Monday, 17 February 2014


I'd like to take this moment to thank Based Helix for giving me the strength and courage needed to write this post.  Praise Based Helix.  Amen.

This weekend was weird.  Both Saturday and Sunday didn't have any real tournaments for me to play in.  Vanguard was the Binding Force of Black Rings sneak which I didn't know about due to leaving our Vanguard Facebook because I got fucking sick and tired of being spoiled all the god damned time.  I picked up the Draw Triggers for Eradicators I wanted and bought some packs of LVAL and pulled...bad foils.  After that we all went to Cameron's for card gaems where I playtested Mermails and Eradicators.  Bricked a few times with Eradicators and made the mistake of trying Vowing Reverse against Chaos Breaker Link Joker.

It's not a good matchup.

I've no idea how to go about handling the deck with Narukami at the moment.  I'm gonna need some kind of tech or alternative playstyle for them.  If I can grind out Chaos Breaker's Soul Blasts and then wipe his board with Vowing Reverse then I can possibly win it.

Or wait until Tempest Bolt Dragon becomes a thing.  NUKE EVERYTHING.

Anyway during this time there was also magical things that happened.  First was Beyblade.  BEY FUCKING BLADE.  Let it rip motherfuckers and all that!  Oh man the good feels.  After that we all went down where I got to see Gundam vs Gundam Extreme Full Boost in action;

The game is so pretty.  It's also fucking awesome.  It took me a few tries to remember how to play and I still did some sloppy work but I caught on quickly.  The Destiny Gundam is awesome, sadly moreso than the Double X.  So much pretty colours, much mech exploding, no Big Zam, such wow.

Then yeah, no tournaments for Yugioh which made me sad as I wanted to crush Locals with +1 Fire Fist before getting rid of the deck.  I ended up playing some games against Cybers and won, then played a Mirror match and won because as the opponent said while explaining why he hated mirror matches "they're skillful."

This is the same idiot though who plays every deck as something hammy while managing to win through dumb luck vs any competent player while also celebrating whenever he sacks the shit out of someone.  If you're proud of yourself because you got that less than 15% chance of opening with a one card win condition and steal the game because of it you fucking deserve to die in a fire.  As a person the guy is okay but as a player I fucking cannot stand him because of how fucking often he wins through being a fucking god damn lucky son of a bitch AND gloating about it.  That would be the same as me opening with Future Fusion and thinking myself as god's gift to man.  Fuck that mentality.

Oh and once again fuck the fucking toxic hipsters who hate anything remotely established.  The one fucknut is SO against meta/established/good ideas in favour of being "original" (even though his idea of being original has always been run the really, really shitty cards that people cut from their decks because they conflict with the engine and are just unplayable) that when I suggested he run DNA Surgery in Cyber Dragons for Chimeratech Fortress Dragon he looked at me strange and asked "is that what meta players are doing?"  I was literally taken aback by this.  I didn't suggest that because of meta relevance.  I did that because it was good theory and tech.

By the way he's already bitching about Cyber Dragons being unoriginal and meta because 3 other people are playing the deck.  Like fuck off you piece of shit.  At least Woodhouse is willing to play good decks (mostly because...okay completely because the people he copies all play good decks) but ugh.  I can't wait for when he quits just so I can stop hearing about him bitching about how decks should be made.  Maybe when Pendulum Summons come off.  The concept behind them would make his head explode.

After this escapade we go back to Cam's where I play some more games with +1 and win all of the duels where I don't get Turn 1 Royal Tributed (it happened 3/5 games and was bullshit).  I suppose I should talk about Cardcar Fire but honestly I can't say much as I only played it for a day.  It was enjoyable I admit, but perhaps it's because I haven't played control/stun decks for basically a year now but I'm starting to enjoy hammy decks like Mermail.  If I had known I was gonna pick up Mermail I'd have never gone after Tiger Kings and Wolfbarks and saved myself a great deal of money.  On the other hand Megamonkey gave me a pretty good deal for those in terms of value and well, we all know how important value is.  Based Helix agrees with me.

After that we all watch Twitch Plays Pokemon and subsequent meme pictures before peacing.  Megamonkey and I discuss custom archetypes and now I've got him all interested in trying to make an actual theme.  I've already got an entire theme done at this point barring some support buuuut I can reveal the "boss" of the deck;

Crimson-Eyes Graviton Dragon
Level 7 Dark

You can banish 1 "Graviton" monster you control, other than "Crimson-Eyes" Graviton Dragon to special summon this card (from your hand).  Once per turn, you can banish 1 "Graviton" monster from your hand or the graveyard; This card gains 1000 attack, until the end phase.  When this card is banished; Special Summon it.

-Yay Aqua Force.  Now I have a Dragon, Lightning and Water deck in all 3 card games (Dragons, Hunders, Mermails for YGO.  Dragons, Blastoise and Eels in Pokemon.  Narukami and Aqua Force in CFV)
-Proving that once you eliminate sacking from a duel, the better player wins.

-Gettin sacked
-Not actually playing a tourney.  I should have competed at Lolcals if only for the Astral Pack.

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