Tuesday 14 January 2020

V-EB12 Narukami Spoilers - Week 3

Mostly just commons and some final thoughts.  Let's wrap this up;


Desert Gunner, Tengen

Volt Pike's probably not making the cut after this set so why would I even think about using this instead?


Dragon Dancer, Ramolna

Why are they still printing vanillas in 2020?  This (and the above card) could have been literally anything else.


Harbringer Dracokid
Auto: When rode upon, draw 1.

I actually think this art looks worse than the original one.  It's a draw starter of which we now have 3 to work with.  I'm gonna stick with Spark Kid Dragoon.

Screen Shot 2020-01-14 at 8.21.26 PM

Voltic Shred Dragon
[Auto](R): When attacking if your VG is "Dragonic vanquisher", [Cost]{SB1}, draw 1, bind 1 card
from your hand.

Like I said last week the Spoiler Dump that happens before set release usually has a playable common and this is one of them.  Voltic Shred is basically Jaggy Shot lite but he's one of two things I wanted in the form of another card that hand binds.  Now we have Vanquisher, Jaggy Shot and Voltic as enablers for Chatura and Bajhran plus this guy gives us some hand filtering.  I think this will see play as a two of like Recklessness Dragon did near the end of Accel Meta.

With that said we're done!  How did Narukami fare with this set?  Honestly I think they won it.  Shadow Paladin got the raw end of the stick and Aqua Force looks good but not quite as good as Narukami does due to Vanquisher having a better highroll that can let it outright steal games if it draws the right hand going first.  The Vanquisher deck has a distinctly different playstyle than GBD/Drill with a focus on chain attacking under a front row buff while being able to hand cycle for extenders and honestly is looking to be the better deck compared to what we had before.  GBD by itself is horrifically strong BUT everything else in that deck was always lacking in firepower.  By comparison Vanquisher and the cards it plays have better overall offensive pressure, better draw power and it can make better use of the many good rear guards that NK has to work with (Phoenix, Cho-Ou) while also being able to play better against Force Decks.

Mind you this is all mostly moot as while this deck is very good and is arguably now on even footing with Murakumo and Tachikaze it still pales in comparison to the nonsense that is Riviere.  Vanquisher would be legit strong if that deck didn't exist and I don't expect any banlists to come in and fix the issue when Bushiroad would rather just power creep it out instead.  I won't rule out the chances of it getting a freak top or two while we wait for Astral Force and it'll definitely see play in teams.  I'm definitely going to be picking it up as the deck's playstyle is fun as well, rewards you for smart play and will likely be easy on the wallet.  If you haven't picked up Wyvern Guard, Guld, Rising Phoenix and Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Cho-Ou you need to do that now as prices on these cards are going up with Cho-Ou being the target of repeated buy outs.  Spend the 3 dollars to get him now rather than pay 10 dollars come the EN release of the set.

In regards to what build I'm looking to start off with I'm leaning towards;

4x Dragonic Vanquisher
4x Jaggy Shot Dragoon

3-4x Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Cho-Ou
4x Voltage Horn Dragon
4x Demonic Dragon Berserker, Chatura
2x Voltic Shred Dragon

4x Mighty Bolt Dragoon
4x Rising Phoenix
3-4x Desert Gunner, Bhajan

4x Heal
6x Crit
6x Draw

1x Spark Kid Dragoon

I think playing the deck pure without GBD or Drill is the optimal way to go.  I've gone all in on trying to combo with enablers and extenders and I'm running extra draws as they double as great bind targets if I don't have an extender and drawing an extender off a Draw Trigger has happened and it's glorious.  This list is subject to change mind you once I get more games in and get to see what Japan does with the deck.

Until next time when I'll be writing up another one of these for the sole purpose of shitting on whatever god awful stride Narukami gets out of Premium Collection 2.  I'd say it's impossible to do worse than Conquest Farfromgreat but Bushiroad is incredibly good at fucking up the simplest of shit.

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