Saturday 15 December 2018

Cardfight!! Vanguard V - Episode 33 Review

Normally I give this show flak for making its fights way too quick but for Suiko vs Naoki the brisk pace just worked.  Both players made snap moves, played their decks proper and we even got a decent BGM for Suiko who in general had more pep to her in this one episode than all of the OG series (other than when she was Reversed and went full on Ham).  She's still far and away the most boring of the Ultra Rare girls but this episode does try to fix that a bit.  The fight itself consisted of a nearly run of the mill Angel Feather deck vs a Narukami Trial Deck + Vermillion which ended up being alot closer than it should have been due to Naoki going hard on the aggro early.  Suiko is able to overcome this because her deck is flat out better than his and wins the fight which in turn gives Fukuhara High the victory over Miyaji.  Fantastic.  We also see Rekka and Takuto drop by with the latter wanting to speak with Aichi as we now officially start the V-BT05 arc of the show.

Oh look.  A EB03 VR.  It only took until two sets after it's release to debut.

Well not yet at least as both teams are at the dinner table where Takuto and Rekka indirectly poke fun at Kourin's recent motivation to attend school before asking Aichi's what's next for him.  He talks about just wanting to enjoy having the club for the time being but Tetsu suggests participating in the Vanguard High School Championship that Takuto is sponsoring seeing as he doesn't have an Asia Circuit to run this season and has renamed it to "Vanguard Koshien" which I'm both curious and fearful of what the dub will call it.  Fukukara's already in it given that they won last year and after some prodding from his team mates Aichi decides to throw in Miyaji's hat as well which will be the basis for our upcoming story arc and nothing else of note is going to happen at all.  I mean yeah Takuto tells Aichi he's interested in his PSY-Qualia powers which earns him a stiff rebuke from Ren who later explains something about the guy rubs him the wrong way but that's a completely unrelated incident that'll have no bearing on this season.

If you think it's bad now just wait until GNEXT.

Not at all.

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