-I played and won the TDK Mirror Match through EPIC N plays and clutch Catchers.
-Got a Landorus EX and Entei EX for a Latias EX and Zapdos EX. Bitchin.
-Redeemed ALL of my stocked up codes for packs I traded off to build a legit TDK + Landorus deck Online.
Now onto the topic of this post and that would be what I intend to be my last Locals Report for Yu-Gi-Oh! for the duration of this format. Following the last couple of times I've gone and ended up raging to the point of leaving the bloody store I've come to the painful realization that I take the game way too much for my own good and it's ruining the fun of it. Its causing quite a bit of stress and I really don't need to be having that so honestly a good month or two break will do me some good and when I ultimately decide to pick things up again I hope that I'll be a better person in mind and all that jazz.
That and I'm just tired of how the format and the people have become. Be it Youtube, forums, DN, Facebook or even at locals I've found myself facepalming to the point that I just need to get away from the environment.
What will you do though, some people may wonder. Pfft. I've got at least 5-6 JRPGs on my Backloggery that need to be :B:. Tales of Vesperia, Final Fantasy XIII, Tales of Graces F, The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles, Pandora's Tower, Persona 3 Portable, Persona 4 Golden, Trails in the Sky, Wild Arms XF, Radiant Historia oh dear god it doesn't end. Not to mention the non RPGs like DmC and Bayonetta or all of the good Wii Games that have come out in the last three years.
So about 5 games then. *badum-pish!*
That said since this was going to be my last locals in a while I figured I may as well go out with a tremendous roar in a manner befitting a Dragon Highlord and play Dragon Rulers at their absolute best since the deck is going to get hit in September. Don't deny it. It's going to die like Inzektors. Oh that deck had its moment or two in the following banlist but lets be real. Inzektors now are absolute SHIT compared to March 2012. In doing this I also knew that I'd be steamrolling through most of the people and probably get some jeers from the people who think the deck is auto pilot, unskilled and the type of opinions from people that they've gained from other people but never actually played the deck. Don't even fucking care. I'm not going to bother defending the deck. It's a really good Rank 7 Toolbox and unless you're playing something on its level it will annihilate you much like the "great" decks of the past did against anything outside of their tier. Now let's get to the tournament itself...where there will be blood. Dragon's Blood.
Round 1 - vs Dark World (2-0)
Oh look. A deck that's even derpier than this. People may call Dragon Rulers degenerate but at the very least the deck has a tremendous number of plays outside of the obvious Dracossack combos to handle situations. Dark World...summons Grapha over and over again while trying to rip cards out of the hand. That's all it does. One of the most linear decks out there. If that deck is not spamming Grapha it is not winning. That simple.
Game 1 - I open pretty ass with Tempest and a Lightning while the rest of my hand are spells not useful for the situation....like Card Destruction. I set the Super Rejuv in case he tries to do Dark World bullshit which he does. Upon seeing me chain the Rejuv he stops there and I start forcing out his backrow. I saw at least 2 Evac Devices before I drop a Crimson Blader and kill him a couple turns later.
Game 2 - Oh look. He played Dragged Down. That's a fair card right? Super Rejuvination is a completely busted and horribly designed card that was never seen in play until Dragon Rulers came out and ultimately started abusing the card and now everyone wants it hit because it's completely unfair to be on the receiving end of such bullshit whereas Dragged Down is a COMPLETELY fair card. Right?
It's fucking dumb shit like this that I hate about people. Super Rejuvination needs to be hit but Dragged Down is fine? THEY'RE THE SAME FUCKING THING. They are old cards that were never seen much play (well except in Dragon Exodia but that's not a deck. That's solitare) but then came a deck that took these cards and completely broke them to the point that they are completely unfair in design and are the reason the decks are hated and need to be hit. The best part though? There are even people that defend Dragged Down saying that Dark World NEED it to compete. They aren't a deck without the hand ripping which is complete horse shit. I fucking want some of that weed that these idiots are smoking because Dark World at its CORE is about making use of discard effects and summoning big monsters. Not attacking the hand. Want an example? See Dark World Creator Turbo. That's an example of Dark World without the bullshit hand attacks.
Anyway despite that and a Mind Crush hitting my Eradiactor Virus I fuck him up in a few turns after resolving some Sarcs or something. I was too busy listening to everyone around us complaining about the power of Dragon Rulers. We were the last people to finish the round which wasn't surprising. Dragon Rulers do not just burn through opponents like Chaos Dragon did. It's actually more about the advantage gaining like Monarchs.
Also if Super Rejuvination is to be hit then Dragged Down goes with it. Same fucking issue. Bad card design that eventually gets abused.
Round 2 - vs Fire Fist (2-1)
Game 1 - Same guy that I faced the last time I used this deck. Forced out the backrow then started making some pushes for game.
Game 2 - He opens with Prohibition calling Dracossack which does hurt. I have the option to Scrap Dragon it by popping a Tidal but I get greedy and go for the attack first and run into a Mirror Force. I don't draw into Reborn or a means of getting Redox + Earth monster so I scoop it up.
Game 3 - No prohibition this time. Better yet I have Forbidden Chalices and Veilers for every one of his big plays and.
Round 3 - vs Cyber Dragon OTK (2-0)
Game 1 - I open with a Dracossack which gets sent off for Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. After explaining to him why Tokens don't count towards attack gain I proceed to not lose to Limiter Removal because that and I'm able to storm back to take it.
Game 2 - I Blader lock him for a turn but I end up losing it or something. I just remember staring down a field of Tokens before I get the idea to summon Red Dragon Archfiend to nuke them all then make a push. I win shortly after.
Top 4 - vs Ben Kei OTK (2-0)
...What is this, 2005? Oh shit! This is the year Batista wins the Royal Rumble and proceeds to face GOD (ugh) at Wrestlemania. I should use this knowledge to make money somehow. The inner Bender in me demands it.
Game 1 - I make something and it gets taken with Creature Swap. Then I put Scrap Dragon and Dracossack on board and get plusses.
Game 2 - He Creature Swaps again but it ends the same.
Finals - vs Dragon Ruler (2-0)
This was an inevitability as Megamonkey was playing the deck as well (since the time I played Dragon Rulers he has been and won every Tramps since meaning the deck as a whole has gotten 1st place in Regina Locals every week since its release. Scary) and this was the matchup he was dying to have since I'm kinda good with any Dragon deck I touch and would give him a hell of a fight seeing how we were playing equally matched decks and unlike random DN scrubs I actually knew what I was doing (most of the time). I think his build was 40 cards to my 42 with about 6 cards difference in the main so yeah...this was going to be a really tight game and both of us knew it going into this. Because the two best players in the city were playing a Mirror Match involving the best deck in the game all of the other players gathered round for a duel to see who was Greatest of the Four Dragons.
Game 1 - We both open with awful hands. Hands full of Big Dragons bad. He goes first and makes a Dracossack after banishing 2 Big Dragons from hand to summon a Big Dragon and I end up doing the same...except he's got Maxx "C." Now normally I'd be forced to either stop or try to go balls deep in an attempt to kill him or proceed to die on the next turn from probable Big Eye on Big Eye on Big Eye rape which is what everyone around us were constantly yammering (along with other backseat dueling nonsense). However I happened to have Forbidden Chalice in my hand which allowed me to do the still obscure but quickly becoming well known play of Synchroing into Colossal Fighter while the opponent has a monster of 2500 attack or more on the board and you're under Maxx "C". What you do in this situation is attack into the monster and Chalice it so that it becomes at least 2900 attack and have Fighter die in battle but revive itself over and over again, forcing the opponent to draw until you ultimately deck them out. You'll take about 6000 damage in the process if they're at 30 cards in deck but there is virtually no counter to it and not surprisingly I caused several brains to melt after doing this. Its not very often that a deck is able to turn one of the few things that hard counters it AGAINST the opponent and OTK them for it.
Game 2 - He opens with Dracossack after having a much better hand. I open with Wiseman's Chalice which I use to steal his Tidal from the Graveyard and drop my own tidal to make Abyssgaios, negate Dracossack's effect and make a Thunder Charger to punch over a token. Those 2600 points matter especially in the early game post siding, by the way. He makes a Red Dragon Archfiend and a couple other monsters but unfortunately makes the mistake of forgetting about Abyssgaios' attack lock effect and is forced to bait out the negate with Big Eye in Main Phase 2 before losing his entire field to RDA's end phase effect. On my turn I make Scrap Dragon and he doesn't have the Veiler for it so I take it.
Not a single Big Eye was summoned.
After this we go to Robins for some after dueling. I get some games in with my Vermillion The BLOOD and Constellars then Megamonkey and I spend like 4 hours talking about 100 card Traditional Dragon decks, cartoons, some video games and wrestling before calling it a night. I think I ended up falling asleep half an hour later.
-Winning Locals in glorious manner. That's two straight 1st Place Finishes in a row with Dragon Rulers. I r teh grtst.
-Getting a Vermillion The BLOOD mat. FINALLY I have a Vanguard mat.
-Pulling off the Forbidden Chalie + Colossal Fighter under Maxx "C" OTK. Now people are more likely to summon Dracossack in defense if they have the Maxx "C" in hand. But then the opponent knows you have Maxx "C" and will try to play around it which means you won't be able to get that surprise and...jeeeeeez. This Mirror match IS retardedly strict.
-Losing a game to an awful player because I got reckless.
-Winning because of a misplay. I know that's usually how Dragon Ruler Mirrors end but still kinda crummy.