Sunday 25 November 2018

Cardfight!! Vanguard - Major Tournament Results (Nov 24-25/2018)

Figured I'd not wait until Wednesday to actually put these up;

Nakano VGCS (Standard - 64 people)
1st) AF
2nd) NN
3rd) NN
4th) NN
5th-8th) NN/AF/Kumo/GN

Clan Distribution:
12 - Neo Nectar 
10 - Angel Feather 
8 - Great Nature
5 - Gear Chronicle
5 - Spike Brothers 
3 - Genesis
3 - Murakumo
2 - Royal Paladin
2 - Kagero
2 - Tachikaze
1 - Shadow Paladin
1 - Gold Paladin

WGP Kanazawa (Premium - Unknown Player Count): 
1st) GP Ezel
2nd) DI
3rd) DI
4th) DP

1st Place

2nd Place

4th Place

WGP Kanazawa (Standard - Unknown Teams): 
1st) Murakumo/NN/AF [6-2]

Kagura VGCS (Standard - 48 Teams)
1st) AF [5-3]/NN/OTT [5-3]
2nd) AF [5-3]/OTT [5-3]/NN [5-3]
3rd) Genesis/GN/AF
4th) NN/AF/GC [5-3]

Clan Distribution:
32 - Neo Nectar
26 - Angel Feather
17 - Great Nature
10 - Spikes/OTT/GC
8 - Murakumo
7 - Royals/Genesis
4 - Shadow
2 - DP/MC/PM/AqF/Tachikaze
1 - DI/Kagero/NG

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

4th Place
Credit to TeamAbsolution's Discord for posting the pictures/results.

Well now.  New toy syndrome wore off hella fast with Genesis and Gears seeing a drop off in play and freaking Great Nature being the most popular clan of EB04.  Japan sure loves their gatcha decks I guess.  That being said despite Great Nature seeing as much (or more) play than GE and GC combined it's not able to convert these numbers into top place finishes as Neo Nectar and Angel Feather can.  Anyway that's all for now. 

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