Thursday 27 June 2019

V-BT05 Narukami Spoilers - Week 2

Attempts to goldfish and shadowbox with these reveals has brought me to the conclusion that I don't need Dragon Dancer, Rairai in my deck because I always draw 1-2 Thunder Break Dragon before/after mulligan even at 3 copies :(

Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Cho-Ou
Grade 2 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Demon
Power 9000
Shield 5000
AUTO (VC/RC) When placed, COST [Counter Blast 1], choose a column, bind a rear-guard in your opponent’s front row of that column, and move up to one rear-guard in the back row of that column to the front row (RC) of that column.
AUTO (RC) 1/Turn At the end of the battle that your vanguard attacked, if your opponent has no rear-guards in the front row, COST [Counter Blast 1], and Stand this unit.

Cho-Ou is fantastic.  Easily the best RRR revealed so far.  The first skill is a straight upgrade of Recklessness Dragon and has the added benefit of telling the unit in the backrow to "get over here!" like with Riki/Clap Dragon/etc.  It also bypasses Resist and Resist like effects such as Blaster Arrow which is useful in both Standard and Premium format since you're choosing a column and binding whatever is in the front row of that column rather than a rear-guard.

The 2nd skill is also really good as it gives Narukami additional multi attack outside of Rising Phoenix + Detonix Drill Dragon combos and again can be utilized in both formats (yes I know lol Premium Narus. Why is our Premium Collection stride so shit?) and makes the deck capable of popping off to a degree in the early game now.  Think about it: You win the dieroll, ride to 1 and pass then the opponent rides and swings to deal you damage.  Now it's your turn and you ride Deathscythe/Thunderstorm then call this guy to the rear.  You can now swing for 9k to force out a guard or a hit, then swing with the VG and afterwards use Cho-Ou's effect to stand him back up for another swing.  3 attacks for one card out of hand is not bad.  Later on you can put Cho-Ou on an Accel Circle and have him swing for 19k, then have your VG swing and if you flip a trigger you can pass them onto Cho-Ou and stand him back up.  Did your opponent flip the defensive trigger because they're a fucking sacklord better than you?  Then don't stand him up and let your bigger beatstick like Deathscythe on Accel take over.

Desert Gunner, Gaiban
Grade 1 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Human
Power 7000
Shield 10000
AUTO (RC) At the end of the battle that your vanguard attacked, choose one of your units, and until end of turn, it gets Power+3000, and for the battle that that unit attacked, your opponent cannot call sentinels from hand.

This card is so free and it's low key good.  7k is undesirable but there's some neat stuff you can do with it especially in regards to Detonix Drill Dragon.  With Drill you can boost it and swing for 19k then after the batter use Gaiban on Drill to make it 20k on restand and swing with PGs being blocked and afterwards you can use Gaiban a second time to buff another RG by 3k while giving it PG restrict.  20k's not an amazing number but the boost from 17 to 20 means your Force opponent can't slap a crit down and no pass you which was always irritating when trying to use Drill Dragon to close out games.  This may also have some premium applications thanks to how big our front row can be under Conquest/Voltage.

And that's it for this week.  Nubatama's VR got spoiled so it's likely that Gauntlet Buster Dragon and our 2nd RRR will be revealed on this Tuesday's stream.  Until then.

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