Saturday 14 July 2018

Cardfight!! Vanguard V - Episode 11 Review

It's time for the fated rematch between Kamui vs Gouki and this time we didn't have to wait 100+ episodes to get there (no seriously I looked up Gouki's record from OG and he never fought Kamui in Season 1 or Season 2.  Their only fight was when Gouki was Reversed) and I can't say I'm surprised at how it went.  Kamui obviously has some baggage when it comes to Gouki since he sees him as something to aspire to and eventually surpass based on the conversations the two have had.

No way Yu-Gi-Oh! would ever have a scene like this playing out.

The fight starts of simple enough as both players take pokes at each other while Kamui sets up his lines so that he forces more guard out of Gouki's hand while the latter does Granblue things.  We do get to see Commodore Blueblood's skill to an extent and I like what I see.  Kamui Rides Perfect Raizer and starts to combo as Gouki gets pushed to five and is whittled down to 1 card in hand while some more back story is filled in.  I have to admit I laughed when Gouki's answer regarding how Kamui could get stronger was "don't be defeated!"  That's quality memes.

I have nothing witty to say here.  This is a pretty sweet turn.

Despite this Gouki proclaims Kamui still hasn't found what he needs to be stronger and decides to close the game out and oh boy does he try.  Through a surprisingly little amount of commitment the man goes +4 in board presence and makes power lanes of 30+, 30+ with crit and 30+ which is something that G-Neo Nectar had to wait until Set 6 before doing.  Phew.  Kamui all but gives up until Aichi tells him to not and he decides to man up and take the Basskirk hit on the chin which apparently was the thing that Gouki said he was missing all along.  Go figure.  Kamui survives the turn and throws down the rest of his hand in a bid to close out the match and...runs into a defensive trigger which Misaki flat out states will keep his remaining attackers from hitting.  Kamui swings with Perfect Raizer with the hope of ripping a Front Trigger to nullify this which naturally means he does and wins the match which means Team Q4 is victorious against Team NwO.  Gouki praises Kamui and asks him to come back to Card Voyage which gets declined as the latter says Card Capital is his home now.  Or at least he probably would and go into greater detail before Nagisa glomps him and asks for him to marry her which he refuses because he has his "goddess" in Emi...who congratulates him on finding a bride so quickly.

Kamui has seen the recent tournament results.  It's not looking good for Novas.

After the shenanigans Kamui is seen walking along the sidewalk at sunset happy that he finally beat Gouki and says that maybe this means he can beat "him."  Initially I thought he meant Aichi as he's yet to do that in this Anime but then we cut to a different Card Shop where Team AL4 and REN-SAMA <3 are hanging out all edgelord like.  If I remember correctly one of the shops Kamui went to prior to Card Captial got taken over and shut down by AL4 so we've already got some potential history here.

In any case this marks the end of the 2nd arc of Vanguard V and starting next week we begin the Ren saga.  Sigh.  Now I get to listen to insufferable Shadow Paladin fanboys for the next 6 weeks.  Pale Moon reveals will hardly be enough to balance THAT out.

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