WGP Malaysia (Standard - 378 people):
1st) Murakumo
2nd) Narukami
3rd) Royal Paladin
4th) Oracle Think Tank
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
WGP Korea (Standard - Unknown Player Count):
1st) Royal Paladin
2nd) Murakumo
3rd) Angel Feather
4th) ?????
1st Place
WGP Malaysia (Premium - unknown player count):
1st) Dimension Police
1st Place
WGP Oyakama (Premium - Unknown Player Count):
1st) DI (presumably NLK)
2nd) Unknown
3rd) OTT (Magus IchiTom)
4th) GN (Monocle Rhino Zoa)
3rd Place
4th Place
East Japan VG Cup (Standard - 39 Teams):
1st) RP [6-2]/AF [6-2]/OTT [5-3]
2nd) OTT [5-2-1]/AF [8-0]/RP [6-2]
3rd) RP [7-1]/OTT [5-3]/AF [5-3]
4th) NK/AF/OTT (no records)
Clan Distribution:
Royal Paladin - 18
Neo Nectar - 10
Kagero - 2
Genesis - 2
Spike Brothers - 2
Oracle Think Tank - 32
Angel Feather - 23
Nubatama - 3
Narukami - 11
Gold Paladin - 8
Great Nature - 6
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Credit to the Team Absolution Discord Server for the results/images.
Now that we're two weeks into the new format we can see that OTT is once again the most played deck in the game although Angel Feather is still doing its thing and very strongly at that. What's really surprising to me is the complete lack of Neo Nectar in the Malaysia and East Japan Cup top cut as the deck was still doing so strongly beforehand (mind you Post Set 3 RP can now play the same way with consistent big as fuck lines except you also have finishing power with Monarch/Exculpate). No Nubatama is what I expected as after failing to break in last week it's no surprise that their numbers are down as a whole. RP has seen a massive spike in play and tops after this new set and Golds...well they're trying. I'm pleasantly surprised to see two Narukami pop up so the deck at least has something going for it after week 1 hype has passed. Both topping lists played exclusively fronts which I'm starting to warm up to after hearing a good reason as to why these lists are using them over crits: Fronts and the aggro playstyle they encourage work really well in a Best of One Format such as 3v3 and WGPs. In formats where you're playing Best of Three consistently then Crits will probably suit you better.