Saturday 5 March 2016

CFV Locals Report - I want Crits banned

This post should be short as there really isn't a whole lot for me to talk about on this day.  I played Brawlers because most of our players run RG dependent decks and blowing them away is good Yugiohs.  Unfortunately this didn't pan out well because;

Round 1 - vs Chaos (0-2)

I've come to utterly despise this deck as much like Claret Sword Shadows it's a deck that just fucking sacks the shit out of you because this player runs 12 crits and checks them every turn which is a huge hindrance to me as a good player as it means I am always in danger of being critsacked at low damage, thus I'm forced to overcompensate for guarding on a frequent basis.

Thing is unlike Claret Sword this deck is actually good despite being a fucking pile of sack.  HADOUKOKURYUUU, AURAGEYSER DAMNEDOU on the other hand is fucking garbage and it only wins because Shadow Paladins are imbalanced.

Anyway this match was not fun.  Game 1 he has to G-Assist which means I should win, right?  Lolnope I get critsacked at 4 damage when he was down to only 2 crits left in deck.  Then Game 2 I was gradestuck for a turn, he hits 2 Heals and I draw two of mine when they would have been otherwise 5th or 6th damage heals that would have gone off.

Seriously you try to play good because relying on miracle heals is awful and you get punished for it by drawing the heals whereas everyone else fucking yolos, gets luck and they win because they're raging sacklords.

Round 2 - vs The X (2-1)

This match in general is basically trying to avoid having our guys get nuked, except I have the ability to rush early game.  Game 1 I don't and I eventually get some wonky draws so I'm forced to no guard a stride attack and he flips a crit.  Game 2 I rush with Chaturas and Skyhowls before he can get going and I never let him resolve a DOTE which can stymie the deck long enough for me to Conquest and kill.  Game 3 he's gradestuck at 1 so I just murder him.

Round 3 - vs Aqua Force (2-0)

He's not running Blue Wave or Ripples so my already good matchup became damn near unloseable and wouldn't you know my deck just gets ROLLING here.  Game 1 he's stuck at 2 for several turns but I keep terrorizing him with 21k Chaturas and eventually flip a crit to kill him.  Game 2 he just can't handle Buster, Turbo, Buster with PGGs in hand so I roll him.

Then we played a for fun Gear Chronicle vs Neo Nectar game and I got to resolve a +7 Metallicaphoenix.

Top 4 - vs Diablo (2-0)

Remember how I said Shadow Paladins are imbalanced?  I present to you exhibit A: A guy going undefeated off the back of the fucking Legend Deck with tweaks to the triggers.

Anyway he knows that my deck can board wipe so he sort of plays conservatively, but not really as I'm still able to get value off my Knuckle/Turbo and land several Chatura hits to out advantage him in both games.  It also helps that I flipped a crit during my Conquest Dragon turn which is something that never happens against Jordan or Norden MOST of the time.

Finals - vs Chaos (1-2)

I forget how the first game went other than him flipping a crit as he was able to constantly recycle one of them wheres in Game 2 I triple crit him.  In game 3 I have a strong start but am unable to close it out as I see no bullets for Buster until it's literally too late so he's able to push with 18K columns and ultimately kill me because while he's down to 4 cards in deck, they're all triggers and I didn't have enough shield to block his 3 crit side.  Had I lived through that turn?  I would have wiped his board and made him deckout.

After that disappointing loss I ended up hving a game against Allen playing this deck and RNGesus continued to hate me as after I flip 2 crits to get the win he double heals and on his turn checks 3 crits.  Good fucking god I fucking HATE this deck.  Chaos has become SO fucking sacky that literally ANYONE can pick up the deck and win off of it.  I'm also mighty sick of critsacking in general.  Like can we PLEASE get a limit of 4 crits per deck like heals?  I want THAT to be an experimental format.

But then I vsed his Sanc Guard deck with Brawlers and crushed him because even Royal Paladins can't handle multiple boardwipes.

-Sold off some Yugioh stuff and got some people interested in my wares.
-Got to 2nd place with Brawlers.  Soon I'll get that first place.

-Getting critsacked.  All.  Day.  Long.

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