Saturday, 1 February 2014

Locals Report - The Rare Vanguard Edition

Not often I do a post on here that is solely Vanguard related.  Normally any CFV chatter comes at the end of a YGO Locals Report.

That said I had the opportunity to go to Locals for Vanguard this afternoon and I did just that.  I'd have written up this thing earlier but I had a shitload of errands to do that I'd been putting off all week.  Procrastination is a wonderful thing!

Not that I'm promoting that mind you.  Procrastination is a terrible thing.  I was going to say something about this sooner but I kept putting it off.  Whoops.

Anyway so I took a modified version of my Gauntlet/Descendant deck (currently named Gauntlet Dunk Dragons) with the intention of doing much better than my last experience.  I also got a couple games in with my OG Narukami Deck in and it pleases me to see that The BLOOD still can do his thing rather well.

Or maybe that's because Spike Brothers are one of the easiest decks to play against in existence.

Round 1 - vs Jewel Knights (2-0)

Right!  Because most of us play Yu-Gi-Oh! we tend to play our rounds in best of 3s depending on turnout since Vanguard is notoriously sacky and stuff.  Anyway I get off to a quick start and pressure him with Break Rides and Descendant both games.  Not much to say here.

Round 2 - vs Shadow Paladin (0-2)

This was awful.  I bricked pretty bad both games with the first one consisting of me drawing no means of offense (damage checked all my G1s/G2s, drew my triggers) vs his 3 Perfect Guards while I was Grade locked Game 2 for way too long.  I managed to hang in there but a crit put an end to that.

Round 3 - vs Ancient Dragons (1-2)

This was a mixture of his deck being a surprisingly good counter to mine and some sloppy play on my part.  Game 1 could have given me some better draws to counter his pushes while in game 3 I misplayed hard with Descendant, YOLOing away a hand of a Perfect Guard and good discard fodder for it with the hope of winning it.  I will say that it must be fucking nice though to get Critical Triggers on the first attack three games in a row.

Round 4 - vs Nova Grapplers (2-1)

Game 1 was a blur.  I didn't pay enough attention to the game to realize I used my only Perfect Guard too early and couldn't handle an Ethics Buster push so I scooped it up.  Game 2 he was Grade locked for several turns but managed to close up the gap...then I triggered his ass to hell with Descendant.  Game 3 was the best fight of the day for me as we went back and forth and I played out of my ass to keep his board under control.  After a grind I was able to put it away with Descendant.

Round 5 - vs Bermuda Triangle (2-0)

The guy as Megamonkey would say playing "a fucking shitty ass deck" and showed.  He got Gradelocked both games, I made him damage check his Grade 3s and Descendant swung for over 30k with 4 Criticals.  That's the kind of anal savaging that Gustaph Max WISHED it could do.

I ended up getting third and pulling 3 shitty cards from my prizes.  Yeeeeeeeey.

-Finishing with a winning record
-Getting third place.  That's better than not topping...right?
-Making a nice 20 bucks off a trade.


I've got Yu-Gi-Oh! Locals tomorrow but I'm pretty sure I'm judging it, so that one should be shorter.  Maybe I'll write when I get back.

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