Saturday 18 August 2018

Cardfight!! Vanguard V - Episode 16 Review

All of us when we found out Golden Beast Tamer wasn't trash.

Despite having a full fight between Misaki and Asaka this episode was able to move a couple plot threads along.  Miwa nearly blacks out from his fight last week and Misaki steps in and even puts on the VF Gloves as she argues that if she wins using them Team Asteroid will see no reason to keep pestering them.  We see a cute moment where Asaka implies that Miwa is her boyfriend and that gets shot down with gusto.  Rip the ship.  The two trade blows a bit early game and Misaki tries bluffing that the VF Gloves don't bother her since she observed how they work in multiple fights but this lasts until Asaka calls a board and rushes her down.  Misaki wonders if she can even defeat her while riding to CEO Amaterasu.

"Ah.  A fellow Accel Clan who has 1 or less RRRs in their set."

Our second plot thread involves Kyou looking for Kamui in order to meet up with Aichi and propose that the three of them hunt down Team Asteroid fighters.  He claims to have quit the Team, provides details on the "invasion plan" and is coming off just genuine enough to make anyone watching the episode suspicious of his true intents.  We later on find out that while he legitimately wants to take on Team Asteroid, he also wants to throw Aichi at them to see if his PSYQualia will awaken and ultimately see if he can acquire the power as well.

Both Kai's deck and his logic are meta.

Next up is Kai who is reflecting on what happened recently and laments that despite telling the people at Card Capital not to go after Team Asteroid...he also knows that they're the type to go after them anyway.  He decides to hit the streets and we see him just barely miss Ren who is also walking around town because "bored lol."  We see him arrive at Card Capital and talk to a Minami who has completely accepted his role as doggo as he refers to himself as both Asaka and Ren's dog while explaining that the former is fighting inside the shop.

For those of you actually keeping track; This episode Asaka had 1 Fanservice Shot to Misaki's 0.

Ren goes in as Misaki finishes her turn and remarks that he's watching a good fight.  People flip out that he's there, Asaka reports that Kai visits the shop and she'll know his whereabouts once she's done beating Misaki.  Obviously she takes exception to this and we see her go into a speech about how her views of Card Capital have changed since "he" (Aichi) started coming and that it's not become a place that she will fight to protect.  Asaka tries to go on the offensive with Artilleryman (who gets HELLA big somehow) and Ren remarks that if she can't close out the game this turn she will lose while his eyes are doing the glowy thing that we saw from Aichi last week.  Misaki holds out with only one card in hand but it's one that she's held all game and it's Imperial Daughter!  Asaka is straight fucked as Misaki is able to get the 15k and Crit which ends up deciding the game.  Misaki wins.

The episode ends with Kai being a loner in the park before he calls out whoever's been shadowing him.  It turns out to be Tetsuo.

Despite juggling multiple storylines this wasn't that bad.  We see some character development from Misaki and to my surprise she also wins her first fight with Asaka.  However next week she's facing Ren and through the power of card game voodoo shit her complete OTT deck is going to lose to a Shadow Paladin Trial deck.

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