Thursday 9 January 2020

V-EB12 Narukami Spoilers - Week 2

This is the big one.  Foils of all kind were revealed since the last post so let's get right into it!

Dragon Dancer, Anastasia
Grade 1 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Human
Power 7000
Shield 10000
CONT (GC) If your opponent has three or more cards in their bind zone, this unit gets Shield+5000.
AUTO (RC) When your other unit is attacked, COST [Soul Blast 1], and move this unit to (GC).

This card really isn't that good.  Poor stats, a far from outstanding effect and outclassed by several other G1s that the deck has I don't see her having a place in the deck.

 Mighty Bolt Dragoon
Grade 1 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Human
Power 8000
Shield 10000
CONT (RC) During your turn, if either player’s card was bound this turn, this unit gets Power+5000.
AUTO (VC/RC) When placed from hand, look at the top five cards of your deck, reveal up to one grade 3 card from among them and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, and if you put a card, discard a card from your hand.

This card is good.  Even if Vanquisher turns out to be a bust the current Gauntlet/Drill deck will definitely appreciate the boost in consistency this brings.  Hell every Narukami variant will like having a better Dragon Dancer, Rai Rai.  Hell the discard can be useful for getting Rising Phoenix into the drop zone for your binds later.  Being a 13k booster also lets your lanes hit over damage triggers easier given that your front row attackers are usually 14k.  Hell sticking it behind Gauntlet puts it up to 35k against Force and 40k against Accel.

Spinus Blader Dragon
Grade 2 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Thunder Dragon
Power 8000
Shield 5000
CONT (RC) During your turn, if either player’s card was bound this turn, this unit gets Power+10000.

8k Grade 2s need to have a damn good effect to warrant seeing play.  This isn't one of them.

Demonic Dragon Berserker, Chatura
Grade 2 / Normal / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Dragonman
Power 8000
Shield 5000
[AUTO](RC):When its attack hits a vanguard, [COST][Soul-blast 1], draw a card, choose one of your opponent’s front row rear-guards, and bind it.
[AUTO]:When bound from hand during your turn, you may call this card to (RC). If you called, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.

I'm actually a little disappointed at this version of the unsung hero of G Narukami.  While the on hit is better this time around, he also doesn't have that inherent power gain that let him terrorize your opponent from the moment he hits the board.  Instead you have to bind it from hand then call it to RG in order to gain the power needed to hit Vanguards which at the time of this post being made can only be done with two cards.  I would have liked it if they added on "from RG" in addition to the hand since it would allow you to bind him off the board with Vanquisher and bring it back out at 18k.  I think he'll see play regardless since when combined with Jaggy Shot Dragoon you have another multi attack combo which is this deck's wincon with Vanquisher.

Jaggy Shot Dragoon
Grade 3 / Normal / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Human
Gift: Accel
Power 12000
[AUTO](VC/RC):When it attacks a vanguard, [COST][bind a card from your hand], choose one of your opponent’s front row rear-guards, bind it, and if your opponent’s front row has no rear-guards, you draw a card.
[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle that it attacked, if your vanguard is “Dragonic Vanquisher”, [COST][put this unit into your soul], and draw a card.

This card's pretty decent.  For the cost of a card out of hand he triggers Chatura and Rising Phoenix for more multi attacks while letting you potentially draw 1 for a full cycle before yeeting himself into soul to build more hand and allowing you to have that much needed Grade 3 in soul for Vanquisher.

Just a quick reminder about this guy in Premium; the 2nd effect can only be used if you have Vanquisher V Series or Vanquisher G Series on VG.  It won't work if you're on Vanquisher Sparking or have any of the Vanquisher Strides on VG.

Dragonic Vanquisher
Grade 3 / Normal / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Thunder Dragon
Power 12000
Gift: Accel
[CONT](VC):During your turn, if a total of three or more of any player’s cards were bound this turn, all of your front row units get [Power]+10000.
[ACT](VC)[1/turn]:[COST][Counter-blast 1], choose one of any player’s front row rear-guards, and bind it. If your soul has a grade 3, you and your opponent choose a card from their hands, and bind it.

Vanquisher is good.  Really good.  Unfortunately Riviere is fucking broken and this card is not enough to improve Narukami's overall presence in the format.  BT is just that strong right now.  God help you if you've lost the diceroll against a Riviere player because if you somehow survive their OTK push you're now riding a card that can't get max value because of the stupid G3 in soul restriction when the more common "opponent's VG is G3 or higher" condition would have been better therefore you can't immediately punish them on the clap back.  Given that most tournaments have BT as half its player rep with Riviere as the most played deck that just makes it all the more of an oof.

Now if Riviere didn't exist (banlist plz) then Vanquisher would be really good.  The spot removal isn't as much of a blow out as Gauntlet is but being able to rip a card from the opponent's hand while also triggering Chatura is cool but lets face it what we care about the most here is that front row buff as one of the biggest weaknesses of the GBD deck was that your RG lanes had the strength of wet noodles.  A continuous 10k lets you do so many dirty tricks in the battle phase now that you can push over one defensive trigger (most of the time).  Rising Phoenix and Cho-Ou become ridiculous, Chatura can hit harder and your Accel 2 units can actually force out more than a 10k against Force decks.  Honestly speaking Vanquisher V is better than most of Narukami's Strides in what he does as he's basically a better Conquest Dragon but without triple drive.

Yes.  That's how fucking bad Narukami's stride options are.  Holy shit we need a first stride that isn't butts.

Now as for how he'll be integrated into the current deck I think Detonix Drill Dragon finally gets the boot.  Vanquisher is the best finisher we have and Jaggy Shot Dragoon pairs nicely with him.  Gauntlet may be reduced to lower numbers to fit in our new G3s (Mighty Bolt can fetch him however) or cut entirely.  I'm not sure which path will be better as first riding Vanquisher against an empty board going first is pretty mediocre and at least Gauntlet can bait a PG or deal 3 damage.

Galvanic Mace Dragon
Grade 3 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Thunder Dragon
Power 12000
CONT (VC/RC) During the battle this unit attacked, if your hand and rear-guards are a total of four or less, your opponent cannot call sentinels and grade 0 cards from hand.

This doesn't seem that great.  Could have some interaction in Premium at some point?

Desert Gunner, Bhajan
Grade 1 / Normal Unit / Dragon Empire – Narukami – Human
Power 8000
Shield 10000
AUTO When bound from hand during your turn, you may call this card to (RC).
AUTO (RC) When placed, if any player’s card was bound this turn, Soul Charge 1.

If only it said Counter Charge 1 instead.  Regardless this is another card that calls itself from hand binding which will be what lets it see play.  Yeeting this with Jaggy Shot gives you another 13-23k attacker in BP after all.

That's it for now.  All of our cards except for some commons have been spoiled at this point but if last set proved anything it's still too early to make a final judgment.  Bolt Capture was one of the last spoils for Set 5 and he turned out to be a near staple.

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