Sunday, 24 February 2013

Locals Adventure - Beat by the Bubble

Last post of the September 2012 Format!  Hard to believe it's already come to a close.  In regards to my thoughts on the format as a whole it was pretty fun Mermail and Wind-Up nothwithstanding (I'm sorry but I've had a strong hate for that deck since ORCS).  I got a top and was able to play several decks including one that was super Meta before I traded it off.

Most notably this format was where Yu-Gi-Oh! DevPro made a name for itself as an alternative to Dueling Network in regards to online dueling and overall its SO.  MUCH.  BETTER.  Fuck the bad kids who try to summon Cyber Dragon after Tour Guide and fuck the people who think they're amazing players but don't bother to pay attention to what Koa'ki Meiru Drago does and tries to Battle Fader it but then have the audacity to claim they know "how to fucking read" when I start telling them what Crimson Blader and Queen Dragun Djinn does on summon.

Oh and fuck Prophecy.  Much like Wind-Ups the deck used to be cool but then Konami broke the fuck out of it.  Now it's become a self touch deck like Dark World.  In fact Prophecy is the NEW Dark World.  Yes I fucking went there because its so god damned true.  The difference is that Dark World sometimes require you to play out of bad hands of Discard Outlets with no Monsters.  Prophecy has fucking Spellbook of Judgment.  You know it's sad when a deck makes Dark World look skillful.

That said I decided to play a deck that could use 2 Solemn Warning since the card is wrongfully going to 1 this banlist when really it should have been done in Sept 2011.  Its a deck I was able to finish upon getting a 2nd Fire Fist Bear and that would be Tenki Gladiator Beasts.

Round 1 - vs Photons (2-0)

Game 1; I don't want to be mean here but this guy's deck has gotten worse over the last year.  Too many gimmicks that kill the overall flow of the deck.  As such I was able to out advantage him through Tiger King and giant Laquaris.

Game 2; I booked his Photon Thrasher and started doing things.  He didn't have a chance.

Round 2 - vs Xyz Deck (2-0)

Game 1; I summon a Darius and he sets a backrow before swinging at it with Alexandrite Dragon but I Lance it.  Then I got to pop his backrow with Bestiari and it snowballed from there.

Game 2; I dropped Gyzarus a couple times and just went HAM.

Round 3 - vs Water (1-2)

Game 1; Not much I could do here.  He got Abyss Sphere off and I couldn't stop his plays.

Game 2;  He opened two Genex Controller and I hit his Megalo with a War Chariot.

Game 3; Okay so I open with Dimensional Fissure and completely stonewall his deck.  He has an all mosnter hand for like 5 turns and time gets called.  I'm all set to win and have a second DiFi but I don't play it because I was fearing the Heavy Storm.  Well it didn't matter because he ripped MST off the topdeck and proceeded to OTK me.  SALT.  CONSIDERABLE SALT.

And that was it.  Due to the turnout and time only top 4 could make playoffs.  Of course I'm going to be part of this seeing how I only lost 1 match and it was to the undefeated person, right?  NOPE!  A fucking scrub kid got in over me.  The rest of us at Team Tries Too Hard were like wtf how did some baddy get into top here.  Turns out he was playing Dark World which goes to show that anyone can build that piece of garbage and do good with it.  Oh well then!  And if you think that's bullshit then wait until you hear about the end.

You see the prize support which happened to be Astral Packs and older TP packs were done in a dumb manner.  First and Second got Astral Packs and there were 5 to go so obviously the remaining five good people could pick what they want, right?  NOPE!  We're going to preset which slots between 3-16 get an Astral Pack and completely make the point of trying to do good and place well COMPLETELY MOOT.  What the hell is the point of trying to win all my games and top when I can throw every match, get last place and get the same prize as whoever worked their ass off to get 1st place?  LOGIC!

So screw that noise.  I bought a few packs of Blazer and pulled my third Breakthrough Skill and a FF Horse Prince.  Traded the Breakthrough for Super Terraforming and therefore my Dragunity gets more blinged.

After this we went to Robins were I had a few more games of Yu-Gi-Oh followed by Cardfight!! Vanguard where I won nearly all of my games against the likes of Dark Irregulars, Nova Grappler, Amber Dawn Kagero and Oracle Think Tank. I also got to experience the misfortune of decks with 12 Critical Triggers to my 8 and 4 Stands/4 Heals.  My god I don't like how I have to wait for half a year for Narukami to get more Crits and support in general.  Narukami is a good deck but it's got a horrific lack of support compared to Gold Paladin.  Vermillion only goes so far on his own.  The Eradicators can't come soon enough.

Then to wrap it all up there were multi way Yu-Gi-Oh! Duels and oh dear god the amount of insane bullshit that happened.  Lulz of massive levels were had.  Same for fails.  Some were epically awesome and others were outright facepalm worthy.

-People still don't know how the fuck GBs work.
-Slapping people around with Narukami
-Mega Man Battle Network talk
-Seeing two people Compulse each other back and forth.
-Super Rare Terraforming!

-Getting sacked by Water
-Bubbling out and seeing a terrible version of Dark World make top 4.
-Realizing that the best plays of my deck were off of the Fire Fist cards.  Pure Fire Fists are so much better than Tenki Glads and that's dissappointing.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Suck my Basilicock!

Yup another locals report from the Blue Corner and as usual something silly happened at the store. We'll get to that later.

Anyway I decided I'd play the new Fire King Structure Deck with Hazy Flames mixed in.  I just needed to get the Fire Deck which I had none of beforehand.  Thankfully Tramps had 3 left in stock so I bought those out and started building, shuffling and etc before getting some trading done.  Ended up getting a Gold Rare Gold Sarcophagus for Disaster Dragon, Recycling Batteries for Thunder, 2 Super Rare Terraforming for Dragunity, Brotherhood Tiger King, Laval Stennon, 2 Super Rare Wulfs, 2 Gold JDs, 1 Super Hand of the Six, 1 Night Beam, 1 Ascetism, 1 Convulsion of Nature, 1 Gateway, Catapult Turtle and a Fire Formation Tenki.  Awesome.  Now for the tournament.

Round 1 - vs Lightsworn (2-0)

Game 1 - Lose the dieroll but I open with Onslaught so I'm able to start plussing with Garunix.  He eventually drops BLS and JD on me but I'm able to work around it with multiple Rekindlings and Gaia Dragon's massive piercing damage against 2 Rykos.

Game 2 - I get the ball rolling and he drops JD but makes the misplay of using his field nuke effect with a Garunix on board.  Yeah that did not end well.

Round 2 - vs Inzektors (2-0)

Game 1 - Ah yes the Threatening Roar build with Call of the Haunted.  Flamvell Firedog forced those out early while I start building up resources to summon Basilitrice and remove things.  He clears them but I Rekindling him for game.

Game 2 - Garuinix was a gigantic douchebag this game as I brought it out with Onslaught while he had a Zenmaines on the board so that was a guaranteed means of triggering his effect twice and I flipped Dust Tornado after he played Di Fissure, summoned Centipede and tried to Hornet Garuinx.  He makes another Zenmaines so I'm constantly knocking materials off and finally force him to get rid of his Messinger of Peace and create a you can't win board he has no choice but to Dark Hole...then I Rekindling for game.

Round 3 - vs Dark World (2-1)

Game 1 - I MST his Gates and this slows him down horribly as he only had Beiige and Goldd in his hand which I Bottomlessed.  I run over Beiige with Firedog and spam Fire Circle to OTK him.

Game 2 - He opened with 2 Dragged Downs to my one Gemini Imps and starts doing Dark World bullshit.

Game 3 - I get him back though by Imping his one Dragged Down and playing Rekindling and using Fire Ring for game.

Top 4 - vs Mermail Atlantean (0-2)

Game 1 - I open terribly as usual against anyone good.  Barong as my only monster and no Onslaught in sight is a terrible thing to have against anything super fast paced like Merlanteans.  Would have killed to get a Firedog but nope.  I admit my build has consistency issues but come on!  I would have liked to have put up a fight.

Game 2 - I open pretty meh but eventually get Garunix out which does stonewall him for a bit, but he's able to drop Moulinglacia and that answers that.  I topdeck into a Fire Ring and I'm done.

My opponent goes on to beat Dark World in the finals which was called Faggot World while Water was called Derpy Water.  My deck got named Derpy Fire to which I told the judge he was wrong.  It's called Suck my Basilicock and he promptly DIED laughing.  After this we went to Robins to shoot a Banlist video while also doing some games of Yugioh and Vanguard that I recorded.

-Deck has tremendous potential for something relatively inexpensive.  Commons and rares from Cosmo Blazer and the Structure deck go a long way.  It can be made better using some powerful cards like Cardcar D and Threatening Roar.
-Garunix is too stronk.
-Beating Dark World despite seeing a whole 3 of my 7 sided in cards.
-Watching one of those bad players snap because his shitty Hero deck got whooped by something consistent.

-My shitty games against Mermail Atlanteans.  I was roflstomping everything before hand then I drew CRAP.  Multiple Controllers weren't nearly as awful as what I had to work with.
-Pot of Duality and Bottomless are kinda hit or miss.  I may drop them for CCD and TRoar.

-My god the number of Yugi-Hipsters is increasing.  I can't go to a locals without someone bitching about cookie cutter this or acting holier than thou because they're using a card that nobody does in an established deck...because that amazing card is awful.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

That was FUN?

A post on a Saturday?  That must mean I went to the good locals!  Indeed I did!  In fact today was overall a good day barring some unfortunate things which I'll get into later.  Prior to this I had decided to get rid of my Mermail/Atlantean deck and I ended up getting rid of my Prophecy Regional Mat that I won with Dragunity.

In the end I got 100 dollars cash for my Megalos (one was factory damage and the other I valued at 60 since they were played), Ulti Photon Thrasher, Ultra Solar Recharge, Lightning Chidori, Ghost Rare Heart-EartH Dragon, DP Yugi Mirror Force, DT Catastor, Super Rare 1st Necro Gardna, 3x Ultimate Rare Herald of Orange Light, Breakthrough Skill, German Evolzar Dolkka, Super Rare Mobius the Frost Monarch, Super Rare Dimensional Prison and Ultra Rare Book of Moon for the rest of the Mermails, Atlanteans and 3x TP Deep Sea Diva.  Sure I took a slight loss as opposed to trying to overcharge them on Ebay (and people would have gone for them) but I usually trade with my friends at lower prices than I would with strangers.  Not to mention I still got most, if not all of the money I spent on the deck back in the form of my trades (Ulti Thrashers are like 40 bucks in itself, plus the 25 dollar Book of Moon, etc) and now I don't have to worry about the banlist killing the deck I'm playing.

I admit I LOVED playing Merlanteans.  Water decks in general were never good until they came around and I've wanted to play good water deck for years.  Its why I still try to make Gishki work.  However I also know full well that once the Suppressor Dragons hit the TCG I'm never going to play Merlanteans again so I figure why not get rid of the money cards of the deck while they're still valued high and money that I can use towards getting the Suppressors and saving up some cash for Nationals.  The way I figure it the trip is going to cost about 500-1000 dollars and with this I'm almost halfway there.  That said onto the tournament itself.  At the suggestion of Megamonkey I decided to play something a little more fun in the form of Lightsworns seeing how I haven't used them in a tournament all format and my subscribers have been asking for a deck profile on them for a while now.  I'll say the latter part isn't happening until I can work out the kinks in the deck as I have had notoriously bad luck with them in the past.  Everytime I mill a BLS or a Monster Reborn I die a little inside and such.

Round 1 - vs Heraldic Beasts (Megamonkey) 2-0

Game 1 - He opened kind of poorly and I milled alright.  I eventually knocked him down to >4000 LP and made Tempest Magician to burn off the rest of his LP.

Game 2 - This one was long as he was able to break through my monsters (I don't think I dropped a JD this game) and I was forced to sack a bit before time was eventually called.  Then I sacked a little more and I won.

Round 2 - vs Gravekeepers (2-1)

Game 1 - He busts out a Malefic Cyber End Dragon that I clear, then he busts out a Stardust that I Ryko and eventually I drop JD and nuke everything before going for a kill.

Game 2 - I dropped BLS early and poked with Wulf for the win...except I realized that Wulf I summoned off of Lumina was what I removed for BLS.  I told him he got the win since I created an inrreperable game state.

Game 3 - He Royal Tributes my BLS and Gorz but I'm eventually able to get out of it thanks to Tragoedia and eventually dropping a JD with Zenmaines.

Round 3 - vs Dark World (1-2)

Game 1 - His dealings lets me put the last 2 Lightsworns I needed for the 2 JDs I now had in hand.  Thanks!

Game 2 - Then he gets Skill Drain AND Dark Smog up turn two and I can't do JACK SHIT.

Game 3 - Look at me I can can get Card Destruction and all of my fucking amazing combo pieces AND my side decked cards and slap my balls in your face oh ho ho!  Dark Worlds are so great!  Fuck.  Lightsworn have to draw godly AND Gemini Imps in order to stand a chance against this pile of shit deck.  Its so fucking irritating when you can't clear a Dark Smog and they just keep plussing of it.  Oh you want to attack with Trag?  I'll Skill Drain that and remove it with Dark Smog.

I swear to fucking god I'm going to make a deck specifically to troll this garbage.  At least 3 people play it so I know there'd be one or two instances I could go Naturia Beast + Backrow turn one.  Oh you want to play your discard outlets?  Too fucking bad.

Also the whole "side decks are awful for the game" is complete rubbish.  The reason side decks are so powerful now is because decks are so one dimensional.  They weren't like this before but its just how the game has become.  Every archetype is linear to the point that they DO lose to single cards that shut down their strategy.

Top 4 - vs Photons (2-0)

Game 1 - I mill REALLY nicely with Wulfs and Necro Gardnas doing their thing.  I manage to drop a JD to clear the board and take it from there.

Game 2 - Kinda similar.  I mill BLS early so I set myself up to Monster Reincarnation it back and put JD out.

Finals - vs Dark World (1-2)

Same as Round 3.  I annihilate him game one and then he dickbutts me hard the remaining two.  At least I pulled a Photon Thrasher from my Astral Pack to go with the first one.

-Lightsworns are still a good, albeit not wholly reliable deck.  For every Wulf or Necro Gardna I milled, I'd also mill 2-3 limited cards.
-Lumina + Garoth is so good.
-Maxx "C" is a troll.
-Picking up a Super Rare Tefnuit, Exploder Dragon to complete my Hieratic and Super Disaster Dragon decks.
-Dem trades.
-DD Crowing a Grapha.  That felt so good.

-Getting outsacked by Dark World.  Oh I dropped 2 Judgment Dragon on you.  BOO FUCKING HOO!  You got Card Destruction and Dragged Down Into the Grave every game.
-Bad mills.  My Soul Drains, Spirit Reapers and Royal Decrees rarely saw actual play.

Lesson of the day.  As long as Dark World exist, you can never have fun at your locals.