Sunday 5 August 2018

Cardfight!! Vanguard OCG Tournament Results - (August 4-5/18)

Two tournaments this time around and the first one is singles!

1st Miyagi VGCS (Standard Solo - 34 Players):
1st place) OTT
2nd place) OTT
3rd place) Kagero 
4th place) DP
5th-8th place) GB, DP, OTT, Royals 

Clan Distribution:
8 Kagero
7 AqF
6 Granblue
4 DP
3 RP
1 Tachikaze
1 Spikes

1st place OTT (glared cards are Luck Bird & Farfalle Magus)

2nd place OTT (glared cards are Luck Bird)

3rd place Kagero

Kishiwada VGCS (Standard - 38 Teams) 
1st place) Spikes/Kagero/OTT
2nd place) OTT/DP/GB
3rd place) DP/Kagero/OTT
4th place) GB/Kagero/OTT

1st Place -  Spikes (6-2), Kagero (5-3), 1st place OTT (5-2-1 as he didn't finish a game due to his team winning)

2nd Place -  OTT (6-2), DP (6-2), GB (Unknown)

3rd Place - DP (6-2), Kagero (unknown),  OTT (7-1)

Credit to TeamAbsolutionVanguard's Discord for providing the images.

The format seems to be settling down.  OTT and Kagero are the two best decks in the format with Granblue, Dimension Police, Spike Brothers and Tachikaze all fighting it out for the 3rd/4th spot in Tier 1.  What's interesting to note is that DP have started playing more draws with their recent lists and the theory is solid.  Normal Daiyusha already provides crit pressure so running more draws allows the deck to dig deeper for their good RGs and improves the chances of its wincon in Great Daiyusha chaining which is not unlike what Kagero is doing with its recent lists.  Also ouch for Aqua Force.  It's the only clan in the game right now without a single top under its belt.  Even in teams!  AL4 is gonna have to do some serious work in order to change up the format from what's basically been OTT and Kagero running the show.

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