Thursday 6 June 2013

Locals Report from Hell

Way to go Derrick.  Now we're all dead.  Worse yet I still haven't finished telling my story and now I have to do it as a ghost.  I hope you're happy.

Now where was I?  Oh right.  Cube Draft.  Stuff happened then I ended up taking part in the next one.  I was able to draft a somewhat decent Dragon deck while making some hard choices (my one pack had Monster Reborn AND Pot of Greed in it.  I went with Greed but my god, having to pass up Reborn was hard...) and I did meh.  My first round had Victoria in his deck and I just died to that thing.  I did summon original Red-Eyes B. Dragon in the first game though and therefore earned the most style points of the second draft.  HAH!
My second round I was able to do some stuff though he got heads on Fiend Comedian when I was trying to Debris into Black Rose and if there's anything that will get me upset its Fiend Comedian.  I have NEVER seen anyone call it wrong.  Fuck that card.  After paying him back in spades with BLS we decided to play Normal Yu-Gi-Oh! where I got my revenge and smacked his Evilswarm with Hunders in all but one or two games where he YOLO'd and it paid off.  Notably I made a Number 69 and stole Lavaval Chain's effect and dropped a HUGE Trag.

Then we played each other's decks and I beat him down with Evilswarm.  Had Bahamut take a Constellar M7 and I Shock Locked him after hearing him say "Shock Master isn't good against the Meta."

I am like Crapcom.  Your tears make me stronger.

I also did some trades, got a FF Bear for Constellars and an OTT deck for a really good deal.  That someone makes up for the fact you blew up the Earth, Derrick.


So after my two fillings were thawed I realized I could go to Pokemon Locals and get some trades/games in...assuming things went well.  They did and while I traded for a whole couple things the important thing was that the resident competitive player was there.  Turns out he's going to Worlds to compete for the Last Chance Qualifier since Worlds is in Vancouver this year.  See Pokemon likes to hold major events, like Nats or Worlds in Canada because they appreciate the Canadian player base.


Thus I offered to have him some games with his deck "complete" (he was using Proxies for his missing stuff) and point out any things that I could help with because apparently despite having jack shit for credentials in the game of Pokemon some people regard me as one of the better players in the city, if not one of the best.  That weird moment where a judge is asking for your opinions on rulings.

Rayeels vs Plasma Box WLW

Game 1 - He makes the mistake of playing Virbank first and I win the Stadium War as the result.  Not having to deal with Virbank is HUGE when Plasma Box relies on that extra Poison Damage to get quick KOs.  Thus I was able to grind him down while setting up my Rayquazas and I start picking off his key guys (Deoxys-EX) and win after some time passes.

Game 2 - I start pretty bad but work my way out of it.  Unfortunately he's able to get a huge Scramble Switch into Lugia-EX play off and I just can't fight out of it.

Game 3 - Oh dear god one of my Eels are prized.  He takes the lead in knockouts and I have to do scrub plays like use Switch to get my Rayquaza cycle going but I start clawing back into it after finally getting a 1 Fire 3 Lightning setup going and taking down his guys after Ning him down to 1 card in hand to my 6.  I complete the come back by Dragon Bursting a Lugia-EX for 300 damage.

-Completing Disaster Dragon
-Getting a new Vanguard Deck
-Summoning Red-Eyes B. Dragon in draft and attacking with INFERNO FIRE BLAST!  NYEH!
-Making up for one of my slops
-Avenging my Pokemon losses in glorious manner.  Dragon decks rule.

-Getting sacked
-Losing my cool
-Getting killed by the apocalypse.  Dammit, Goku!  Hurry up and wish the Earth and all of the people on it back already!

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