Monday, 14 December 2015

Pendulum Rant

The other day I watched a video discussing how we were truely entering the Pendulum Era now that we're seeing decks other than Qliphort exist.  The video went on to talk about how there were people who are unhappy with the mechanic while also mentioning that without Pendulums the game would become stale.  I dunno why it was this video that finally made me snap and go off but it did and here's what I had to say;

"The thing I've noticed is that alot of the people complaining about Pendulums (Qli aside because seriously, f**k that archetype and what it stands for) are the same people who complained about Xyz when they came out and I'm gonna go on a limb and say they also complained about Sycnhros.  These same people have at each time said "This new mechanic is going to kill Yu-Gi-Oh!  The game will be ruined!  Just you see!" and then it doesn't because everyone else will have learned how to adapt to the new mechanic and work with it while these people end up being left behind because they refuse to adapt and stick to playing some tier 89 garbage deck and get trashed.

Incidentally these same people who are complaining will in fact touch a Pendulum deck and happily do so, it just won't be until several years later after Konami guts PePe/Majespecter/Magicians to the point of being unplayable because by playing them when no one else is (because those decks will obviously be awful at that point), they'll be "unique."

Now do I think the Pendulum Mechanic is ridiculous?  I feel like it could have been done a little better with some of the card designs (Wavering, Ariadne) but I'll give Konami props for waiting a little over a year to push Pendulums to the forefront compared to how they did so with Xyz.  I also do like the approach to deckbuilding it brings and the utility of some of the cards they've printed like Eccentrick.  As somewhat of a veteran player I like how the game has evolved from how it was even five years ago and like you've said changes like these are a necessary evil in order to keep Yu-Gi-Oh! from being stale.  Going back to my point of Konami waiting until DOCS to really push Pendulums, I clearly remember that prior to it people were complaining about how boring the game had become because the format was pretty much Dolls/BA/Etc the entire time and that was just only a YEAR, so I can only imagine how much worse it would have been if say the game had never changed mechanically since 2008 (which is what some people clearly have wanted to happen given the number of "no Synchros, Xyz or Pendulum" notes I see on Dueling Network).  I'm sorry people but it's 2015, summoning the Dark Magician and trying to Heart of the Cards into Exodia stopped being cool YEARS ago! /rant."

And that pretty much sums up my opinion on the Pendulum Mechanic.  It's a cool concept that is needed to keep Yu-Gi-Oh! exciting and MOST of the people who complain about it are the same stuck in the past old farts who still think that the game should be played how it was back in 2002 that complained about Synchros and Xyz ruining the game.

Yet here we are.  Yu-Gi-Oh! is still alive and kicking.  If the game does die it won't be because of some busted mechanic but because of Konami mishandling it.  These are the same petty retards who think that Pachinko Machines are their future and cockblocked Kojima at the Video Game awards.  Now granted I'm taking shots at Konami's video game division wheras YGO is handled by an entirely different one, but who knows when the stupidity will spill over?  Time will tell.

So yeah Pendulums are cool and if you don't like them then it sucks to be you.

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