Saturday 20 February 2016

CFV Win a Box Report - Too Many Crits

Well this was a letdown.  Won't go into too much detail in this post because there really isn't much for me to talk about today.  We had a Win-A-Box tournament and I entered with my best deck (Brawlers) and I got savaged due to this being one of those days where the Vanguard Gods simply don't like you and want you to go down hard.  Like I swear I got buried harder than Sandow today;

Round 1 - vs Gear Chronicle (0-2)

Game 1 he strides into Fiery March Colossus and swings while preventing me from using my hand of 3 Perfect Guards and he flips a crit while I'm at 4 damage.  Do I heal?  No.

Game 2 he strides into Colossus and does it again except I'm at 3 damage so I opt to no guard it.  He flips 2 crits and I don't check a Heal.

Round 2 - vs Gear Chronicle (2-1)

Game 1 he has to G-Assist and his deck is bad so I thrash him.

Game 2 he flips 2 crits to put me at 5 damage to his 1, has Guard for days and I only see 1 Heal out of 8 Checks so there's no way I can close the gap before he flips another crit and I die.

Game 3 he G-Assists and I thrash him again, even pulling off a double crit of my own, except he gets a Miracle Heal.  I kill him regardless because Conquest Dragon.

Round 3 - vs Perdition Dragons (1-2)

Game 1 I have to G-Assist but because he's playing Kagero which is arguably my best matchup I'm still able to make it a game as I play damage control with him (ie forcing him to take damage to enable his retire cards, but in doing so he loses his starter to Saishin and thus Chatura is more likely to hit) but unfortunately I don't make the complete comeback and lose because of some wonky draws.

Game 2 I don't brick and just savage him.  I'm talking countering his rush with Skyhowl, then rushing him back with Chatura and Slash Dragon and finally wiping out his hand with Turbo and Conquest.  Basically like how Kagero vs Brawlers is supposed to play out.

Game 3 Is much more back and forth as I did not have a hand that would allow me to adequately maintain a push thus I was forced to attack with my VG only for a few turns while he hits 2 heals which is a problem.  By the time I do start getting things rolling (ie I'm able to call my Rearguards) I check absolute garbage and am forced to no guard a hit and hope to god he doesn't crit me and he does.  I don't hit a heal despite shuffling several into the deck for legion and I'm done.

A heartbreaking loss as I played my ass off to try and keep in the tournament but as I already mentioned there are just days where Vanguard hates you and this was one of them.  I didn't bother to stick around to see how the top cut played out though as by the way it looked like none of the good players were in it.

At least the one positive to come out of this was my Reckless Rampage boxes were decent for pulls.  I got nothing I wanted of course but I was able to move everything of value within minutes.  The path to becoming Ninpo-Ryuu has begun.

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