyes) is best girl Haru-I mean Anastasia.  I don't really have a whole lot to say about the card as she pretty much speaks for herself.  At Thunderstrike 4 she is essentially "free" and unlike the Battle Sister PG doesn't require a copy of herself in the drop.

That's right.  This PG literally power creeps the other good PG that was released in this set.

And that's it.  All in all Set 12 is very kind to Narukami.  In fact I'd go so far as to say that Narus are the clear winners of this set as not only do we have some quality cards here, but of significant quantity too.  Sure there were some duds (most of them being on the Eradicator side) but man Bushiroad sure made up for how utterly shit Set 9 was to us.  What they've done with Thunderstrike needs to be the gold standard of how to update a Keyword for the current format as there are clans out there that definitely need a similar level of work applied to them.  Aqua Force, Megacolony, Murakumo, the list goes on.  With Set 11 being good and Set 12 being great Bushiroad has all the momentum in the world from a design standpoint and we're all eager to see what will happen next.

Don't fuck this up.

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