Saturday 19 March 2016

Vanguard Locals Report - Murphy's Law

This one's gonna be short due to shenanigans happening that honestly ticked me off (which I'll get to) while my rounds themselves weren't anything noteworthy.  The notable thing about this day was that it was the Set 6 Sneak meaning I had a chance to pick up pirates and I got a PGG and an Undead Dragon.  Someone pulled Nightrose and I couldn't get it, but Nord did and there's the (slim) chance I might get it off him.  If not then I'm just gonna bite the bullet and order 4 with the money I had made off selling my YGO cards and buy the rest of the deck and GR Ahsha (maybe) on my next paycheck as people are starting to see that the G-Neo Nectar deck post Set 6 is actually quite legitimate when it doesn't have to face Link Joker.
Unless of course you're a fucking blind idiot.

Anywho after trades were done we ended up having a tournament and I decided that this time I'd play Gear Chronicle since I have 4 Nextage now and decided to give Brawlers a break....

Round 1 - vs Altmile (2-1)

...and get paired up against one of Brawler's better matchups.  Gdi.  Anyway I have to G-Assist Game 1 but flip crits during my Nextage pushes and win off of that while Game 2 I brick and die.  Game 3 I got to play Vanguard and savaged him through tucks and Nextage + Crits.

Round 2 - vs Sanctuary Guard (0-2)

This deck is already not fun to play against.  Simple as that.  Game 1 he opens with double Benon and rushes me to 4 damage to his one then kills me after riding Regalie thanks to checking triple triggers wheras Game 2 I misride twice which is pretty much an auto loss vs this bullshit.  Him flipping 2 crits didn't help me any.

Round 3 - vs Chaos (2-1)

After this match I learned several things about this game when it comes to vsing Ryan;

-It is almost physically impossible for him to critsack you.  Even with a 12 card deck.
-He is one of the few people in this city who is actually good at this game and is not a raging sacklord or someone who is shit at the game but thinks otherwise.  The others I can think of off the top of my head are Jordan and myself.
-Whenever Jordan or I play him the match is almost never a blowout but a long, grindy affair where outside of the 5% chance of savagery occuring the game usually comes down to who makes the better plays/can capitalize on a misplay and use it to win.  Deck choices will rarely matter in this as Ryan can play the best deck in the game/format and I can play something a tier lower than it but we'll have an even match or vice versa.  As the result our matches will usually take around 30 minutes or more.

So basically the kind of pace that our Yu-Gi-Oh! matches we used to have back in 2013-2014.

Now the reason why I'm mentioning this is as after I honestly played like shit in our first game and for most of our second one which by the way was already reaching the 20 minute mark, we ended up having a long ass Game 3 that by the time we were a few turns in Chingo announced that they were skipping to top cut before our match finished.  That's right we were taking so long to finish our round that they basically booted us out of the tournament on account of our records not being good enough when by the looks of it I actually would have gotten into Top 4 if I won this.

Umm...what the fuck?  I didn't realize we were playing at Springfest Atlanta because that is some bullshit judging right there.

Like seriously they literally couldn't stand waiting for us to play out our long, grindy game because when you're playing against Chaos the way to beat them is to grind them down and make them deck out or never call much of a board unless it's for a big push which is what I did here.  Outside of a Relic Master Dragon to tuck one of his guys the only time I put cards on the board was because of Universe's skill.  Aside from that I made it a point to never let him get a full board lock off, never let him get to Limit Break by regulating his damage/tucking his Enabler and saving Nextage for when I was able to have a booster to get full value.  That and I also got off 3 Heals which I'd like to say is pretty sacky...but I'm gonna claim it's karma paying me back for never letting me get a 6th damage heal as often as the rest of Regina.

So eventually I win the match and we leave and I talk Kagero theory with Ryan as while I'm not interested in playing the deck post Legend release, I did have some ideas that I wanted to get out there.  Basically if I were to play the deck I'd be trying to apply as many Narukami traits to it as possible as Narukami's more aggressive traits have shown to be effective in the current block.

-Halfway done Seven Seas

-That feeling when the number of Granblue players in the city went from 2 to 6 in the last month.  Mirrors are going to be dumb.

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