Thursday, 6 June 2013

The Much Awaited Lolcals Report for June...I think

I've learned that if I don't post on a weekend that I go to Locals that potentially bad things happen.  Well okay not really but the puppy dog eyes I get can crush souls so I'll share my tales from this weekend and Wednesday then.

You know who you are.

So I had my once a month weekend off that I only get once a month because once a month I get Saturdays off.  Figuring competing at the good locals would be a nice change of pace I decided to run Dragunity with Imperial Iron Wall to stonewall the two good players present who would be playing Dragon Rulers because Iron Wall is kinda really good and I was toying with the idea of running Iron Wall Dragunity at Nats.  Techs like that which can singlehandly get you blow out wins and steal those crucial Game 1s in this format are great and being able to build decks that can take advantage of said cards can really help you go the distance in an event.

Ultimately the build ended up being about 5-6 cards off of PhoenixFlareX's recent build which is okay.  He's one of the best NA Dragunity players so this just means I had the right idea.  I also noticed in last video how he felt Cards of Consonance was becoming less and less useful and would be better off not main decked.  Finding this intriguing I decided to try playing without CoC but still main decking Garuda.

Round 1 - vs Constellars WW

Game 1 - I don't recall much of this but I'm able to play around his Pleiades and ultimately kill him in one giant turn.

Game 2 - I opened up with all the answers.  Warning, Mind Crush, Negation.  That kind of stuff.  He couldn't do anything.

Round 2 - vs Dragon Ruler WW

Game 1 - Opened with Maxx "C" which is godly against the deck and I was able to resolve 2 Gold Sarcs.  He ended up leaving a Tidal on the board I think and I power through 2 Effect Veilers (I had a hand of Dux and 2 Mystletainns) in order to make a Blader and lock him from there.

Game 2 - We both throw Maxx "C" around but he starts Blader locking me.  I'm forced to pass with an open field but I'm able to stave off an OTK and on the next turn I go off and kill him.

Round 3 - vs Samurai LWL

Game 1 - He has all the answers to my plays and I just die after he Enishi's my Mystletainn and goes ham.

Game 2 - I bait out a Musakani with Stardust before sitting on Thought Ruler.

Game 3 - Sams do what Sams do.  Open with the Shi En and Double Edge plus additional backrow.  My no monster hand was no match for a Shi En + Nat Beast lock.  I'm utterly disgusted.

I end up bubbling as the result despite having the same 2-1 record as people that did top.  I end up playing Evilswarm on the side with Dragunity and Hunders for testing purposes.  Dragunity ended up winning the first match but I lose the next two with Hunder after getting repeatedly lucksacked which outright pisses me off.  What's the point of playing when my opponent is able to open the fucking nuts ALL THE TIME and has ALL THE ANSWERS no matter what I do, I ask myself.  I had to get away from there and everyone, go home and sort out my thoughts and issues.

So overall it was not a k day.  Frankly it was from this I realized that going to Nationals would be a complete waste of my time.  Why drop 1400 dollars to fly to an event JUST so I can get sacked by someone opening with 2 Super Rejuvinations?  Given that I'm notoriously pissy about getting sacked I just don't see myself having a good experience.  It's a shame because I really wanted to meet the players I knew would be there but my wallet and my patience cannot afford it at this time.  Maybe next year?  But that would require me to top a Regional and I'm honestly not sure if I have it in me to keep going like this.
Megamonkey suggested that I should consider taking a break from competitive play (while still hanging out at Locals when I can since we're all brotherbanded and such.  Yay Star Force reference that only I will get!) and honestly I may do that after this upcoming weekend.  The one positive thing that came from this trip was that I FINALLY got the 2 Redox I needed to build Disaster Dragon so I threw together "Sandstorm" and decided I would get some games in the following day.


I ended up not going to locals because A) it was my mother's B-Day and I didn't know if we were getting together for dinner.  We didn't.  B) I also NEEDED a haircuit.  Seriously I was starting to look like this guy


After all ended up being well I did visit Tramps and chummed with Megamonkey and Totally Legit Extra Deck Dude (we will find a nickname for you yet!) before heading to Robins where lulz were had.  Lots of Lulz.

RayEels vs Darkrai Hydregion L

This was cloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooose.  Both of us got down to the point that a Knockout would win the game.  Sadly he got to it before I could.  I lost 2 Eels to Night Spear's splash damage.

Narukami vs Aqua Force - A bunch of wins, I think.


Yeah I was pretty happy.  My deck worked like it was supposed to!  Do you realize what this means, Cut Man!?  It means I win!

Disaster Dragon vs Evilswarm WW

Game 1 - He goes for the turn 1 Ophion...but runs into an Exploder Dragon.  I take it from there.

Game 2 - He opens with Ophion again but read my set monster as an Exploder so he ended up sicking another monster after it....and into a Masked Dragon which got Exploder who got bounced.  I played around it and started making Synchro and Xyz plays.  Despite having proxies of the Rank 7s I never needed to use them.  Randy.

Then the cube draft came up which I didn't take part in.  I filmed it.  Lulz were had including Zombies vs Stun and Shapenatch getting summo-

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