Saturday 23 March 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard V - Episode 46 Review

I was wondering how they were going to handle Zombie Aichi and two minutes into this episode I got my answer.  Aichi's gone full on villain and it's glorious.  It reminds me of when he went off the deep end with Shadow Paladin in OG Season 1 but they decided to go all the way here as his cringy facial expressions and edgy vocal tones make him come off as a flat out creeper when he's talking to Misaki.  Anyway the two of them throw down as Aichi wants her to become "his teammate" and tells Naoki and Shingo not to interfere after Suiko brings them into the room.  We also get an explanation as to why Aichi is still a zombie despite Kourin being defeated and the only way to snap him out of it is to defeat the guy directly which Misaki finds to be easier said than done given his current state.  I wonder what the Zombie status does to someone who already has PSY-Qualia and can summon it at will?

But at what cost?

We cut back to Card Capital and find that Kai's passed out and Kyou says that when he comes to he'll have no interest in Cardfight!! Vanguard which upsets everyone.  This is followed up with Ibuki on the streets acting pissy that Kai somehow managed to find some fun in their fight while he makes his once an episode speech about deleting everything and everyone before coming to the conclusion that all of his actions have been under the guiding hand of Takuto which he hates.  We also get to see Tetsu put his foot in his mouth which I honestly felt wasn't needed here.  The main hook of this episode is seeing Aichi act like a dickhead.  Focus more on that!

After seeing these facial expressions I kind of want them to print an edgey looking Blaster Blade.

The fight continues and Aichi does pretty much what I asked for.  He acts like a villain right down to totally not laughing in a manner that says "I AM EVIL.  LOOK AT MY SINISTER WAYS" as he goes on the offensive with the turn 1 Blaster Blade + Knightbros combo that somehow manages to wake Kourin up.  Naoki fills her in on what's happened as Misaki survives the push but not without Aichi reminding her that he has PSY-Qualia powers and that he already has a vision of how this fight will pan out...and that she knows this.  Misaki fights back by doing OTT things with Rectangle Magus that she uses to set up a crit while making her RG super swoll which Aichi takes to everyone's shock given that he easily had enough shield to stop that.  He just replies with "this fight is already over."

"Children's show."

Kai wakes up and despite looking like hell he decides to go find Aichi which has Kyou baffled due to both of them being deleted by Ibuki.  He decides he wants to know what is it about Vanguard that'd make Kai want to do this still and asks Kamui to teach him how to play again while we cut back to Aichi riding Monarch Alfred.  He goes right on the offensive and Misaki No Guards his Vanguard attack which gets punished with a Double Critical that will win the fight unless Misaki heals out of it...and she doesn't.  Misaki's first damage check is a heal but since Aichi No Guarded on her turn he's got more damage and thus she can't heal a point.

Holy shit did the anime just show off Heal Blocking in a fight!?  This might be the biggest brain play we've seen out of the characters since Koutei damage denied Kai and baited him into negging his hand with Overlord at the start of the series.

Anyway Misaki realizes all too late what's happening along with the startling revelation that he planned out this fight that far ahead and she promptly loses while being turned into a zombie.  With this we now finally have had every character between both the OG and V series get Reversed or Zombie'd with the exception of Ren and Ibuki (Misaki didn't get Reversed and Aichi used PSY-Qualia bullshit to power out of being Reversed.  Leon technically didn't get reversed but a Reversed Clone of him exists) so just like with Aichi I'm curious to see how a now evil Misaki will conduct herself outside of her one line saying that she'll always be at Aichi's side.  The episode ends with Takuto gloating over the fact that many people are on their way to the Tatsunagi home and that the night will be wonderful.  Insert Kefka Laugh here.

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