Saturday 8 December 2018

Cardfight!! Vanguard V - Episode 32 Review

Can you believe we've already hit the end of the first story arc and are moving onto the Vilest! Deletor plotline?  Well ok not quite as we still have to have the last bits of V-BT03 spoiled and in this episode we get...something to work with?  Regardless the Cardfight Club is formed and the writers thankfully keep the Student Council's screen time short as I really didn't want to see a repeat of the storyline where they basically try to get the Slifer Red Dorm closed down again.  Instead it's during a scene where Kourin is talking with the rest of the idols that the idea of Exchange Fights come up which leads to the plot of today's episode; Miyagi High vs Fukuhara High.

Considering what Shion, Henri and Rin had to work with this is spacious.

After Naoki gets bodied because he tried to do the manly strategy of running nothing but crits and fronts in his deck Kourin tells the club about Suiko's suggestion of the exchange match which is met with unbridled enthusiasm.  This somewhat wanes when the group realizes that they're at the stomping grounds of the school that won last year's High School Championship as Tetsu of Team AL4 comes out to greet them since he is the Coach/Unwitting Sucker of Fukuhara's current team.  The current captain is of course our newest entrant to the Aichi Waifu Wars to which Misaki is far from happy to see again.  Oh and then there's Asaka.

No!  Push him off!  Get rid of him before Revengers become a thing again!

The group tours Fukuhara and we get to see the spiffy fight room that'll get taken away in GNEXT as well as former members of Team Asteroid trying to be normal students now that their goals have changed for the good following Aichi's exploits in Season 1.  He also explains that his research is being helped through a new collaborator who is revealed to be Suiko who glomps Aichi upon entering the scene.  Jesus christ another Waifu for Aichi's harem?  Does he even need a blue haired girl who most of the time you'd swear is an adult?  Let's do a recap;

-Misaki (Cool Big Sister)
-Kai (Brunette Best Friend)
-Ren (Yandere turned Cloudcuckoolander)
-Naoki (Red headed Genki Girl)
-Kourin (Tsundere)
-Suiko (Blue-Haired Troll)

Kourin immediately puts an end to Suiko's shenanigans while Tetsu continues to tell them (and us) that Suiko and the Tatsunagi Corp have an interest in PSY-Qualia which is what brought about this partnership while Shingo acts like a cringy fanboy.

Suiko with an actual personality?  Wow this anime can do something after all.

Following the commercial break Tetsu agrees to set up a 3v3 Team Battle just like the way the upcoming Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Atlanta in 2019 will play out complete with Misaki breaking down the importance of who plays in what slot on the team. To make a long story short the first player of the team (A) is the one that almost always plays the best decks of a format while the 2nd player will play a high or mid tier deck (B) while the last player can expect to play against literally anything which is why when Aqua Force got it's one top in Standard it was because the player was in the 3rd slot and was carried by his team mates.  Naoki volunteers for this but Shingo suggests that Aichi being the captain "and powerhouse" (bro, Misaki is literally standing right there) should lead off instead.  He agrees to this and Ren just about does the same when Asaka steps in to fight instead much to his chagrin.  I'd say this should be interesting as we've never had Aichi vs Asaka but because this show is shit at doing fights my expectations for this are super low.


The fight begins while Tetsu tells Suiko he wants to know if Aichi's lost his PSY-Qualia powers since the Asia Circuit and adds that Ren as an opponent wouldn't cause it to manifest again.  In fact during the Asia Circuit it's revealed that Aichi and Ren never exhibited PSY-Qualia in a clear manner, not even during their fight.  I was initially gonna call BS on this but after rereading my Episode 27 Review this actually was the case.  Although I'm pretty sure that Aichi still has it since if you recall he did have a brief talk with his cards during his fight with Leon.  Regardless because of the current mood it would be unlikely that Aichi and Ren would go all out on each other wheras Asaka would be a different story since as it's revealed that she kind of has a bone to pick with him.  Turns out after fighting Aichi those multiple times has changed Ren into not a dick which while a good thing annoys Asaka because she wasn't the one to do it.'re not Kai or Tetsu.

Asaka rushes the fuck out of Aichi as he rides to King of Knights Alfred and counter rushes her to five damage going into a Golden Beast Tamer turn.  Man real life Pale Moon players must be salivating at what you could do in this scenario provided the opponent doesn't flip a defensive trigger. only shown calling a field and pushing Aichi to five.  No skill explanations.  No actual detailing of combos.  Just lazy as people charging forward animations and calling it a day.  Bear in mind this is a franchise that actually took the time to explain how a fucking Bloom combo worked when Tokoha fought the Bermuda Triangle player in GNEXT which was a year ago.  God these fights are lame.

Thus by dropping the Liberator name Wallfred actually became good.

Aichi rides the once again last to be revealed VR of this set and former Liberator known simply as Monarch Sanctuary Alfred.  Wallfred's skill isn't fully revealed here other than he has the ability to get a Blaster Blade back and a conditional power gain similar to Imperial Daughter.  If this requires King of Knights as some have speculated then good god that VR is gonna spike like hell (spoiler it already has).  Aichi proceeds to smash face through a crit on top of Wallfred's buffs to win the fight fight of the match without the need to use PSY-Qualia.  Asaka punches Tetsu out of salt takes the loss well as Shingo and Minami step up to the plate for Round 2: Nubatama vs Fur Hire?  We don't know because Shingo gets beaten off screen and now it's Naoki's turn...against Angel Feather...the arguably best deck in Standard.

...oh boy.

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