What I ended up playing was a near exact copy of Pirasath Surane's list from Winnipeg's recent Regionals which had main decked Kaiser Colosseum which is quite legit vs the format at the moment. The guy got 2nd place with it and smashed damn near everything with it and I've talked to the guy (really chill person who LOVES dragons!) so I figured why not play it. As cool and "better" as the Zefra Turbo build may be I've mentioned before how bad the Majespecter matchup is and I did not want to play something that literally loses to Wavering Eyes when I was expecting Ryan, Matt, Magnus and Woodhouse to all be playing Pendulum decks that mained it. Turns out Ryan decided to play Chris Leblanc's Synchro Fusionist deck while Magnus played Tele-DAD. Wump wump.
Round 1 - vs Exodia Stall (2-0)
Game 1 I opened with Kaisers, Anti Spell and Lose 1 Turns but turns out I'm up against an Exodia deck so half of my hate was dead here. I end up running him out of options as he's relying on things like Threatening Roar while hoping to raw draw the pieces. Game 2 I make a Trishula and hit a limb so he's done.
Round 2 - vs Red-Eyes (2-0)
Both games he never dropped Archfiend Black Skull which literally screws my deck over, so it's good as I just had to deal with his Black Flares and backrow. He negates my first Baxia with Champion's Vigilance but because I'm good at this game I play Soul Charge and make another one, while in another game I Baxia away 3 of his sets during his MP2 and win with it + an Armades.
Round 3 - vs Synchro Fusionist.dek (2-0)
Figures that vs Ryan I open all of the helmet cards and I lock him out of both games here as G1 I had and kept Kaiser Colosseum in play while grinding out the game while in G2 I bait out a Herald of the Arc Light negate so that I can flip Rivalry of Warlords which Synchron decks just lose to.
Round 4 - vs D/D (0-2)
Then I get my come uppance as I make 1 mistake in each of these games in how I structure my plays so that I end up with sub optimal boards (that's right. This deck does have a degree of technical play despite being a helmet build) and I get punished for it by having Vanity's Emptiness flipped and can't clear it. To say I was unhappy was an understatement as it was literally that one fucking card that locked me out of the match as under normal circumstances D/D are not an issue for Yang Zing to deal with (hell I had multiple Creation set up so that I could have gone considerably plus) but nope, not this day. It's matches like these that show just how bullshit Emptiness as a card is and why it needs to be banned from play. I'm also aware that I probably come off as a hypocrite bitching about losing to a floodgate despite playing floodgates the deck. However to that I say my deck is made up of several floodgates so it's not out of the realm of possibility to see one or two over the course of the game given that I'm running 3 and 2 ofs. Vanity's Emptiness on the other hand is a bullshit sack card that you have a what, 12% chance of opening with? Fuck RNG.
Top 4 - vs Batterymen (2-0)
This was Ben's first time playing against any form of stun deck out there and he was quite disappointed. All I'm thinking is "you're so lucky you didn't have to play against Shard for the last year" as my cancer isn't near the level that was full strength Qliphort. Anyway I've got Skill Drain and Kaiser both games and he can't answer them so after I slowly whittle his LP away with Taotie I make a push and kill him.
Finals - vs Tele-DAD (1-2)
Oh hey, it's Magnus. First time we've squared off in a while if I'm correct. I'm sure Nord will tell me since he's been re reading all these blog entries from the beginning. Anywho Game 1 he can't clear my Chaofeng that was summoned with Darks, Game 2 I make a rotten donkey anus of myself by completely forgetting about my own Lose 1 Turn and making plays that caused an irrepairable game state, so I scooped it up while Game 3 I brick, play out of it, but don't get a whole lot to work with the following turns and end up taking a small Maxx "C" challenge when I probably shouldn't have as I planned to make a battle immune Herald of the Arc Light...but he drew into the cards needed to clear my Kaiser, dropped Dark Armed Dragon and I was dead.
So that was that. I did make some trades towards finishing up Odd-Eyes Magicians while picking up Magnus' BLS Regionals Mat (trading off an Odd-Eyes Fusion that holy shit has doubled in value) and afterwards we called it a day. The deck performed well and I can see why Pirasath played certain card choices over others while this tournament as a whole made me realize that god damn, I legitimately like Yang Zing as a deck. Despite their weaknesses and flaws, the deck is actually quite flexible in how it wants to play. You can play an advantage game with your floaters, a stun game with floodgates (and the best ones at that) OR you can play an aggressive OTK/Giant Board Lock with the Zefra build. Now that Shaddolls and Nekroz are RIP, I'd say that Yang Zing are probably the most technically oriented deck of the DUEA-era.
-Got to play Yang Zing at a tournament where Macro Stun wasn't present!
-Trishing an Exodia Piece. GOD that felt good.
-Vanity's Emptiness
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