Thursday, 1 August 2013

Locals Report - You Won't Be Able to Get Up Anymore!

It's been pretty dead on here, eh?  That's what happens when you don't Yu-Gi-Oh! for a while I guess.

Oh well I can write down some stuff regarding Vanguard and Pokemon.  So lets do it!


I didn't play this as much as I thought I would.  Only made it to 2 Locals and at those I played Zekrom/Eels and dominated Team Plasma.  Highlight of the whole experience?  Getting Zekrom EX to annihilate a Lugia-EX with Strong Volt for 300 damage.  Good deck is good.  Too bad it dies next month.


Pretty much summed up as;

Vermillion Catastrophe!

Thanks to friends (mainly Megamonkey) I was able to pick up a playset of Vermillion The Blood, Spark Edge Draco Kid and Dusty Plasma Dragon which was all I needed to complete my only good deck in the game; Narukami.

I'll spare you all the gushing over having a finished deck and just say The Blood puts in a TON of work.  13000 on offense/defense is an incredible asset and it forces the opponent to play around it.  Oh and I also have a 10k Booster so I'm swinging for 23000.  I've played and defeated;

-Dungaree Narukami
-Narukami the Blood
-Great Nature
-Aqua Force
-Oracle Think Tank
-Pale Moon
-Dark Irregulars
-Dimension Police
-Mega Colony
-DOTE Kagero

It really is the little changes that help.  Having Blood and Plasma gives the deck a ton of offensive power.  The fact that I can go toe to toe with DOTE is really impressive.  In the hands of a skilled player Narukami could honestly do serious damage in the format.  Easily Tier 1.5.

Oh and I also participated in the Dazzling Divas Sneak, pulled an SP, the Break Ride and got 2nd Place earning me a mat that is well...


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