Thursday, 27 June 2019

Hating on Bandwagoners is stupid

Oh boy I'm finally doing this.  I've had some strong opinions to say on some of the most scrubby (extreme casuals that even casual players dislike) parts of the the Vanguard playerbase but never had the motivation to go through with it.  Then I saw this pop up in the Discord that I frequent;

Detonix still Tier 1?  During BT format?  Boy you crazy.

I hate this mentality as I find it to be utterly ridiculous and a sign of how ignorant someone is to the ways of card games.  Who is this guy to determine if someone is a real fan of a deck just because they didn't play it from the beginning and during the times it was the utter shits?  By taking this mentality all these type of people end up doing is coming off as elitist assholes and it only serves to sabotage the growth of the clan in question in the long run.  If anything these "veterans" should be welcoming people into their community but they're too fucking concerned with more people coming in, picking up the deck and either: being better with the deck then they are therefore they're no longer big fish in a small pond (and given that these very people are usually scrubs to begin with that's a real possibility) or causing their cute pet deck that not alot of people play to become popular and as a result they're no longer a special snowflake for playing a rogue strategy that is "unique", "creative" or "takes alot of skill to play" and that "only I know how to play it" (which are all signs of that person again being a scrub as scrubs tend to be the people that spout these often used lines from the Shit Player Bingo Sheet).

With that said let's go into why taking this mentality is so bad.  The big one is that it actively discourages people from picking up what could be a new deck that they could legitimately enjoy because that elitist asshole made them lose interest.  Not everyone will find a deck they like right away.  Granblue for instance is one of the 3 clans that I currently own and enjoy but did I pick up that deck in the beginning?  No.  Oh god no.  Granblue was terrible in the beginning and continued to be bad all the way into G!  I picked up the deck during the Nightrose hype and found that I actually enjoyed what I played and I wasn't alone.  Nightrose and 7cs brought in alot of new players into the Granblue community and a good number of them have stayed since.  In addition to that the people that hopped on the Granblue bandwagon then proceeded to find ways to innovate the deck which in turn led to it becoming the Meta powerhouse that it was from G-BT06 to G-BT11 and its massive presence in the OCG.  Do you think it was the OG "I played Granblue since the very first set and stuck with it ever since and I hate all these new people" players that discovered the Nightrose + Negrolilly + Cannoeer/Ghostie combo that took the deck to another level after G-BT08?  Hell no!  It was the newcomers that were already good players from playing other decks that discovered the combo.

This in turn leads to another thought I've had with the subject and that is this line of thinking is a direct contradition to something else these people will often screech about "why isn't my deck seeing more play!  It's really good!"

Well gee. Maybe it's because you turned away all of the people that had an interest in playing it!?  More people playing a clan at tournaments will improve its chances of topping.  This isn't the fucking anime where the one Megacolony player in the room is going to go on a tear and make their way to the finals of the big Vanguard Cup and defeat the big bad Kagero player that is said to be a top level player that may or may not be best friends (and more) with the Royal Paladin player.  The decks that top and win the most tournaments are often the most played ones.  The last 3 formats in which Bermuda Triangle have been out prove this.

Thus I hope you guys understand why this mentality baffles and frustrates me as these people are coming off as super cringe weebs that may turn away new players that may have actually enjoyed playing something different rather than sticking to their one deck that they may be getting bored of (which I call the Salamangreat effect).  Did I come across as too harsh?  Ehh probably but the people that are likely seeing red right now are the very same scrubs who think being an OG clan player since its first set release and never abandoning it is supposed to give them a fucking medal or something.  Well let me say that as someone who has played a clan since it's release all the way back in 2012 (and I even have a video of me opening Resonance of Thunder Dragon) all the way to now I can tell you that I no I don't have such a medal.  I do have the respect of some people who seem to think my opinions have some merits but that's less of me being a Narukami main and more of a telling it as it is without bullshitting.  I also don't have my head up my own ass when it comes to other people taking interest because I know that they're curious and while not everyone who hops aboard the Narukami hype train/bandwagon are gonna stay I also know that some of them will like how the deck plays and will stick with it.  A good example of this is popular Vanguardtuber DifferentFight who jumped on during G-BT12 and has been a fan of the deck since.

So with that said allow me to wrap this up by saying I as your Veteran Narukami "Guru" welcome any and all would be new players into the fold during this reveal season.  Ignore the assholes who are getting mad at you for hopping on the bandwagon.  You're probably better than them.

V-BT05 Narukami Spoilers - Week 2

Attempts to goldfish and shadowbox with these reveals has brought me to the conclusion that I don't need Dragon Dancer, Rairai in my deck because I always draw 1-2 Thunder Break Dragon before/after mulligan even at 3 copies :(

Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Cho-Ou
Grade 2 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Demon
Power 9000
Shield 5000
AUTO (VC/RC) When placed, COST [Counter Blast 1], choose a column, bind a rear-guard in your opponent’s front row of that column, and move up to one rear-guard in the back row of that column to the front row (RC) of that column.
AUTO (RC) 1/Turn At the end of the battle that your vanguard attacked, if your opponent has no rear-guards in the front row, COST [Counter Blast 1], and Stand this unit.

Cho-Ou is fantastic.  Easily the best RRR revealed so far.  The first skill is a straight upgrade of Recklessness Dragon and has the added benefit of telling the unit in the backrow to "get over here!" like with Riki/Clap Dragon/etc.  It also bypasses Resist and Resist like effects such as Blaster Arrow which is useful in both Standard and Premium format since you're choosing a column and binding whatever is in the front row of that column rather than a rear-guard.

The 2nd skill is also really good as it gives Narukami additional multi attack outside of Rising Phoenix + Detonix Drill Dragon combos and again can be utilized in both formats (yes I know lol Premium Narus. Why is our Premium Collection stride so shit?) and makes the deck capable of popping off to a degree in the early game now.  Think about it: You win the dieroll, ride to 1 and pass then the opponent rides and swings to deal you damage.  Now it's your turn and you ride Deathscythe/Thunderstorm then call this guy to the rear.  You can now swing for 9k to force out a guard or a hit, then swing with the VG and afterwards use Cho-Ou's effect to stand him back up for another swing.  3 attacks for one card out of hand is not bad.  Later on you can put Cho-Ou on an Accel Circle and have him swing for 19k, then have your VG swing and if you flip a trigger you can pass them onto Cho-Ou and stand him back up.  Did your opponent flip the defensive trigger because they're a fucking sacklord better than you?  Then don't stand him up and let your bigger beatstick like Deathscythe on Accel take over.

Desert Gunner, Gaiban
Grade 1 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Human
Power 7000
Shield 10000
AUTO (RC) At the end of the battle that your vanguard attacked, choose one of your units, and until end of turn, it gets Power+3000, and for the battle that that unit attacked, your opponent cannot call sentinels from hand.

This card is so free and it's low key good.  7k is undesirable but there's some neat stuff you can do with it especially in regards to Detonix Drill Dragon.  With Drill you can boost it and swing for 19k then after the batter use Gaiban on Drill to make it 20k on restand and swing with PGs being blocked and afterwards you can use Gaiban a second time to buff another RG by 3k while giving it PG restrict.  20k's not an amazing number but the boost from 17 to 20 means your Force opponent can't slap a crit down and no pass you which was always irritating when trying to use Drill Dragon to close out games.  This may also have some premium applications thanks to how big our front row can be under Conquest/Voltage.

And that's it for this week.  Nubatama's VR got spoiled so it's likely that Gauntlet Buster Dragon and our 2nd RRR will be revealed on this Tuesday's stream.  Until then.

Cardfight!! Vanguard - OCG Tournament Results (June 22-23/2019)

Week 2 of "set that will be immediately irrelevant once BT05 comes out" format.

Business Trip! Grand Prix Akaba 2019 Sendai (46 Participants):
1st) GP (Ezel)

10th Hachioji Cup (Standard - 31 Teams):
1st) BT/LJ (Messiah)/AqF
2nd) Kagero/NG/BT
Top 4) BT/GB/DP
Top 4) GB/DP/OTT

Clan Distribution (91 Decks)
GB - 20
LJ - 15
NG - 11
BT, DP- 9
KG - 8
AqF - 7
GP - 4
SP, AF - 2
Others - 12



Kurosaki VGCS - VMC Qualifier (42 People):
1st) BT
2nd) NG
3rd) AqF
4th) Kagero 

Clan Distribution:
BT - 16
NG - 7
Kagero - 5
LJ, GB, GP - 3
AqF - 2
DP, OTT, SP - 1





Vanguard Sky Cup - VMC Qualifier (64 People):
1st) NG
2nd) LJ (Messiah)
3rd) GP
4th) LJ (Messiah)
Top 8) DP
Top 8) OTT
Top 8) AqF
Top 8) DP





Top 8

Top 8

Top 8

Top 8
Credit to the ProofCord for images/results.

Hey look at that, Aquas and DP are doing more things.  Kudos to Aquas for breaking the Week 1 curse.

Monday, 24 June 2019

V-BT05 Narukami Spoilers - Week 1

Remember when I did a week by week look at all the Narukami reveals that were coming up during G-BT12 season?  Let's bring that back!  Same ground rules as last time in that;

-These cards are being looked at WELL before the actual release of the set and there is a good chance my initial thoughts may turn out to be too harsh or lenient (although at the risk of sounding full of it I've been spot on more often than not)
-We are getting reprints of our previously released triggers (except Wyvern Guard, Guld) and will be getting a new Critical and Front Trigger in this set.
-One of the Rares in this set WILL be a Perfect Guard with the ability of on-ride draw 1 and discard 1.
-I am NOT covering Promo Cards with these as Bushiroad is horrendously inconsistent when it comes to releasing them here.  
-I'm expecting any of my would be readers/subscribers who are Narukami players to have already finished their decks.  It's been half a year guys, there's no reason why you don't have sets of Detonix Drill Dragon and Stinger Dragon by this point.  Drill was 15 dollars at one point.  You should have nabbed it then.

Ceremonial Bonfire Eradicator, Castor
Grade 1 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Sylph
Power 8000
Shield 10000
AUTO (RC) When placed, COST [Discard a card from hand], choose a rear-guard in your opponent’s front row, bind it, and this unit gets Power+5000 until end of turn.

If Rising Phoenix didn't exist I'd say this card is pretty meh due to the discard.  This is an Accel clan after all and you don't want to be yeeting off your much needed pieces especially given that Narukami is arguably one of the only Accel Decks that would actually continue to use Accel 1 over Accel 2.  It IS spot removal without using any CB or Soul with the latter being a much needed resource and the 5k means she'll be 23k on Accel.  A definite upgrade over Riki but also wouldn't be surprised if it didn't make it into the final build.

Desert Gunner, Doran
Grade 2 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Human
Power 8000
Shield 5000
AUTO (RC) When a card is discarded from hand for the cost of your vanguard’s ability, if this unit is in the front row, COST [Soul Blast 2], and draw a card.

Gauntlet Buster's gonna be a discard effect, isn't it.  It is neat that this guy isn't a once per turn and makes Detonix Drill Dragon a little less costly but not gaining any power and being an 8k really hurts it.  Soul Blast 2 makes it even worse.

Thunder Break Dragon
Grade 3 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Thunder Dragon
Imaginary Gift: Accel
Power 12000
CONT (VC) If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or higher, when this unit would attack, it battles all of the units in your opponent’s front row.
ACT (VC/RC) 1/Turn COST [Counter Blast 1], and your opponent moves each of their rear-guards to an open (RC) in the front row. (Can move diagonally)

The very first boss of Narukami returns and with him Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion has been officially yeeted out of the deck.  Thunder Break (along with Gancelot) brings an interesting design concept of having really good effects unlocked if you've lost the dieroll that I hope we see on other cards to help lessen making going 1st such a blowout in Standard format. In regards to his ability his ability to drag up anything from the backrow including starters makes cutting Riki justifiable and much like Vermillion before him he's a potentially great blowout card for board spammy accel decks like Gold Paladin due to the free Thunderbolt effect.

With that said this card is solid but by NO MEANS a replacement for Detonix Drill Dragon like some misguided people are thinking.  This will be at most a 1-2 of tech like Vermillion/Clap Dragon/Composure Dragon before him while the heavy lifting of the deck is covered by Gauntlet Buster/Detonix Drill Dragon.  Restand > Board wiping.

Dragon Dancer, RaiRai
Grade 1 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Human
Power 8000
Shield 10000
AUTO (VC/RC) When its attack or the attack it boosted hits a vanguard, look at the top seven cards from the top of your deck, reveal up to one “Thunder Break Dragon” from among them, put it into your hand, and shufle your deck. If you put a card into your hand, and this unit is on (RC), put this unit into your soul.

My hot take of this was that I wasn't "feeling it" compared to Thunder Break and I stand by that statement.  Oh sure people will say "but it gives much needed soul for Narukami AND can fetch you a first Grade 3 ride!" but here's the thing.  Unlike Megacolony's version of this card you only have one valid target for it and the chances of hitting it in the early game are looking to be very poor even when ran at 4 copies.  But why are you running 4 Thunder Break Dragon?  Unless you're playing super budget with 4 Vermillion and 4 Thunder Break you should almost never have to run more than 1-2 Thunder Breaks as mentioned above due to your Grade 3 Lineup likely consisting of;

4 Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon
4 Detonix Drill Dragon
1-2 Thunder Break Dragon/Detonix Stinger Dragon/Great Composure Dragon

Now tell me with a lineup like that how reliable is RaiRai?  Not very.  I'm not going to make my deck weaker in order to justify running a gimmicky sub engine.  Now if we get a Grade 2 that's also able to fetch Thunder Break I may consider it but by the looks of it RaiRai has no place in the Standard Competitive build.

And that's it for week 1.  Stay tuned for when I post week 2.  Maybe we'll have GBD revealed by then.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard - OCG Tournament Results (June 15-16/2019)

New set's out.  How did it fare?  How much should we care when BT05 is gonna just power creep it out entirely if Gancelot is any indication?  Can't say I have the answer for the second one.

GP Akiba Finals (16 Participants that had to win a qualifier to attend):
1st) OTT
2nd) DI
3rd-4th) OTT
3rd-4th) BT

Clan Distribution:
OTT - 4 
GP - 3 
BT - 3 
DI - 2 
SP - 2
RP - 1 
GN - 1

1st Place

Business Trip! Grand Prix Akaba 2019 Hakata (61 Participants):
1st) GP (Ezel)
2nd) SP (Luard)
3rd) GP (Ezel)
4th) NN
Top 8) BT (Caro Shizuku)
Top 8) NN
Top 8) GP (Ezel)
Top 8) GN (Hammsuke Bigbelly)

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

4th Place

5th Place

6th Place

7th Place

8th Place

I hope any would be Neo Nectar players kept their Maiden of Gladiolus from the first Trial Deck.  Those things are pricey now.

2nd Yellow Submarine Kyoto VGCS - VMC Qualifier (unknown but close to 64 participants):
1st) LJ (Messiah)
2nd) GB
Top 4) BT
Top 4) GB

2nd Place

4th Place

Komikaru VGCS - VMC Qualifier (52 People):
1st) LJ
2nd-4th) ???

Lists are still to be posted 

Clan Distribution:
LJ - 10
Kagero - 9
GB - 8
NG, BT - 6 
GN, OTT, GP, AqF, DP - 2
PM, NK, NN - 1

Oka Lab VGCS - VMC Qualifier (57 People):
1st) BT
2nd) LJ (Messiah)
Top 4) NG
Top 4) BT

Clan Distribution:
Kagero - 10
BT - 9 
NG, DP - 7 
LJ, GB - 5 
AqF - 4 
SP, GP - 2
Tachikaze, PM, NN, OTT, MC, NK - 1

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

4th Place

193 VGCS (46 People):
1st) BT
2nd) DP
3rd) LJ (Messiah)
4th) GB

Clan Distribution:
Granblue - 7
Bermuda Triangle, Nova Grappler - 6
Aqua Force - 5
Kagero, Dimension Police - 4
Link Joker - 3
Oracle Think Tank, Narukami, Neo Nectar - 2
Royal Paladin, Shadow Paladin, Gold Paladin, Genesis, Pale Moon - 1

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

4th Place
Credit to the Proofcord for images/results.

...what the f**k is a Kagero?  Like damn I expected DP and Aqua Force to do poorly but Kagero getting completely shut out?  That's a surprise.  Granblue is delightfully doing better than expected (and probably had a hand in Kagero getting yeeted) with it being a deck that is capable of running 12 crits and being able to smash anyone unawares.  The way they're playing the deck is a super aggressive milling strat with "ride Cocytus or die" being your goal that aims to kill the opponent quickly, abuse Greed Shade and your newfound draw power to keep a hand up and likely deck out by the time your opponent would likely kill you (which is usually their 2nd/3rd Grade 3 ride turn).  Shoutouts to Scaredick being well, scary on the final push turn as you have him, Cocytus with his giant 2 crit ass and Skull Dragon or a 2nd scaredick bringing up the rear.

That being said Bermuda Triangle is still killing it being the winner of most tournaments held after set release while Messiah, Nova Grappler and Granblue are following behind.  They're not as overly dominating as before but it's gonna take until Gancelot and Tsukuyomi are released to put them in check.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Cardfight!! Vanguard - OCG Tournament Results (June 8-9/2019)

Have you guys seen the price of Azure Dragon here?  Jesus;

Hobby Station Kanazawa - VMC Qualifier (36 People):
1st) BT
2nd) BT
3rd) NG

Clan Distribution:
Kagero, Link Joker - 9 
Bermuda Triangle - 8 
Nova Grappler - 4 
Gold Paladin - 2 
Royal Paladin, Angel Feather, Genesis, Nubatama, Tachikaze - 1

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Sapporo Kotoni VGCS - VMC Qualifier (56 People):
1st) BT
2nd) NG
3rd) BT
4th) LJ (Deletor)

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

4th Place

Yellow Submarine Akihabara - GP Akiba Qualifier (32 Players):
Winner: SP (Luard)

Card World Tower Akiba - GP Akiba Qualifier (42 People):
Winner - GP (Ezel)

Card Kingdom Akihabara - GP Akiba Qualifier (48 People):
Winner - SP (Luard)

That random Deletor top though.