Round 1 - vs Neo Nectar (2-1)
Game 1 I hit ALL of my draw triggers to which one of our residents live/die by the trigger players is impressed by but more importantly he's playing Ahsha and I'm playing Big Bang Knuckle Turbo so any attempt at a board he made was quickly cut down by my Hokuto no Ken.
Except game 2 where I damaged checked beaters and drew Triggers and lost. Then Game 3 I went Turbo for 3, Big Bang Knuckle for four and when he had a full board I went into Turbo again and screamed;
Not as loud, but god damn it was fun. Also I won.
Round 2 - vs Messiah Link Joker (0-2)
Complains that he can't play the decks he wants because nobody will trade him the cards (which to be fair, his binders are usually pretty weak or he throws whole ones for an entire card so there's usually nothing left of equal value for say a playset of Lambros, etc), flips crits every turn and yolos through my two passes and succeeds each time. Yaeup, just like old times.
Round 3 - vs Duo Bermuda Triangle (2-0)
I avenged Matt in spades by stomping a mudhole through Arpy. That whole thing of Bermuda bouncing back to the hand? Conquest Dragon loves when you do that. I donked him pretty hard Game 1 and Game 2 he tried to play the sit on G2 game so he could get first stride which is legit, except I can play that game too and my deck has Chatura so I can make up for the loss of twin drive by getting the +1 draw or the -1/2 guard from him.
After that we cut to final standings and I'm tied for 3rd. After this I proceed to head home as the cold I had been putting up with had become worse given the humidity of shop.
Moving onto Yugioh I'm not even going to bother much with this one as the entire thing was bullshit. I opted to play Nekroz as this was likely my last chance to play the deck as is and as usual a tournament I take part in with Nekroz ends badly. Let's see;
-First locals I went to I get locked out by Fagphorts and infinitefloodgatesfuckoffShardyouaren'tasgoodasyouthink in the finals.
-Second locals I misplay hard and get blown out in the finals by Trish in the Mirror while also having to deal with a massive helmet of a player's Tellarknights who opened every negation ever.
-First Regionals I went to with the deck I bricked hard in two vital matchups and missed out on my top.
-Second Regionals I get floodgated to fucking hell by Tellars and opened poorly vs Dolls
What happens here? I play Allen round one and OF COURSE he hits all of his Math Men and has Soul Charge and BLS both games forcing the round to end in a draw. Then I'm paired against the same idiot helmet that gave me problems before and wouldn't you know he opens Deneb set 5 including BTS, Fiendish Chain, Fiendish Chain, Mind Crush, Mind Crush so I lose THAT one quickly and Games 2 and 3 opens Anti-Spell, Fiendish, Mind Crush, CotH and manages to hit my Decree with a blind MST G3 and drops Thunder King. Like fuck off. I get salty (and honestly given the level of bullshit that happened THIS time I was justified) and told him it must be nice to open everything in the world and proceeded to drop from the tournament in disgust. Then I played Newgioh with my Zoo Deck.
vs Tomato Chaos (2-1)
I was able to resolve Skill Drain and Horn of the Phantom Beast with Solems to keep them safe in the games I won while the game I lost was largely from a combination of Dustshoot allowing him to go off.
vs Zombies (Alot of wins)
So despite Matt telling me in the weeks leading up to this he wasn't afraid because "I have Decree and Card of Safe Return" he quickly changed his tune when I kept dropping Tiger King + Horns and flipping Solems on him. He now respects Zoo beats.
vs Chaos Return (Alot of losses)
Heading into this I recall reading an article that said despite Horn being in the format Beasts weren't a good meta call because of Chaos and I see why now. The deck is fast, can run you out of options and Tour Guide From the Underworld is too strong in this format. Nord has disagreed with me on this and gone on to call out DGz as a bunch of "whiners" because the moment powerful things that allow you to do things come up, we want them gone.
Here's the thing though. One of the things behind the creation of this format is that it was made with the intent of the community providing feedback about the format and DGz as often the case will debate pros/cons of things. Dimension Fusion was a very real threat for the time it was legal and it caused decks to be built with it or to defeat it. Tour Guide is much in the same in that it's an automatic three of in every deck that if you aren't using you're doing it wrong, it's made cards like Scapegoat/Book/Force weaker because of the Sangan you bring out and as the result has warped the format in the same way Delinquent Duo has. This card is not healthy for the game and I realize this. I'm unselfish enough to know that despite the fact I think the card is neat, it's also incredibly degenerate and because of its power has led everyone to play Chaos, Chaos, Chaos. The result has made the format already stale and we still have some time to go until it's handled.
We're basically right back where we started with Goat Format being Goat Mirrors and nothing else, except now it's going to be Chaos. Oh sure you can play cute things like Beasts, Monarchs or Zombies but lets be real here, why would you?
-Nothing of note
-Plenty of note
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