Sunday 4 February 2018

Playing a Deck Forever Does NOT Make You an Expert!

Oh boy.  I get to push all the buttons with this one.

One of my pet peeves regarding players in Cardfight!! Vanguard (though this can honestly be applied to any TCG/E-Sport/Etc) are the ones who act entitled because they've been playing a clan since the first set it was released and continued to play it through the years. 

I'm pretty certain I can fill this sheet out next time I go to Locals

Clan Loyalty is a thing that exists and sure I'm a die hard Narukami player until I quit the game but I'm also fully aware of the clan's limits, how it fares against other clans/the format and I'm also willing to explore whatever options come before me that I hadn't considered.  These people on the other hand act entitled or hostile, have no credentials outside of locals play, are toxic in the eyes of other players of their clan, firmly believe their own hype, think their builds are rock solid and anything that doesn't conform to their way of playing the deck is either bad, greedy or both.  When confronted over their opinions these people however can't actually provide solid proof that holds up compared to current trends or refuse to acknowledge anything otherwise on the grounds of "well it works for me!", "It's won me games!" and the reason I'm even writing this "I've played this deck longer than you!"

Here's the thing.  Your "experience" playing the clan means nothing if you yourself happen to be a terrible player to begin with.  There are people out there who are legitimately bad and despite having played the game since the beginning have never improved at it but think themselves as good because of Vanguard's inherent RNG being favourable to them or the majority of their opponents are worse than them therefore they win and their thinking is validated.  Since these people think themselves as successful they see no reason to evolve their thinking when new concepts come along and this makes it all the more difficult to discuss a deck with them when the matter of new support or intriguing builds come up.  They'll think a new card is really good/really bad when it's the opposite (Dragdriver Luard/Dragabyss Luard) and will be in utter disbelief when a deck tops running completely different cards than their build that "works for them" and vehemently argue in favour of their reasonings when I tell them why these things are happening. 

"Oh my god this list is so greedy because it has an early game and no Flagolet."
~My local Messiah Player

Mind you I have no idea what I'm talking about because I haven't played the deck as long as them.  Not at all.  I just happen to do things like; discuss the deck with people who have played it and know what they're doing, research the format or expand my horizons regarding what could be done with a deck.  Initially I thought Martial Arts Dragon would see no play at all yet he made frequent appearances in Set 9 and Set 12 Vanquisher lists and I figured out why shortly after.  Did I magically know this because I've played Narukami forever though?  Heavens no!  I realized this because I noticed the kind of format these Vanquisher lists were playing in and saw the reasoning why upon talking with other Narukami players.  My being a veteran Narukami player only goes so far when it comes to piloting the deck as really all I've done is learn how to kill/bind things, swing with big lines and wish that I had half of Kagero's consistency.  My being able to win with the deck hinges on me not sucking at the game which I try not to do but sometimes still find ways to pull off.

Vanquisher players can be some of the cringiest out there.

There really isn't a whole lot more I can say on the subject as I'm largely just venting what many people think.  If someone ever resorts to "well I've played it longer your opinion is invalid" in an argument then that is a clear sign that they can't think of anything to refute you so they have no choice but to fall back on their perceived authority regarding the deck.

And at that point they might as well say they've lost.

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