Saturday 27 February 2016

CFV Locals Report - Outta Steam

This locals was relatively uneventful with the exceptions of a few people normally not seen showing up.  Their presence more or less influenced what I was going to play as our resident Spike player has a style that Brawlers can't really take advantage of which is only make plays when he's at 5 damage whereas Bermuda Triangle doesn't call much of a board for me to punch.  So I went with Gear Chronicle instead and ran a more "balanced" build as far as G-Zone goes.

Round 1 - vs Ripples (2-1)

When the hell did Woodhouse get back into the game?  Well anyway he's (mis)playing Jordan's Ripple deck today and wins the first game due to me being gradestuck for about 5 turns wheras Game 2 I dunk him with Nextage and Game 3 I'm Gradestuck again but due to his misplays I'm able to not get killed and steal the win through Gear comboes.

Round 2 - vs Harmony Bermuda Triangle (2-0)

Both games played out the same; I got first Stride into a Metallia Phoenix that usually disabled his setup, then flipped a crit during my Nextage turn and killed him with a fat Chronojet to his hand of all G1s and above.

Round 3 - vs Memesaurs (1-2)

Megamonkey in one single tournament has invalidated every single Tachikaze player to come before him and this matchup was very close.  The first game he got to stride into Gluttony Dogma and while I live the turn my hand is so shit afterwards that I'm never able to take the game back after my Nextage fails to close the game out and since I at the time could only Nextage once per game I pretty much lost any chance to close the gap and win.  Game 2 on the other hand he has a weaker start and I'm able to set the pace and never stop as my Phoenix puts in work and Nextage kills him.  Then Game 3 happens where I have to G-Assist for 3 turns and while I ultimately make a match of it, I just fall short of the comeback as I'm unable to pull off the vaunted double Heal out of 6th damage like our other Gear Chronicle player around here.

And that was that.  I finished third while Memesaurs got second and Altmile got 1st.  After this several of us decided to give Relay Fight a try and I was paired up with Chingo and Brando.  After considering our options for decks I convinced them to play Chaos and Thing Saver respectively while I played Brawlers.  My reasoning was simple; Chaos as 1st Fighter has the ability to lock the opponent down and draw cards for the 2nd fighter to take advantage of.  The second fighter just happened to be me and well Brawlers definitely benefit from having a sizeable hand and loaded drop zone.  Our last fighter was Brando and between Chingo and I there was no way he wouldn't have the soul or CB needed to kill the opponent with triple Thing Saver Dragon.  How'd this play out?  Well...

Round 1 - vs Ripple, Claret Sword, Sanctuary Guard

Chaos vs Ripples is already an auto win so it was really just a matter of how long the game dragged on and Woodhouse made the mistake of trying to win a losing battle when he should have let himself die with a decent hand.  As the result the two play a back and fourth game at 4 damage with Woodhouse's board being locked down before he finally dies.  Derrick comes in with Claret but only has a shit hand and as the result is unable to stride.  He beats Chingo and gets one attack off on me but by that point I had a 15 card hand and go straight for the throat with Conquest Dragons and win.  Fatty Ding Dong comes in last with Sanc and he makes a Sanc Guard push which I fend off then go into Legion and put Malevolent Djinn into the soul before punching his board.  He kills me but that's fine as I leave Brando with a sizable hand, 4 unflipped damage and a 7 card soul for Thing Saver Dragon.  Brando kills him after 3 Legion attacks.

Round 2 - vs Gear Chronicle, Angel Feather, Spike Bros

Chingo gets paired up against Jordan and the two have it out.  This one goes a bit quicker as Chingo hits a few triggers before Jordan can get to Nextage which is good as Arpy comes in and as I expected uses Raphael's GB2 skill to take the damage lead.  Chingo's able to close the gap eventually after he locks his board down through Universe and Big Crunch and Arpy thankfully doesn't know the wombo combo for Angel Feathers so it takes a while for him to eventually win it.  Then I step in with a 12 card hand (lots of triggers in it tho) and proceed to Legion, Conquest, Turbo in that order with Kokon's in play so that Arpy ends up using way more cards to block than intended before dying and forcing Tommu to come in with a much smaller hand than Spike Brothers would have liked to work with.  He makes a stride play which I block not because of wanting to live but because I had checked multiple PGGs at this point and I wanted to unflip as much damage as possible before dying.  I stride into my last Turbo to punch away his board and force him to near death before he Crush rushes me and I'm done.  Brando comes in and I've set him up to get 4 Thing Saver Dragon attacks off provided he doesn't draw into multiples.  He does and is forced to make due with 2 but that's still enough to kill off Spikes after they've made their one big play and we win.

Victory goes to team Barqs!  We DO have bite!

And that was that.  We finished just as the store closed so after talking a bit of theory about Relay Fight we all split.  Honestly I find the format to be VERY fun and as a once in a while kind of thing I'm all for it.  Relay Fight actually adds another dimension to this game which is sorely needed as the way you go about deck building, your playstyle and how your stuff interacts with your team mates is really cool.  Now there are people out there who'll shit on the format as its gimmicky but this game is all about the gimmicky stuff.  Official events are for the most part not one vs one but 3 vs 3 and I would not be surprised if Bushiroad intends for Relay fight to be the new standard for these things.  Now I do love me some one vs one as in that environment most of the time it comes down to who is the better raging sacklord but I also like the comradery aspect that comes with Team Fight and Relay Fight.  And above all else the format is fun as hell.

-Flipping my Royal Paladin stuff after buying them for really cheap.  Does this make me a baller/vendor now?  Not really.  I find the idea of trying to be a baller/vendor in Regina laughable.
-Played Relay Fight
-Smashed everyone else at Relay fight.  Hurray for the synergy between Link Joker, Narukami and Royal Paladin
-Witnessing the power of Memesaurus Rex

-My 1st Place streak with Gear Chronicles was broken.

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