This should be short as I already gave away last week what I'd be playing this time around in order to deal with all of the Paladin nonsense of my locals in the form of Brawlers as Big Bang Knuckle Turbo is one of the best ways to punish board spammage while Narukami's Grade 2 cardpool allows you to play the gradestuck game against stride reliant decks.
Round 1 - vs Gear Chronicle (1-2)
Not a whole lot I can say on this match as it's me vs Norden so we both respected each other's cards enough to not overextend, though Upheaval Pegasus really did fuck over my board presence whenever it was dropped while in turn I ORAORAORAORA'D his board when I felt it was needed. Ultimately though the match came down to me getting Crit'd to death by Chronodragon Nextage + Chronojet Dragon, with one instance being triple crit.
Round 2 - vs Seal Dragons (2-0)
I legit had to ask this guy what his cards did as I've never played against Seal Dragons before due to no self respecting player ever touching the deck beforehand. I even got a (somewhat) scoff and a "how could you not know what Seal Dragons do?" in response. Needless to say I thrash him thoroughly as Kagero decks not named Dragonic Overlord die to Narukami in G-Format. He does get some retires off, but each time I either call out a Chatura, Slash Buster or in one hilarious case call out Skyhowl Dragon to snipe off the G2 that made me call it out. Lol!
Round 3 - vs Messiah (2-1)
That feeling when you build your deck to counter the Paladin players and instead they all play Link Joker this week. Rip my attempt to next level. Oh well this was a golden opportunity to try and pay this guy back regardless while trying to figure out this matchup as Brawlers vs Star-Vaders was very dicey, but Messiah on the other hand should be well in my favour due to them needing RGs which well...y'know.
Anyway Game 1 he made me start which was fine as I had a hand that would let me play the Grade 2 stuck game which he made the mistake of trying to do and it backfired on him horrendously as I had Chatura/Slash Buster/Skyhowl with boosters and put him to 4 damage to 2. He eventually rides to 3 and I follow suit with a Legion play, then a Madew and outresource him. Game 2 I tried to Gradestuck him again but didn't draw the needed cards in order to keep it up before making a brutal misplay of striding into Turbo but without any Counterblasts, thus I wasn't able to wipe his board which gave him a turn to make a huge push, flip 3 crits and leave me with almost no hand for the next turn where he attacked with a big Amnesty Messiah and flipped 2 crits and I died. At this point it dawns on me that he's running 12 crit and I play accordingly as I snipe off his starter, get hits in with Chatura and most importantly getting Crossride stats vs a deck that can't make 18k columns that easily. Thanks to the defense buff my Draw Triggers are able to hold off his attacks while I continually boardwipe him with Turbo/Buster/Buster and draw the game out enough so that he ends up decking out before I can Conquest Dragon him.
I finish the day 5-3 and end up getting second, first place going to my round 3 opponent (meaning that had I not got crit sacked in Round 1 or 3, I may have gotten first) and a whole bunch of people tied for third. Overall I was very pleased with my deck as I had made some changes to it prior with the aim of improving its early game with the addition of Threatening Brawler, Koumei and Wildcloak Dragon and a 4th copy of Skyhowl Dragon over Chatura so that I could play the Grade 2 game vs G-Decks. Another minor but huge change was the addition of Rain Element, Madew in the G-Zone as striding for free and picking up Big Bangs from the drop zone for Buster's Legion skill was very huge. While it goes without saying that Legion decks should play Madew as a 1 of Staple, it goes doubly for this deck.
-I got to play Narukami in a tournament, that's always a prop
-After the last couple locals where I had abysmal performances, I came roaring back with my fists of fury!
-Got my revenge on "Pokemon Scott" but utterly destroying and outplaying him. Your stacking and triple crits can only carry you so far!
-Crit Sacking ruined what was an otherwise good match with Norden
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Monday, 26 October 2015
Locals Report - Sharing the Pain
Two locals happened this weekend for me though the Cardfight!! Vanguard one can be summed up as; Paladins r bullshit, everyone bad at card games gets lucky with triggers far more frequently than the people who are good at card games/try to play smartly and fuck this noise I'm going back to piloting Narukami. What's the point of going to the trouble of building any of my side projects when I get smashed all the time and become frustrated. I'd like to chalk this up to RNG Jesus hating me this day but I've apparently been on his shitlist for months as even when piloting the mighty Sanctuary Guard or Revenger Deck I still get fucked over.
So yeah long story short I'm a bit sore with Vanguard at the moment and as such I decided to share my general annoyance with everyone in the form of playing Psy-Frames at YGO Locals. After all if I can't have fun, why should others? Norden has suggested I take a break for a bit and after this upcoming weekend I might. At the very least before I take a break I'm going to board wipe some people with my fists of fury. Maybe I'll even make a ORAORAORAORAORAORA scream from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Anywho I arrive at the store, sell off my Speedroid core for 25 bucks and get my mind blown about price jumps before borrowing the cards I need to finish my decklist and sign up for the tournament with;
So yeah long story short I'm a bit sore with Vanguard at the moment and as such I decided to share my general annoyance with everyone in the form of playing Psy-Frames at YGO Locals. After all if I can't have fun, why should others? Norden has suggested I take a break for a bit and after this upcoming weekend I might. At the very least before I take a break I'm going to board wipe some people with my fists of fury. Maybe I'll even make a ORAORAORAORAORAORA scream from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Anywho I arrive at the store, sell off my Speedroid core for 25 bucks and get my mind blown about price jumps before borrowing the cards I need to finish my decklist and sign up for the tournament with;
At the moment there is no clearly defined "best" build of this deck as the flaws of being reliant on the field spell/people enabling your hand traps haven't been solved yet. I opted to run only 2/2/2 Terraforming with Circuit and Chicken Game as I felt that while Circuit is important to the deck winning that 3 copies of it would be too much and lead to bricking as opposed to having just enough copies so that if I open/draw into it, it won't be in multiples that often while Chicken Game gives me something to search off Terraforming if I already have Circuit in hand, which did happen a fair bit. Turns out that logic can be thrown RIGHT out the window with Regina Locals as every pleb player maindecks MST and they'll immediately snipe Ciruit without thought. Doomcalibur Knight was my tech of choice to deal with people who thought they could stall me out by not doing anything as his 1900/1800 stats make him big enough to beat over Squamata/Unuk or tie with Dragon/Rai-Oh while also removing himself from the field to clear my board through his negation effect thus allowing me to Psy-Frame after doing his work. You're gonna kill Doomcal with a Hand Trap? That's fine by me. One less Veiler vs Omega or Maxx "C" to my Gears. The other thing of note was the inclusion of Dracossack who is made when you have 2 "floating" Level 7s and can clear your board/remove a card, Dark Strike Fighter who can clear the board while burning (which is relevant with this deck going into time alot) and Colossal Fighter for the Kozmo Matchup.
Round 1 - vs Igknights (2-0)
This one started off rocky as I got a couple of my Psy-Frame Gears mixed up and tried to negate a monster effect with Beta. Otherwise I pretty much had full control over this whole match as I didn't let him play Yu-Gi-Oh! at all through negation/Psy-Frame Overloard plays. He opened with Royal Magical Library both games but it was irrelevant as I kept killing his monsters with Beta/Gamma and it pissed him off something fierce. He ultimately rage quits because I didn't let him resolve one thing while also claiming "I never had this much trouble against the Psy-Frame decks I faced online!" over and over again. I'm sorry that I'm not a pleb and know how to play?
Round 2 - vs Chronomoly Artifacts (2-0)
Woodhouse opted not to play Kozmos this day for several reasons of which a few are legit in that the price to update the deck post DOCS will be an issue as Dark Destroyer won't be cheap and the Mirror Match is cancerous (though what Mirror Match that doesn't involve Dragons ISN'T?). I also believe he's not happy that he's no longer the special little snowflake who has Kozmos now that there are 2 other Kozmo players at Locals and likely 2 more after DOCS. That said I utterly thrash him and surprise surprise, he now wants my deck.
And yeah I know I'm not providing alot of details on technical play so far. All I can say is "lol Psy-Frames" as if I'm winning my games it's because I'm able to negate things and make my Field Spell stick.
Round 3 - vs Performage Shaddolls (1-2)
This match is a blur, but I do remember Norden popping both my Field Spells and spinning Overload away Game 1 which ultimately led to my loss as I dead drew multiple Psychic Feel Zones and fizzled out. Game 2 I had all the negation in the world, an answer to his Iron Wall and Psyframe Circuit was able to stick around and piss him off with a rage scoop (for those keeping track the number of people to have claimed this deck is "utter bullshit" now consists of; myself, Matt, Ryan, Cobb, Derrick, Shard and Igknight pleb). Then Game 3 happened where I took a fuckton of damage going into time and couldn't get the ball rolling before Turn 5.
Top 4 - vs Kozmo (1-2)
First time playing this matchup and it was Shard's fist time playing against the deck, aside from thinking it's cancerous. While I won't deny that Psy-Frames are a cancer deck I'd also like to point out this is coming from someone who is notorious for playing decks that are cancerous or cancerous amounts of backrow.
Anyway Game 1 I brick and end up taking way too much damage while making the mistake of leaving Colossal Fighter in attack position after he swings Forerunner into it as like always, he had the Honest so Farmgirl got in there. Game 2 on the other hand I completely annihilate him as I had Imperial Iron Wall to keep my guys in play after Circuit got popped and when that was finally dealt with I had both Epsilon and Beta in hand to negate his Farmgirl Attack and Fairy Wind, allowing me to do the rare but powerful double Psy-Frame Circuit play into a Scrap Dragon and Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing who cleared both his set backrow to leave him with just a Kozmotown and only 1 card hand while I was Omega looping so I won that one. Then I bricked really badly in Game 3 as both Iron Wall and Circuit got MST'd, I dead drew Psychic Feel Zone but no Overloards to set it up quickly. I was able to keep in it for a bit, but I ultimately lost.
Not sure how I feel on the Kozmo matchup. The Psychics ability to banidodge makes it difficult to stop their pushes, though Zeta and Gamma are able to deal with Forerunner and if Overload is able to actually hit a Farmgirl, she ain't coming back. The big thing I noticed while losing Game 3 was Psy-Framelord Omega's Standby Phase effect to put banished cards back into the graveyard was extremely disruptive to Shard as I was able to take away a Forerunner that he had planned to get back with Kozmotown. Therefore if I'm able to get 2 Omegas onto the board and make them stick, I think the deck has a chance.
In regards to how the deck peformed it was okay. There were some issues I noticed after today such as dead drawing Psychic Feel Zone, Psychic Path being less than helpful and my reliance on Circuit. I also didn't like Jar of Avarice and feel like Psychic Overload would be helpful. I get that Jar recycles spells/traps, but the draw 2 off Overload seems more powerful. I also noticed that I really, really should have ran Soul Charge as it doesn't hurt my deck at all. Doomcalibur Knight was surprisingly not bad. Unlike Wind-Up Rabbit he's actually big enough to get over some monsters and doesn't require 9 cards like the Yosenju engine and thus makes the deck brick less. I'll continue to play him for the next while, but may ultimately drop him for something else that lets me attack on my turn and get the hell out of dodge afterwards.
-Yay top 4?
-Got to Psy-Frame
-Added 2 more names to the list of people that Psy-Frames have pissed off
-Getting Circuit MST'd repeatedly
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Force of Will Locals Report - ...a Force of Will Locals Report
Well it took several more months than intended but at long last The Blue Corner has Force of Will content! This is mostly due to FoW being held on Wednesday which I almost never get off, except for this one thanks to some backroom politicking on my end. That said I'm still very, very new to the game so going into this I was a bit on the nervous side due to my lack of experience/confidence in my ability to play this. Long story short my games were going to be long, full of misplays and against high tier decks I knew I was going to get smashed. On the plus side I was able to pick up a playset of Cheshire Cat the Grinning Remnant and several cards needed to build a Blue/Green Valentina deck that I saw online while borrowing some other cards. Unfortunately I didn't have any Blue/Green Dual Stones and opted to run Magic Stone of Moon Shade in the slot on the grounds of paying 200 for any mana type wouldn't be so bad.
Oh how wrong I was.
Round 1 - vs Alice Blue/Black (1-2)
First match is against Liam to which I already knew was not going to end well. Don't get me wrong, Liam's an okay person but he is NEVER fun to play card games with. It can be Yu-Gi-Oh!, Vanguard, Magic or Force of Will it's always the same thing; he plays non interactive, protect the castle helmety bullshit 'control' decks that are usually linear as fuck. Hell I'm willing to bet if he ever played the Pokemon TCG he'd run Item/Ability Lock Decks or play stall6ever in the video games.
So yeah any game with him will usually be a slow, painful and tilt inducing loss unless you can counter his shit and bullshit your way to a win which is what I did in the second game thanks to using Banzai Attack + a counter on his counter to OTK him (which my deck doesn't do often) wheras in Games 1 and 3 he literally sat and protected the hell out of Medusa who has the effect to spin anything it battles with to the bottom of the deck. Block it? Gone AND it's done before damage calculation so instead of its attack being negated, the Medusa's attack continues and I take the hit. I attack and he blocks? My dude gets spun before I have the chance to kill it. The only way to kill a Medusa is to attack it while already resting which the one time I try to, my monster is blown up. The match goes into time and after paying myself low because I kept hitting Moon Shades with my ruler I get burned for game.
My first match of this game ever and it's against a helmet deck and I lose to burn. All that was needed to complete the trifecta of "shit I hate to lose against" was an alternate win con and I would be set. At the very least I took a game from him but I won't lie when I say if I play him again it'll be too soon and by the sounds of other people I've spoken to I'm not the only one that hates playing him.
Round 2 - vs Black/White (2-0)
Like me this guy was also starting out in the game so it was great to be able to play at a pace I found comfortable. I also opened with multiple Cheshire Cats and was able to field a board of floaters while drawing into and dropping a Purplemist the Fantasy Dragon at 1600/1600 which his deck couldn't do anything about and killed him after a few turns. Game 2 we go a bit back and forth as I had to deal with Resonators I couldn't target for my skills which I've come to realize is a problem for my list while dropping a really big 1300/1300 dude that did 500 burn to me if I tried to target it (I forget its name) and was significantly bigger than what I had at the time (I only play 1 Purplemist). However I just so happened to have had an One-Inch Boy and 2 Blue Mana in play during his End Phase which I had Valentina quick cast while on my turn I was able to attack with it, using my Glepnir Regalia's effect to force his monster to block Inch's attack and kill it, but since Inch did damage to it the monster was also killed. 500 Life to out any threat on the board? I'll gladly pay that! After that he really couldn't do much else as I got to J-Activate Valentina and used her God's Art to snatch steal one of his monsters leaving him with one less card to block with and killed him heading into time.
Round 3 - vs Pricia (2-1)
Well of course Norden and I had to be paired against each other. Just wouldn't be a report without me trying to remember how we tried to outwit each other with psyches, reads and oh wait he bricked Game 1 and hard to hard summon a 800/800 dude while I amassed a board and eventually dealt with in the first game while in Game 2 his deck went off very hard and despite having my own Medusa do Medusa things, he was able to deal with it and annihilate me. Game 3 both of our decks got to do things and we went into time as I had been dealing potshots most of the game while trying to find a way to answer his large board of beaters without the use of target skills thanks to his Rat that made his creatures untargetable during my turn. It eventually came down to me having just enough monsters in play to keep him from dealing lethal damage to me while I had a J-Activated Valentina in play whose God's Art I used to snag a monster during his turn to not only give myself a beatstick but to eliminate a potential block. In hindsight this was a bad play and I should have Snatch Steal'd his Rat so that on my turn I could have just plopped down an Etna to stun his whole board (or at least his big threats) and just attacked over everything for game. As it was I was still able to push for game as he couldn't block my monsters and Valentina was at +1000/1000, earning myself 4th place out of 16 which all things considered was pretty good as prior to this post I had literally only played less than 5 entire games of FoW. Huzzah.
After that Ryan, Matt, Nebbit and I went to Beer Bros with a person I had never met before and one of my old classmates from High School who had stopped by to learn about FoW and look to get into it. I chatted a bit with her and the others about things while waiting for our Woodhouse speed food to get to us before we all peaced out. T'was a good day.
The Good
-Competed in my first FoW tournament
-Top 4'd said tournament
-Winning Record
-Got a set of Cheshire Cats!
-Both Ryan and Nebbit have the cards I need to legit finish my main deck, so I can continue to play Valentina Blue/Green for the foreseeable future!
-Met up with an old acquaintance from my youth.
The Bad
-Not having 4 Magic Stone of Deep Wood
-Having to play against Liam
-Losing to Liam
-Not knowing half of the rulings/interactions of the game. I was trying to play my cards like Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.
-Not abusing Valentina's skills as well as I could have. Being able to drop monsters on my op's turn and attacking on mine is really, really good. Her God's Art is also damn handy for outing threats/blockers.
Oh how wrong I was.
Round 1 - vs Alice Blue/Black (1-2)
First match is against Liam to which I already knew was not going to end well. Don't get me wrong, Liam's an okay person but he is NEVER fun to play card games with. It can be Yu-Gi-Oh!, Vanguard, Magic or Force of Will it's always the same thing; he plays non interactive, protect the castle helmety bullshit 'control' decks that are usually linear as fuck. Hell I'm willing to bet if he ever played the Pokemon TCG he'd run Item/Ability Lock Decks or play stall6ever in the video games.
So yeah any game with him will usually be a slow, painful and tilt inducing loss unless you can counter his shit and bullshit your way to a win which is what I did in the second game thanks to using Banzai Attack + a counter on his counter to OTK him (which my deck doesn't do often) wheras in Games 1 and 3 he literally sat and protected the hell out of Medusa who has the effect to spin anything it battles with to the bottom of the deck. Block it? Gone AND it's done before damage calculation so instead of its attack being negated, the Medusa's attack continues and I take the hit. I attack and he blocks? My dude gets spun before I have the chance to kill it. The only way to kill a Medusa is to attack it while already resting which the one time I try to, my monster is blown up. The match goes into time and after paying myself low because I kept hitting Moon Shades with my ruler I get burned for game.
My first match of this game ever and it's against a helmet deck and I lose to burn. All that was needed to complete the trifecta of "shit I hate to lose against" was an alternate win con and I would be set. At the very least I took a game from him but I won't lie when I say if I play him again it'll be too soon and by the sounds of other people I've spoken to I'm not the only one that hates playing him.
Round 2 - vs Black/White (2-0)
Like me this guy was also starting out in the game so it was great to be able to play at a pace I found comfortable. I also opened with multiple Cheshire Cats and was able to field a board of floaters while drawing into and dropping a Purplemist the Fantasy Dragon at 1600/1600 which his deck couldn't do anything about and killed him after a few turns. Game 2 we go a bit back and forth as I had to deal with Resonators I couldn't target for my skills which I've come to realize is a problem for my list while dropping a really big 1300/1300 dude that did 500 burn to me if I tried to target it (I forget its name) and was significantly bigger than what I had at the time (I only play 1 Purplemist). However I just so happened to have had an One-Inch Boy and 2 Blue Mana in play during his End Phase which I had Valentina quick cast while on my turn I was able to attack with it, using my Glepnir Regalia's effect to force his monster to block Inch's attack and kill it, but since Inch did damage to it the monster was also killed. 500 Life to out any threat on the board? I'll gladly pay that! After that he really couldn't do much else as I got to J-Activate Valentina and used her God's Art to snatch steal one of his monsters leaving him with one less card to block with and killed him heading into time.
Round 3 - vs Pricia (2-1)
Well of course Norden and I had to be paired against each other. Just wouldn't be a report without me trying to remember how we tried to outwit each other with psyches, reads and oh wait he bricked Game 1 and hard to hard summon a 800/800 dude while I amassed a board and eventually dealt with in the first game while in Game 2 his deck went off very hard and despite having my own Medusa do Medusa things, he was able to deal with it and annihilate me. Game 3 both of our decks got to do things and we went into time as I had been dealing potshots most of the game while trying to find a way to answer his large board of beaters without the use of target skills thanks to his Rat that made his creatures untargetable during my turn. It eventually came down to me having just enough monsters in play to keep him from dealing lethal damage to me while I had a J-Activated Valentina in play whose God's Art I used to snag a monster during his turn to not only give myself a beatstick but to eliminate a potential block. In hindsight this was a bad play and I should have Snatch Steal'd his Rat so that on my turn I could have just plopped down an Etna to stun his whole board (or at least his big threats) and just attacked over everything for game. As it was I was still able to push for game as he couldn't block my monsters and Valentina was at +1000/1000, earning myself 4th place out of 16 which all things considered was pretty good as prior to this post I had literally only played less than 5 entire games of FoW. Huzzah.
After that Ryan, Matt, Nebbit and I went to Beer Bros with a person I had never met before and one of my old classmates from High School who had stopped by to learn about FoW and look to get into it. I chatted a bit with her and the others about things while waiting for our Woodhouse speed food to get to us before we all peaced out. T'was a good day.
The Good
-Competed in my first FoW tournament
-Top 4'd said tournament
-Winning Record
-Got a set of Cheshire Cats!
-Both Ryan and Nebbit have the cards I need to legit finish my main deck, so I can continue to play Valentina Blue/Green for the foreseeable future!
-Met up with an old acquaintance from my youth.
The Bad
-Not having 4 Magic Stone of Deep Wood
-Having to play against Liam
-Losing to Liam
-Not knowing half of the rulings/interactions of the game. I was trying to play my cards like Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.
-Not abusing Valentina's skills as well as I could have. Being able to drop monsters on my op's turn and attacking on mine is really, really good. Her God's Art is also damn handy for outing threats/blockers.
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